Stone Ocean
Active items are the best things supports can ask for because they give utility regardless of stats
lol I love this post![]()
active items are the best cos they're fun and involved. they can have big strong effects like zhonyas or mikaels because they have high cooldowns and you feel great when you use themActive items are the best things supports can ask for because they give utility regardless of stats
this is why ur bronzeFuck Active items.
that's fine, some of my best friends are bronze!Yes I am bronze![]()
i dont post match results much anymore, but holy shit this game.
i love it!zky's post in summation:
"Bitch, please."
I know I probably never said anything but I always looked forward to your post game screen shots. I vividly remember you posting shots of post game Irelia and Shen. Back then I couldnt wait to acquire those champs and see what I could do with them
tl;dr - post screenies; even tho some of us might not comment we do read and enjoy them
edit- oh right- I could just follow you on
you risk making it really good on kayle or something if you give it more ap
it's just a really boring item either way, just throw it out like ohmwrecker
^^ lol zky
Think I am improving with Shen even though we lost:
got 231 CS with him. But lost my lane due to one fatal mistake. Towards late game we pushed mid (cause us pubs love mid) and was about to pop their inhibitor. But we wqere fools and got killed during a bad dive. We all got ace'd and my nemesis (Renekton) casually tore down all my turrets in my lane ;(
ehh, i feel like you're messing with actives that are strong and interesting alreadyOhmwrecker is better than it's ever been! (Still not good.)
Honestly they should just make Ohmwrecker one of the support upgrade item abilities.
FQC = spooky ghosts
Targon's = Ohmwrecker
Coin = I dunno, ZZrot
This is super common. Number one mistake in low elo is fighting when you shouldn't fight. The most obvious is the eternal mid push. Got the inner turret? Let's go to inhib! Got inhib turret? Let's stay and get inhib. Got the inhib! I guess we should try to end! Just don't do that stuff. You'll probably be right more often assuming you always have to leave after an objective than you will assuming you can always stay.
Unfortunately number two mistake in low elo is not fighting when you should fight, so.
Its not just low elo that does that. It's so common even in high plat that I want to punch people. That lucian in that screen shot just kept lingering after every team objective and push even if the rest of the team all left together as a unit, then he'd die because he wanted those last 2 cs or the enemy wolves as they were respawning with home guards.
learning from mistakes real-time is kind of hard to do because of how much the game throws at youthe worst part is, those people don't learn from their own mistakes in game in real time. they just keep doing it over and over and over with the same goddamn result, making the game harder by the minute.
Gosu with a mic is the best thing that has happened to streaming in foreverQT, Kiwi and Gosu on the same team. So good.
Its not just low elo that does that. It's so common even in high plat that I want to punch people. That lucian in that screen shot just kept lingering after every team objective and push even if the rest of the team all left together as a unit, then he'd die because he wanted those last 2 cs or the enemy wolves as they were respawning with home guards.
Gosu with a mic is the best thing that has happened to streaming in forever
You can hear the tilt in his voice
i just wish ppl would remember this is a team game and if you're doing bad because you're camped or something it's likely someone else is doing good because you're taking all the jungler pressure
i try to remind myself that even tho league is a game that's really painful to play when you feel powerless (aka invisible fed rengar oneshotting you with no counterplay)
noThat's why you only tell fuckwits they're bad after the game not during
Can't wait for the dynamic queue streamsyeah, while I do miss have a chill no voice stream, I'm glad Gosu decided to use a mic. Him duoing with anyone on mic is hilarious
yeah i feel like rito should take everyone in each server for a camping trip so we can bond and learn not to hate each otherThis is the thing I find most fascinating about MOBAs, they're a game where social skills and people management are actually almost as important as twitch/micro. You're dropped into a group of 5 randoms, the other team is also 5 randoms, you're all approximately equally skilled, so the game is really about whether your team of 5 can organize, communicate, and support each other better than the other team of 5, or whether you will just fall apart into blame, disagreement, and split pushing. Which is totally about learned skills, not magic or luck.
But it's really hard for a lot of people to understand, not just that they need to improve their social/emotional intelligence, but that League is a social game at all! The classic example is when you see somebody throw up a surrender because they're 0/3 in lane even though your team is like 10/4. Because they're losing in lane they can't even see that they're winning the game -- if they aren't in position to dominate then the game must be basically over. This is the 1v9 mentality.
tldr if you are losing probably l2manage people in an office environment
Yeah that is the best, i love when all former pros do team ranked.QT, Kiwi and Gosu on the same team. So good.
huh wondering if I'm tripping. I thought someone posted a link to a site like that here hehe
you mean the heat maps?
that was a reddit thing, i have no idea where it is now
look for kill heat maps bronze diamond 2015 or something like that
yeah i feel like rito should take everyone in each server for a camping trip so we can bond and learn not to hate each other
also yeah i've literally ran into situations like ppl asking for surrender cos they're 0/2 when the game's literally like 16/2
i blame mostly early streamers teaching players really bad habits and mentality and riot for not stepping up earlier to try and teach people right. both streamers and rito have been steadying course over the years but there's so much more that could be done
i wonder how detrimental would something like a "lead indicator" be for the game. like something like giving players stars every time they complete some sort of indicative of them doing well (like kills or cs or getting x money or x items or whatever). probably really hard to do well and i imagine a lot of backlash of ppl calling it dumbing down but i'd be interested to see how difficult it would be to implement and what effect would it have on people's appreciation of the game.
cos like, i feel like if ppl could see the big picture of games and not just themselves, at a glance, they would probably act a lot more rationally and play better in general
anyone have that link where it shows the stats how in low-mid elo people group in mid and in higher elos (plat+) they go with more diverse strats?
What is this?
What is this?