Lol so I just beat Luxord and I have no idea how. Seriously I don't know wtf was going on in that fight, but I managed to beat him without dying so I'm not complaining.
I know.
I did it because I had the materials. Only farmed Serenity Crystals to complete them. I got plenty of Lightning Crystals from Devastors trying to get Elixers, Blazing Crystals from Crismon Jazz who are literally everywhere and same with Neoshadows for Lucid Crystals. Seriously those items are so easy to get, same with the Twilight/Dense crystal and gems. They can be farmed in bulk with 9 Lucky Rings.You did it purely for cosmetic reasons?
I did it because I had the materials. Only farmed Serenity Crystals to complete them. I got plenty of Lightning Crystals from Devastors trying to get Elixers, Blazing Crystals from Crismon Jazz who are literally everywhere and same with Neoshadows for Lucid Crystals. Seriously those items are so easy to get, same with the Twilight/Dense crystal and gems. They can be farmed in bulk with 9 Lucky Rings.
My stats included my Armor/Acc/Weapon boosts,I feel like the best bet would be to get Sora's base stats up to 82 (outside of Defense, since no matter what you're doing the most base defense you're going to need is 70, since the best armors for elemental resistance and/or Thunder Boost are all gonna have 3 Def each anyway), but then start in on boosting Donald, Goofy, and Riku instead.
My stats included my Armor/Acc/Weapon boosts,
My Armor was Ribbon x3 and Highest Ribbon.
Acc - 4x Shade Archive+
Weapon varied depending on who I was fighting.
I always tried to avoid charging my MP as I always wanted use of reflect. With MP rage every time I was hit it would recharge my MP for more reflect use. Every time I used all my MP I would use an Elixer to get my MP back.Ahh, gotcha. (I tend to prefer MP Haste over MP Rage myself.)
Quick question, I'm on the 4th Xenmas fight where he's on the throne and he shoots you into space, so uh how do you get back? The game said to fly towards the buildings and use the reaction command but all that happens when I fly towards them is me getting hit.
Fly towards the buildings that aren't moving while using circle to avoid the buildings spiraling towards you. You will get a reaction command that will take you the rest of the way.Quick question, I'm on the 4th Xenmas fight where he's on the throne and he shoots you into space, so uh how do you get back? The game said to fly towards the buildings and use the reaction command but all that happens when I fly towards them is me getting hit.
It is unbelievably quick. You only need bright materials which you gather plenty anyway, Manifest Illusion and you get 5 free ones and easy to synth. Tranquil materials from mushrooms.Making 9 lucky rings sounds like the most useless and needlessly time wasting thing you can do in this game
So, I got all the forms, but my form levels just go as high as 7.
How do I unlock the rest?
So, I got all the forms, but my form levels just go as high as 7.
How do I unlock the rest?
7 is the highest level
Even on Final Mix? I read somewhere that it goes as high as 9 in this version
Your drive bar goes up to 9 in this version, because you get an extra +1 from beating Marluxia's Absent Silhouette and an extra +1 from beating the Lingering Will.
Form levels, though, still max out at 7.
What's everyone's favorite or most useful form in the game?
Final Form for me.
With Final Mix in the running, I have to say it's definitely Limit Form.
Love the callback to the original Kingdom Hearts with the coloring, Sora's top tier abilities, and introducing Dodge Roll as a Growth ability.
It's too good to not be the best.
What's everyone's favorite or most useful form in the game?
Final Form for me.
Nah. My main issue with Limit Form is the lack of magic while using it. It would be top tier for me if I could use reflect and curaga while in the form but I can't. That's a major draw back for me and the magic and power boost Final Form provides is just amazing.With Final Mix in the running, I have to say it's definitely Limit Form.
Love the callback to the original Kingdom Hearts with the coloring, Sora's top tier abilities, and introducing Dodge Roll as a Growth ability.
It's too good to not be the best.
Against certain bosses (Axel/Roxas/Xemnas first form) yes. Biggest advantage of being able to enter it at anytime.There's no question about it, Limit Form is broken.
My main take on the forms.Limit Form for me too. I always loved Wisdom form but it was the most useless in vanilla, here it got its chance to really shine (practically necessary for some stuff like Demyx and wow is it fun watching his health COLLAPSE to the Firaga spam).
Final Form is amazing of course but I always kinda disliked the floatiness of it. Never was a huge Master Form fan due to the slowness of that one finisher. Valor is cool because dual wielding and stuff.
But all the forms are cool in their own way, I love the magic effects of Final and Master forms.
Nah. My main issue with Limit Form is the lack of magic while using it. It would be top tier for me if I could use reflect and curaga while in the form but I can't. That's a major draw back for me and the magic and power boost Final Form provides is just amazing.
Damn seeing that platinum is encouraging and discouraging at the same time. On one hand, I'm kinda close to it, but I keep getting my butt kicked in the data battles. So far I defeated Xaldin, Xigbar, Vexen (screw his battle), and Saiix. For some reason Axel and Zexion keep beating me :Man it feels bittersweet to be done with KHIIFM, especially since I've longed for an official localization for what feels like forever.
And just for fun, I ran through the ending again to get some stats. 69:39 was the final file time. Screw S-Ranking all Gummi Missions.
Already started a Critical run for Terra in Birth by Sleep, currently at Disney Town. Gonna pause it there though and get the Platinum for Kingdom Hearts first. All I have to do is finish the game on Standard difficulty, and I've got that run from a year ago stalled at Halloween Town.
Now that I've got the goodness of KHIIFM in my system, going back is going to be a bummer.![]()
Damn seeing that platinum is encouraging and discouraging at the same time. On one hand, I'm kinda close to it, but I keep getting my butt kicked in the data battles. So far I defeated Xaldin, Xigbar, Vexen (screw his battle), and Saiix. For some reason Axel and Zexion keep beating me :
Aqua is so fucking weak man. I can't even beat a round in Olympus Coliseum because she does 1 hp of damage.
Aqua is so fucking weak man. I can't even beat a round in Olympus Coliseum because she does 1 hp of damage.
Worse part of the Zexion battle is that I was close the second time but he changed my commands and I died. So stupid. I'm going to try again on Monday after a short break.I have no tips for Zexion cuz he was like the first one I beat and had no issues. As for Axel, I honestly had so much trouble with him until the battle in which I beat him where it was cake.
Basically, Reflect everything, do a combo finisher, do the RC, and have Limit mapped to triangle if health is low and you're getting wailed. Sonic Rave spam too GOD.
Damn seeing that platinum is encouraging and discouraging at the same time. On one hand, I'm kinda close to it, but I keep getting my butt kicked in the data battles. So far I defeated Xaldin, Xigbar, Vexen (screw his battle), and Saiix. For some reason Axel and Zexion keep beating me :
Don't waste time liberating Donald and Goofy tbh
It's not a big deal like you said, I just like doing it that way. Maybe I'm just weird.
Magnet magic thoughNever hated an enemy as much as this since the hammer bros in Mario 1. ://///
Never hated an enemy as much as this since the hammer bros in Mario 1. ://///
Magnet magic though
Never hated an enemy as much as this since the hammer bros in Mario 1. ://///