Platinum achieved. Turns out the chest I was missing was the last one in 12-3. This game is at least an eight out of ten, in my opinion. I think I'll take a break but I'll definitely be playing more of this again later. Maybe try speed running very hard as vampire knack.
There's something about Knack that makes it hard for me to put it down. It's really easy to play and deceptively simple but tough to master. I've already sank 50 hours into it and beat it six times. I even beat it on Very Hard with regular Knack! Although my brain says this game is a 7, I really love it. I think this is a great game to speed run.
By the way, 8-1 is definitely the hardest part of the game--at least for me.
how did you beat the Eye in 5-4 on very hard? I'm stuck on this level, I can't run fast enough and i retryed a dozen times
how did you beat the Eye in 5-4 on very hard? I'm stuck on this level, I can't run fast enough and i retryed a dozen times
This game deserved much better review scores.
The 4's and 5's it got would indicate its a game of poor quality, which I strongly disagree with. Knack has a few flaws (frame rate mostly), but its not a bad game by any means.
The level design is somewhat similar to what I would expect from a modern day Crash game.
Exactly. A game that gets a 4 should be broken. This game is repetitive, but it is very polished. I can't see it getting lower than a 6 and deserves about a 7.5 imo
How do you farm parts and crystals? Do you have to play through the game again fully or does chapter select restore chests?
Overall I'm glad that I belong to the group of people who enjoy this instead of feeling like I wasted my free game from the 3 for 2 deal on it.
PS: Can you up the difficulty without restarting? I might just do that.
How are you meant to get all the items then, is there enough chests to get every item even?
You can only farm chests that you've opened but haven't picked-up anything from. You'll end up playing the chapter from the beginning in this method so try to only do it with chests that are close to the beginning of the chapter for easier runs. Lots of them to choose from in the early stages all the way to stage 5. Also 7-1's first chest is super close to the beginning. Chapter select unfortunately doesn't restore chests.
Continue again from 1-1. (not new game)How are you meant to get all the items then, is there enough chests to get every item even?
How do you farm parts and crystals? Do you have to play through the game again fully or does chapter select restore chests?
some may take many retries to get what you want. I am playing very hard and I used this tactic of farming to try to get the parts earlier for Sunstone Battery, Doubler Battery and Harvester.
Now I got these three fully assembled, I'm set on my Platinum this week
This is where my time spent in that iOS app (Knack's Quest) was vindicated. All gadget parts unlocked via the app will cary over to a new game. That's probably why I was able to do my Very Hard run in one sitting; I had all my relevant gadgets fully constructed by the end of Chapter 4.
if you unlock Diamond Knack in normal mode. Characters are selectable on new games for Very Hard
Go to hell Level 13-4. You go to hell and you die.
The demo that's on US retail kiosks certainly helped me make up my mind to buy it. I really have no idea why it's not available for download. But the game seems to be doing well enough just based on word of mouth.The should put some demo for this game up for download already.
I can't find a kiosk here with the playable demo, unless I'm not looking where I should. The demo kiosk at Best Buy here in Canada have a large selection of videos to chose from, but that's it from what I could tell. You can even watch a ton of videos of PS3 and Vita games.The demo that's on US retail kiosks certainly helped me make up my mind to buy it. I really have no idea why it's not available for download. But the game seems to be doing well enough just based on word of mouth.
I can tell you i have played both games co op with my son, tho Lego was on 360, Knack is way more fun and it's actually challenging, i really don't get how Marvel Heroes got such high review scores and Knack was knocked for it's simple combat and repetitivenes? Lego is more simple and repetitive than Knack to me and way easier.The should put some demo for this game up for download already. Looking at some of the videos of people playing it, reading the impressions here, it really doesn't look that bad.
I was playing the Lego Marvel Heroes demo last night and was really wondering how it got such high scores? I mean is it really possible that Knack is *that* much worse or so completely broken that it scores so far below this pretty much entirely mindless and boring, but somewhat technically competent game? From videos it sure doesn't look like it. Does Lego Marvel get a pass because it's a cross gen game so the standards are lower, or because it uses popular characters? Were the people reviewing this game so sick of Cerny hype that they reviewed it extra-harshly? Either way I can say I was a bit baffled with just how underwhelming the Marvel Lego demo was for something that scored so high.
NG+. Your collectibles shouldn't get wiped on a NG+ run. That's just silly.
The kiosk I found was at a Target. This was a week or so before launch. It had demos for Knack, Contrast and maybe a few others.I can't find a kiosk here with the playable demo, unless I'm not looking where I should. The demo kiosk at Best Buy here in Canada have a large selection of videos to chose from, but that's it from what I could tell. You can even watch a ton of videos of PS3 and Vita games.
..wait what.
you dont keep your collectibles if you start a new game?
..wait what.
you dont keep your collectibles if you start a new game?
Anyone know when Knack's Quest is releasing on Android?
be sure to max up your Sunstone batteries before entring 13-4. On my first play through, I got my ass whooped.
