Loving it![]()
Knack looks gorgeous. I knew I was going to buy this game when I first saw it but this here just cements that.
Loving it![]()
Getting this with the Amazon B2G1. Not too excited for it but more than willing to give it a fair shot for free.
Both Killzone and BF4 have Vita Remote Play icon on the back of their boxes (and BF4 has a Interconnectivity PS4 - Vita icon (?)) but Knack doesn't.
Strange, no?
Both Killzone and BF4 have Vita Remote Play icon on the back of their boxes (and BF4 has a Interconnectivity PS4 - Vita icon (?)) but Knack doesn't.
Strange, no?
Those GIFs sparkled my interest. Might buy now.
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I was in Best Buy over an hour ago, saw the box and also noticed no remote play icon. I haven't been following what features are a part of the game, but it would be odd that Knack, which was used to demo RP, doesn't allow remote play.
Seems like it was just a silly mistake as they've shown it off so much with the remote play feature.
Right, exactly what I'm thinking. I remember seeing a demo video showcasing remote play, with Knack as the game.
It's funny that a first-party game messes up it's official icons. (I'm guessing it is a screw-up, and that remote play is in)
Add me to the additional sales because of the Amazon b2g1. Was always interested in the title but money was a little short. Can't wait to play it now.
Was going to pick this up anyway but used amazon code too.
I tried Knack around a week ago in a local convention. It looked passable, nothing mindblowing, but it was clear that PS3 couldn't run this. The evinronments themselves looked realy bland, tough.
From the little I tried, gameplay was pretty fun. Evading enemy attacks felt natural with the analog stick (vers. Ryse's buttonmashing dodge roll). And yeah, I got killed with 2-3 hits (have no idea what difficulty I was playing with x)).
Probably buying this along with PS4, but only because it's launch title.
this is probably the only area where i liked so far. but then again i like everything but the city. it just looks so bland.
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In that case, these may also be of interest to you:
What video are these gifs from?
This game has taken a quantum leap since the E3 build everyone remembers.
The city reminds me of Spagonia from Sonic unleashed
Skylanders is good, but it really would've been nice to have kept it separate from Spyro, I wonder how many kids even really notice/care about Spyro's prescence.Damn, Syprorip
I forgot that Spyro was in Skylanders...wow.Skylanders is good, but it really would've been nice to have kept it separate from Spyro, I wonder how many kids even really notice/care about Spyro's prescence.
Ah well, it wouldn't matter much if Activision isn't inclined to make a reasonable arrangement with Sony anyway.