Err I just looked it up and since I got the shield I don't get mp rage and haste till 80-100..... I am not trying to grind that much. Damn, gonna make the final bosses a huge pain in the ass.
At least you have second chance unlike Staff pickers who get it at lvl 90.
Just stock up on those ethers/elixirs. Shield pickers got the most item slots.
Wow - I equipped combo master for the first time. I feel like this ability is a game changer.
So I finished up my normal and proud playthroughs. I'm about to do an easy run without changing equipment and I was wondering if there are any missable trophies. My plan is get to the end, save at the last save point and beat it, then go back to the save then do the journal and the gummi ship stuff. Will I still be able to do all that?
Okay thanks. I have no deaths already, and I think I'm saving the speed run for last. I was just worried about trinity marks, Dalmatians, etc. jimminies journal stuff. Never missable?
A long time, a little guy found a game which had a lot of Disney characters in the box art, so of course he bought it. He managed to cheese his way through the game in the easiest difficulty until the final bosses where he gave up, and even though he didn't really understand the story about Nobodies or these Organization Members, he loved the game (and later did another run completing the game in Normal).
After searching through the web, he found out there were other games in the series, and tried looking for KH1 and Chain of Memories. However, his KH1 game crashed during Deep Jungle while he didn't understood CoM at all lol After that he tried searching for Days and Re:coded but it's really hard to search for these kind of games in Mexico, and he didn't have a PSP, so he could only read about the story through YouTube videos/KH wiki.
Of course, when KH3D was announced (and it had a Tron Legacy world!) he decided to get the 3DS just for that game, and did. Unlocked most trophies (including the fighting card game one), obtained all chests, defeated the secret boss, etc. But he did all of that in Beginnerand he felt so ashamed that he promised to never play another game EVER in the easiest difficulty.
And now, after all these years, I finally managed to play KH1 thanks to this HD Collection!Gonna be honest, at first I was really hateful to the game since jumping and the camera were super frustating :/ but as I advanced through the game and got more spells and abilities such as rolling, guarding, high jump, etc. the game became so much fun!
This game is really waaaaay more hard than KHII but I love it lol I also love how all the Disney worlds are related to the plot
and the villains feel like a menace until much laterTriton knowing about keyholes, Aladin wanting to go other worlds to save Jasmin, Peter Pan telling Sora to come back anytime with Kairi, etc.. I don't think I disliked any world, not even Deep Jungle or AtlanticaAnsem takes over the storyHaving a Disney protagonist as a party member almost each time you arrive to a new world feels great
And I like how all summons are useful for different situations!
Anyways, I'm planning to Platinum this game and I, but before advancing to the story I wanted to complete the synthesizing trophy but without noticing I leveled up to level 64 lol Am I overleved to fight the final boss? And at which level should I try the optional bosses?defeated Rikuansem (man what a fight!) and collected all the puppies and trinity marks
Yeah I just foughtYou are a bit overleveled for the final boss. Optional bosses range quite a lot in difficulty. Ice Titan, Kurt Zisa, Phantom can be defeated at pretty low levels as long as you know what you are doing (the latter 2 especially if you have a ton of MP via picking staff or late game accessories). Sephiroth however you want to be at least something like 75+. If you picked staff at the beginning however you might have some problems since you get Second Chance ability very late (like level 90 or something).
sorry for bumping this thread,but it's the perfect place for my question
anyone see what i am seeing?
Many horizontal lines and one vertical line
Nothing wrong with PS3 and TV
All other games running good.
Is this constant or what? Does it stay there when you turn the camera, change scene etc?