I honestly don't think there is a problem here. The game tells you the general direction, it's your job to find the way. At least, I always managed to make my way no problem. It can be argued though that many of these games in general rely too much on following a marker instead of exploring for yourself, but at least with Killzone it makes sense with the tech. As for the levels themselves, they are fairly linear besides the first few, and I don't think I ever had trouble finding my way.
Can't say it's a fundamental design issue, it's more down to personal preference.
It's absolutely a design issue. People like to congratulate themselves for "getting" Killzone SF's design by commenting on the openness and difficulty, but to be honest the campaign isn't either of those things. There's that image people like to toss around that comparing "1995 shooter design" and "2013 shooter design," but it's pretty disingenuous to impy that Killzone is laid out anything like a classic 90s shooter.

I'm still having fun with the campaign overall, but I do think the levels are poorly laid out. There's a difference between exploring and wandering aimlessly.