Huh, Maybe I dont play Mid so much, I rarely build that item
yea it's definitely that, morellos is a long time core mid itemHuh, Maybe I dont play Mid so much, I rarely build that item
Athene's Unholy Grail
Total cost reduced to 2700g from 2800g
Combine cost reduced to 465g from 565
rip worst splashart in the game (blood moon shen) 2011-2016
whats the new worst splash art? i'm assuming a nidalee skin
i actually got that skin for a friend of mine's birthday cos he genuinely loved that splashrip worst splashart in the game (blood moon shen) 2011-2016
bandit sivirwhats the new worst splash art? i'm assuming a nidalee skin
just play easy champions and ezpzwoah those shen skins tho.
Who's hyped for tmr thoooo? This season's the season I make it to gooold. I believe I can anyway lol, went up two places in silver in a week cause I actually tried sigh.
I can't really comment in detail because I can't watch your replays easily (thanks, Riot), but a couple of thoughts anyway:
1.) If you don't feel like you can trade or win trades against a lane opponent, stop trying to press the issue. If Master Yi and Diana keep Q'ing the waves to death that's one thing...but there's no reason for them to Q you to death too. Part of that comes with experience. It's okay to simply let the enemy push your tower and farm under it. Of course that means you'll need to learn how to last-hit under towers so that you get most of them, but some laning phases you simply have to *survive* rather than win outright.
2.) Speaking of experience: Knowing how those champs and their skillshots and abilities work is about 75% of how you can avoid feeding a lane. There's nothing in the kits of Yi or Diana that should allow them to bully you at pre 6 as a Cait + Raka.
3.) Junglers are dynamic in their duties and their ability to save a lane is often times a function of the matchup itself, their champ's skillset and their own confidence in their ability to turn it in your favor. Some junglers really, REALLY need to hit 6 before their ganks can become relevant. Others are really reliant on their teammates dealing the damage if they do engage pre-6 and won't come if his team's ADC is at 50% hp and 20% mana, you know? But yes, if an enemy lane with no escapes is constantly keeping the lane pushed, you would ideally want the jungler to gank for free money. But not everyone is always alert and Junglers also have to deal with getting their own items online while fielding cries from every lane saying the same thing: "where's mah gank?!"
4.) Junglers try their best but ultimately you as a laner need to be reliant on yourself to stay alive; not on a jungler to save you from your fuckups. That means keeping wards up if you're a laner with no escape (or keeping them up even if you have a good escape so that you can quickly call out rotations from your enemy counterpart). It means maintaining creep equilibrium so that you're not silently asking for the enemy jungler to gank you (keeping the enemy pushed under tower for multiple waves are like shining the Bat signal in the sky) or even intentionally letting the lane push closer to your tower to make the enemy a more inviting target for your own jungler. And again, sometimes it means simply being okay with a lane being a "farm lane" (that is a lane where neither party is likely to kill or even harass each other meaningfully). It means understanding the skills of your enemy so that you can anticipate their actions and know what trades you can and can't win so that you can avoid feeding and punish when appropriate.
i kind of want the context video for this but i'm guessing i'm gonna be disappointed
just play easy champions and ezpz
as long as it's not yasuoWhen I play I feel like I gotta earn it with champions I prefer to play
I thought we were going to tone down the needlessly abrasive and gross talk.
wth is wrong with some gaffers. legit 4v5 since minute 0, purposeful afk. this is why lolgaf is toxic.
Yeah get on the diana train and ride it to victory with me.Who's younghumma?
Side note, diana is pretty awesome now.
I dunno, is the lock in thing that bad? Makes it go faster since you pick one person at a time nowIf we want to talk about actual League stuff...I'm considering repeatedly queuing up and missing the champ select by failing to lock in as a method to skew the numbers in a way that negatively reflects on the current system. It seems like the only metric being used to gauge what players want...
I only tried to make a simple comment to make sure his legacy was not remembered as something remotely pleasant. Had I known the conversation would stretch for so long I might have avoided the topic entirely. If you feel like you need to make a "knock" against a straightforward post like that it might be an opportunity to reassess whether your posts can be needlessly abrasive.btw, the deadnames was a knock at your post referencing him. notice how when he's come up in this thread repeatedly, i tend to not even engage it anymore because it's over and done with
There are basically years of training that just holding something selected will lock in once the timer expires. Now people are suddenly being punished for it, and it's not just that the punishment of a dodge impacts a single person, but its disruptive to the experience of all players in the game. If this is in some misguided effort to "make things go faster", having more dodge penalties in place works against that goal. There is nothing to train player behavior here other than a punishment that wastes everyone's time.I dunno, is the lock in thing that bad? Makes it go faster since you pick one person at a time now
i swear, newt/ghost/rex, i locked in in champion select last night. i clicked the button to lock in and it still dodged me.![]()
So we need a big pop up that says
Your champion will not be selected if you do not press the lock in button and will count as a dodge"
So we need a big pop up that says
Your champion will not be selected if you do not press the lock in button and will count as a dodge"
lol knowing this community not sure if serious...![]()
wth is wrong with some gaffers. legit 4v5 since minute 0, purposeful afk. this is why lolgaf is toxic.
i think we all had honorable opponent for like 1 weekHey I had an honor ribbon at one point don't lump me in with those guys
wait, to what end?You can post something excessively hateful as a meme, but saying "haha, I was just joking" doesn't really alter the tone or make the content any less gross. I also would rather just forget about people that were excised from the community and don't really feel they need to be brought up again in a mocking way that kind of just drags out.
If we want to talk about actual League stuff...I'm considering repeatedly queuing up and missing the champ select by failing to lock in as a method to skew the numbers in a way that negatively reflects on the current system. It seems like the only metric being used to gauge what players want...
i mean, it sure as hell wasn't funny eitherdid anyone serious think my post was "excessively hateful"? anybody?
or is dimb just gonna dimb and play tone police?
btw, the deadnames was a knock at your post referencing him. notice how when he's come up in this thread repeatedly, i tend to not even engage it anymore because it's over and done with
i dunno, from what i gather it's kinda broken tooPerhaps we should discuss something to be productive
like - how can we improve upon the new champion select experience
The main pain point right now is that I'm seeing an excessive amount of queue dodges due to AFK actions - failure to ban, failure to lock in
Is this a lack of education? will this go away if people inevitably become accustomed to this draft? I understand that most league players liked to wait for the whole 30s to pick their champion (myself included). If thats the case, Riot doesn't really *have* to do anything. Of course, if they wanted to - they should have an instructional popup in the ranked draft like they used to (and I dont know why they dont)
Or is it because the system is obtuse? I haven't used the system so it seems straightforward enough to me. Perhaps theres not enough feedback for players. Does the client pop to the front when you are required to take an action? Does it play a noise?
That pop up exists. You can click a check box to hide it forever, so that's probably why you don't remember it existing, but it's totally there.
I also would rather just forget about people that were excised from the community and don't really feel they need to be brought up again in a mocking way that kind of just drags out.