Any more Knack buds who want to add me please do. Gonna be playing Need for Speed later tonight, too. It's pretty badass. Mountains with snow are incredible. PSN same as here.
I love the look of the 8th stage.
My 2nd playthrough has been far kinder to me with diamonds so far. I only got 2 in my entire 1st run and at the very start of chapter 4 I have another 2 already. I guess not getting gadget parts anymore is helping the odds a bit.
Has anyone else been playing Knack's Quest on iOS a bunch to unlock items/gadgets for their PS4 game? Is there any sort of daily item sending limit? I have a ton in Quest, but only like five showed up for transfer into my game last night.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the info.Gadget parts you already have will not show up in-game, but crystals will always show up regardless if you've already unlocked that particular form. What's nice is that it appears that you'll be able to re-receive those gadget parts (at least) from KQ when you start a new game on Knack (e.g. your Very Hard playthrough).
I know I don't get my gadgets on a new difficulty, but I can start with a different Knack? I'd like to play Very Hard as Diamond Knack.
Good job King! How long did it take you get diamond knack?
I did the same thing (started a game on easy). Once I get through it, I'll probably replay it on normal and see how I fare.For those brand new to Knack (like me), I just got the game yesterday and seeing how frustrated many critics were with the difficulty, I decided to start it on easy. This really feels like the proper difficulty. I was still dying a few times, but not so much that it ever felt really frustrating and it was always something I did wrong.
That said, maybe it's just that I'm still early in the game (Goblin Village), but it still feels very, very basic. I'm not complaining about the fact that very few buttons are needed, but the level design offers nothing much outside of going from point A to point B. Like a PS1 platformer/brawler with PS4 graphics.
I got a total of 2 diamonds on my first 2 playthroughs on Normal. After I learned about the reset trick, I started a third playthrough on Normal, and before I got to chapter 5 I had the remaining 8. That was about 5 hours. So it took about 5 hours I guess.
In theory, the most efficient way to go for platinum would be something like this:
1) Play Knack's Quest for about 30 minutes, to get some gadget parts.
2) Start on Hard, always do the chapter reset trick for easy-to-get-to chests. After about 5 hours, you should have Diamond Knack and be somewhere in chapter 6 or 7.
3) Always take emeralds if you see them from a friend's chest.
4) After you beat the game, restart on Hard to finish up emeralds and any other unlocks.
5) Play Knack's Quest again for another 30 minutes to get some more gadget parts.
6) Play on Very Hard.
If you have an SSD in your PS4, you can cut your diamond farming time in half (literally). So it's really pretty fast to do the diamonds once you get into a routine. Skip every monster that you don't have to kill, and for the ones that you do have to kill, just blast them with Circle + Triangle.
Thanks for the tips. I wish I started on Hard, just beat it on normal and only got 1 diamond. What chapter is the best to farm chests on?
Does anyone know how to connect Knack's Quest to the game to get your items from there? I'm on the second level in the game and connected the app to my PSN account but the items haven't shown up.
Can anyone help me with this?
What I did was go into my game on PS4, and then open Knack's Quest on your iPhone and sign into PSN. If it worked, you'll see an icon pop up on your tv in the upper right. Pause the PS4 game and go into Options. You should see a choice to the effect of "receive items."Can anyone help me with this?
$49 on Amazon Digital. Thinking about getting this...
Chapter 11-5.
Good God, is this battle with Katrina hard even on Normal mode.
Starting to regret my purchase of this game.
I think I'm finally done with this game:
Was fun, but I do admit that I found this platinum a little more annoying than most games, even though technically it didn't take all that long to get. Something about having to replay the game so many times (it took me 4 total playthroughs) just irks me.
Congrats, mang! Personally I don't think you needed to go through it that many times if you had started on HardI'm on chapter 8 of my second playthrough and need one more diamond to unlock D.Knack and be done with the collectibles. Once that's done I'll mop up the other trophies via chapter select and then save my last two trophies, the Very Hard run and all bosses w/ DK, for the end. So 2.5/3 playthroughs seem about right if you plan it out.
Your strategy about using Knack's Quest to augment your crystal/gadget collecting is spot on. Farming for diamonds on your second playthrough with certain chests will net you that diamond in no time. I definitely agree that the NG+ was not well implemented (with no collectible carry-overs) and makes platting a lot more tedious than it needs to be. But given that tediousness, a platinum here is hard-earned so good job!
Yea it's definitely not necessary if you do it right, but I just went into the game blind without reading a platinum guide first, and by the time I realized my mistake it was too late (I had already beaten the game on Normal and had a diamond and a few emeralds, and didn't want to lose them since it was so rare, so I had to keep going on Normal).
I think they could fix the annoying factor by either a) letting diamonds be shared with friends, or b) allowing crystals to carry over on NG+. Without the reset trick (which I'm sure they didn't intend), it's literally 7+ playthroughs to get all the necessary diamonds, which is outrageous.
Well regardless, it was well-earnedWhat's next on your list of PS4 games to tackle? I think after Knack I'll dig into Contrast and Resogun, then it'll be a toss-up between KZ and AC4.
Knack was the first (and only till now) game to find its way into my PS4. Playing on hard can be a little tough sometimes, but the game overall looks like fun. I am at world 2-4 at the moment and I really dont get the awful metascore (yet?).
Such a pitty that we Androids dont have the app yet...
It really was unnecessarily shat on by the press. If you're playing on hard and finding your rhythm you'll have a good time. A shame about no android version for the app yet but in the meantime you can always add KnackGAF to your friends list to expand your choices of loot when you find a chest.
Finally beat the game about 30 minutes ago.
Earlier I thought I regretted my purchase after the boss from Chapter 11-5.
I have mixed feelings about the game, but it's honestly better than a lot of the low scores I was seeing. What were reviewers expecting? Were they playing under time restraints? Because a lot of the game isn't bad....it's downright spectacular and there were lots of times in which I thought, "this wouldn't be possible on a PS3 and if it were, there would be a lot of slowdown/framerate dropping."
First, the positives. The art direction, the voice acting, the production values, the world design, and the soundtrack (one of the better soundtracks I've heard). Everything about this game lives up to a lot of the promises made from this past gen. It's AAA gaming but it's unique as well...it's almost like a PS1 era game made today.
The negatives for me was the gameplay though. Even on Normal mode, the enemies were a little too tough at times. Some of the boss battles weren't that great (although the final boss battle more than made up for them).
Will this be an all-time great for the PS4? Maybe....more than likely, it'll hold a Heavenly Sword like place for the PS4. It's a great game on its own and will more than likely show up in my top 10 of the year.
I could see it overstaying its welcome if they don't do a good job with enemy variety and encounter design though, we'll see. The game could have benefited from being a bit less linear and having some more platforming and the secrets are very baby mode, breakable walls and that's it. It's a really simple game but It's definitely fun to play and requires a thoughtful approach, threat prioritization plays a big part during encounters.
Yes.so is this game worth getting
im on vgp now and have skylanders lego & injustice in my basket ?