after dying 12+ times on my first run through the freefall section in chapter8 I went and did a no death run on that section today. should have been this way at launch
I'm up to Chapter 4. This game is a bit messy. I don't remember having to rely this much on the objective marker in previous games. Most of the time I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing, but it sure is pretty.
To me, this game looks more impressive than Killzone 2 did in 2009.
It's the aim assist or lack thereof. Cod and other games basically make you feel like you are a better shot than you are.![]()
CoD aims for you. Killzone doesn't.
Get your point but not sure what an ogre twitch is lolIt's not that. I'm not talking about when I aim at an enemy. It's just the responsiveness of the controls. It's not there in Killzone. Doing an ogre twitch just feels...slow and gross. I've played around with the sensitivity. Doesn't help.
I get that people like to rail on CoD for auto-aim, but the fact of the matter is that it's always had very tight, responsive aiming on consoles. Probably the best of any console FPS. That has nothing to do with auto-aim, it's all input to output. I just don't get why the Killzone series can't seem to get past crappy aiming.
Get your point but not sure what an ogre twitch is lol
To those who have Shadow Fall
A few basic 101 tips
- Use your OWL a LOT. Especially it's shield ability.
- Shoot in bursts and generally switch weapons instead of reloading.
- Swap your pistol for one of the other Assault rifles or shotties whenever you can.
- Press up on the d-pad constantly for checkpoint marker viewings.
- Hold right on the d-pad for a few seconds to see through walls (but not too long that it gives you away).
- In the dark areas, swipe up for OWL fire mode, and just keep pressing L1 to order him around. Then hold L1 to bring him back. He will be your guiding torch light.
- Stealth is better than all out guns blazing.
- Listen carefully for tasks. Sometimes you'll be fighting waves and waves of enemies unless you heard the command telling you what to do next (e.g. get in the ship).
- Crouch to use the cover system where you can. It will auto cover behind low walls.
^^ Has the 4 ad started airing?
Driveclub was on TV not sure on KZ yet though
You didn't like chapters 5 and 6?up to chapter guerrilla what the hell were you guys thinking with this campaign?. aside from chapter 4 the single player is a complete and utter disaster. I will give a more in-depth review once I have finished the game.
the multiplayer on the other hand is brilliant.
Where do you see the update history?
To the people who have played a lot of MP so far: do you think Shadow Fall is capable of having a long-lasting online community? Do you feel the MP is competitive?
To the people who have played a lot of MP so far: do you think Shadow Fall is capable of having a long-lasting online community? Do you feel the MP is competitive?
You didn't like chapters 5 and 6?
I'm honestly fascinated by the reactions to this game. Most polarizing title I've seen in a while. People either like it despite it's flaws or hate the shit out of it. I think this is one of those games where the issues are either minor for massive for depending on preferences.
Where's my swap sticks option guerrilla you've had it in every game but this WTF?
Where's my swap sticks option guerrilla you've had it in every game but this WTF?
The game is at it's best when you're fighting helghast human ennemies. Every other things you do is either broken or boring.
Patched in yesterday. If you started playing the game you probably didn't install the patch, just started downloading it. Quit and restart.
Chapter 8 is the only one where you don't fight Helghast. Chapter 8 sucks.
I know, but I'm not talking just about fighting ennemies.The stupid "puzzle" section with those fucking generators, the zero G fights, the boss fight, the dumb story, etc.
Like I said I thought that everything that does not involve fighting breathing Helghasts was baaaaaaad.
I know, but I'm not talking just about fighting ennemies.The stupid "puzzle" section with those fucking generators, the zero G fights, the boss fight, the dumb story, etc.
Like I said I thought that everything that does not involve fighting breathing Helghasts was baaaaaaad.
It's very competitive since there's no aim assist and lots of customization options. I think it'll have a small but long lasting community.
Are you normally this harsh on FPS? People are complaining about the generator puzzle? Really?
I think people had some weird expectations for another military shooter not to mention rushed launch game.
Not sure why some people seem so horrified that the story is average. I mean, I haven't really even seen a decent FPS story since Deus Ex though I have some on my backlog.
I think it's pretty clear this is exactly what happened. GG is still treating the narrative the way devs did 10 or 15 years ago - a couple thoughts scribbled on napkins and pieced together. I mean, we're not expecting Ken Levine or Amy Henning type stuff here, but it would be nice if it at least felt like there were one or two professionals in charge of the over-arching story. Instead it feels like a group of level designers had a couple meetings to "fill in the blanks" between the cool stuff they've already decided to work on.It's not that the story is bad. It's that it does not make sense. Felt the same thing about BF4. It's like they thought about cool stuff they could make and then tried to stich all that with a story.
Maybe? I don't know. I mean I played BF4 campaign a week before KZ and I thought it was kinda bad too. If the game had kept the feel of the first chapters it would have been a lot better I think.
It's not that the story is bad. It's that it does not make sense. Felt the same thing about BF4. It's like they thought about cool stuff they could make and then tried to stich all that with a story.
Just finished the game...
Some Chapters were amazing and very enjoyable and atmospheric..... But other chapters were just boring and annoying and just wanted to get through with them.
They nailed the perfect Single Player with KZ2, what happened here even the story telling were a mess.
The game could have turned out so much better than this..
And the ending, no comment.
There was nothing perfect about the sp in KZ2, jesus christ it was everything wrong with current fps. It was the most polished of the Killzone campaigns in how it played out, but it was incredibly linear and boring. KZ3 had potential to be better with more variety and excitement, but that fell flat due to rushed story telling and what felt like huge parts were left out of the game for some reason. Shadow Fall is sloppy, but it at least was trying to be different.
KZ2 had better settings but they were all super linear and the gameplay was straightforward. SF has better campaign IMO
Does anyone know what the deal is with the weapon pick ups in this game? I found two awesome guns but the game doesn't seem to let me drop the shit weapon I started with. As a result I have to choose between them. No matter which weapon is selected when I press square to pick up, it never swaps out the OG weapon. I don't wanna leave this gun behind, man. Can anyone help?
You always have that weapon in the campaign. It's also one of the best and most versatile.
If you pick up a minigun, though, you'll keep both of your previous weapons once you drop it.