Knowing this on HARD, I decided to be singy and conserve my Sunstones max until i meat up with that boss. I kept Three for 13-4 and used the rest for 13-5
You can fill up again after 13-4 right before 13-5. There's 3 rooms worth of monsters, after you kill them fall off the cliff and you start over. Repeat 15-20 times until you're maxed.
A full 8 bars of sunstones makes 13-5 a complete joke. You can tornado all the way through his lasers while you're in little form to get your body back, and then you can tornado again once he goes into sword attack mode to instantly phase change / damage him.
Finally got my platinum today. So now that I've experienced all that Knack has to offer me for the moment, my overall thoughts about my run, the good, the bad, and the could've-been-great-ifs;
The Good:
- The music. I really enjoyed some of the more dramatic, over-the-top "adventure!" scores they put in there. Made me nostalgic for those scores from 80's summer movies.
- The difficulty. I cursed at the TV while playing Knack. A lot. However I didn't feel like the difficulty was cheap but rather that it rewarded mastery. I did my Very Hard run all in one sitting today precisely because I felt extremely comfortable with the controls and managing the encounters. I felt powerful even though I knew enemies could still one-shot me. For me, that type of difficulty learning curve is very satisfying. It's not everyone's cup of tea, I get that, but I kept coming back for more.
- Stealth Knack & Swapping. Easily some of the most fun I had in the game was playing SK and swapping between him and Regular Knack. It allowed for varied environment puzzles, made sense in the context of the game, and was implemented really well imo.
The Bad:
- The story/characterization.You know your writing is off when the player starts empathizing more with the antagonists than your heroes. I felt really bad for the Goblins and Gundahar in particular. All the humans characters in this game act like grade-A assholes, our key characters of the Doctor and Ryder in particular. God I wanted them all to die in a fire. Knack's voice acting aside, I really felt his actions and dialogue make him out to be a total tool, especially the larger he became.
- The collectibles. The randomizing of the loot, and the inconsistency of what could be shared between friends, made things unnecessarily grind-y in game that absolutely didn't need to feel more tedious. I think the gadgets themselves, and the Knacks you can unlock via crystals, were really cool but the implementation of where and how you got them was poor, imo.
- NG+. Your collectibles shouldn't get wiped on a NG+ run. That's just silly.
The Could've-Been-Great-Ifs:
- The Swap Mechanic. This ought to have been a core gameplay feature. The problem with Knack becoming different types throughout the game is that they feel tacked-on; It adds an additional buffer to your health to make you feel a bit more powerful and there's also some sort of mechanic that drains it from you: Sunlight for Ice, Fire for Wood, the Magnet Beams for Metal. Had they only approached each of those types with the same kind of thoughtfulness in terms of implementation and level design that they did with Stealth Knack-- and included the ability to swap-out between it and regular Knack... man oh man.. things could've been really special, imo.
- More levels like. That chapter was able to convey a sense of scale and size-- and the transition to it-- to great effect. It would've been nice if we another chapter or two that hit its beats as well as that chapter.Chapter 13
- Extra Game Modes. The Time Trials and Coliseum modes make for nice distractions for the leaderboard-minded, but they are far too easy to complete (with Diamond Knack) in order to get their respective trophies and ended up feeling like a time sink, that there could've been more. They could have done more with a game mode that lets Knack be giant; there ought to have been a Rampage-esque minigame. The End.
Overall: 7/10. Had a lot of fun with the game and hope they continue on with the franchise. Definitely underrated.
LOL, it's so true! Knack is enabling the humans to performGoblin Genocide
When you really think about it,Gandahar is just looking out to preserve his people from oblivion
Welcome to the club! Pretty much agree with your assessment. In any case, I'm sure you're eager to get to some other games, as I definitely was. I've been working on Trine 2: Complete Story right now. That game is fucking magical, I can't believe it's getting so little coverage. Especially if you have a 3D TV, definitely try it. It's easily the prettiest game on the PS4 right now IMO.
I completed it last night, and was sad to find out that (at least as far as I can see) you can't acquire the collectables while skipping chapters via chapter select mode.
Nah,he was attacking peaceful people directly, and acting like a warmonger. They mentioned that humans may have initiated conflict in the past, but they never state exactly how long ago that was.. I'd imagine that it was a pretty large chunk of time. You cannot punish the son for the sins of the father.
But... you can punish the children of the losers/defenders with continued marginalization? I mean, this is a topic that is perennially timely and just illustrates how much better the writing could have been had they approached it in a more thoughtful manner. I'm not expecting some FernGully level of preaching to go on here, but the dismissive attitudes of the humans in this game was just grating to me.
But... you can punish the children of the losers/defenders with continued marginalization? I mean, this is a topic that is perennially timely and just illustrates how much better the writing could have been had they approached it in a more thoughtful manner. I'm not expecting some FernGully level of preaching to go on here, but the dismissive attitudes of the humans in this game was just grating to me.