Stone Ocean
Yeaaaaaaah fuck your clearsRengar
Base armor reverted to 25.88 from 27.88
Yeaaaaaaah fuck your clearsRengar
Base armor reverted to 25.88 from 27.88
Hell, I have baited groups into following me, trying to get that easy Janna kill only to be lead into a small area where my team can cave in on them. I've stalled teams by having them chase me for a good 40ish secs (with no pay off cause 2-fast-4-u plus I can go through minions and fart out a tornado) as my team is respawning. Might not seem like much but that's time they could have used to push an objective that was wasted trying to chase an easy kill target.
Tried that with Nami ... didn't go too well :/
Maybe when I'm better with her I can do it seeing how her spells give speed.
Same for LuLu.
Am so sad. Was waiting all day to get home and try out Dynamic Queue and Riot decided to go disable it for EUW whilst not bringing back Team Builder.
Fuck going back to the stone age of calling your role in the chat lobby. :|
edit: May as well sub to this thread. You people are entertaining.
.Rengar Rework
[Passive] Meow! - Rengar randomly "mews" while running around in the jungle. If in a bush, his movement speed is automatically slowed by 90% as he comes down to a pouncing position. He remains slowed by 90% until in range to pounce, or until he walks out of the brush.
[Q - Ankle scratch] - Rengar unsheathes his kitty cat claws and scratches an opponent's ankles for 10 damage. 10% chance to cause bleed effect that does 1 damage over time and mildly annoys target. If target is a Yordle, target is blinded for .2 seconds because the yordle just got clawed in the face.
[W - Hunter's Heat] - Rengar has a problem. He's in heat. When activated, Hunter's Heat immediately begins global broadcast of a shrill cat shriek for 30 minutes unendingly.
[NEW PASSIVE] - When Rengar is in game and has activated W, both the enemy team and allied team can collectively opt to spend 3,000 gold on earplugs for one player, silencing the global Hunter's Heat sound effect.
[E - Sneaky Cat] - Rengar reverts to a domesticated state, rolling on his back and meowing suggestively at an enemy champion. We at Riot still don't know what happens if the enemy champion finds it possible to not click on the cute playful kitty, because we can't stop ourselves from clicking on the cute playful kitty. Every time.
[R - I HATE EVERYTHING] Rengar goes into full rage cat mode, leaping onto an opponent and causing an immediate DISABLE on targetted champion until the player is able to type "DOGS ARE BETTER THAN CATS" in chat within 3 seconds of being disabled with no typos.
AGD Nightmare: hi guys
AGD Nightmare: first game of the new season
AGD Nightmare: and i`m stoned af
AGD Nightmare: i`m going ap btw
Am so sad. Was waiting all day to get home and try out Dynamic Queue and Riot decided to go disable it for EUW whilst not bringing back Team Builder.
Fuck going back to the stone age of calling your role in the chat lobby. :|
edit: May as well sub to this thread. You people are entertaining.
ahh feels good to be back in ranked
The game has only just begun.ahh feels good to be back in ranked
I am really gonna miss team builder![]()
Yeah it sucks. I was gonna play loads today but haven't played a single game because the new queue isn't up and neither is old teambuilder for while we wait. Feels bad.
What did he want to go AP as?
League is trash right now. Everyone is dodging because they can't ban or the champ lock-in isn't working. I hit ready a couple times and it says I didn't do the afk check and sent back to the lobby.
It must be lag but the old champ select didn't have these kind of problems![]()
Trundle, Ali, Thresh
I haven't seen that build in a while, but ppl do it.
It's a little fun build, not the standard but neither is Malz.
AD Malz works I guess. Pretty off meta though.
nami's actually been rising in winrate lately, i'm guessing the grievous wounds stuff and the fqc buffs really helped her out
not sure if she's the support i'd recommend but i thought it was interesting
What is best of two??? I can't be fooled. This is not a real thing. You play one game and there's a winner...
It shouldn't be a real thing. Riots logic is that because Europe is used to draws in their sports, that LoL should be BO2 as well. Why not just make it BO3 and give the EU teams the same practice as NA and Korea so they'll be used to it for Worlds?
I'm more just talking about the phrase. It's not really a "best of" series when the teams can tie. It's a completely seperate point based format that opeartes in a totally different way than a Bo3, Bo5, or Bo7 series. You can't have a "best of" series on an even number.It shouldn't be a real thing. Riots logic is that because Europe is used to draws in their sports, that LoL should be BO2 as well. Why not just make it BO3 and give the EU teams the same practice as NA and Korea so they'll be used to it for Worlds?
For other sports you don't have the game continually evolving with patches that alter the rules over the course of the season. So for football, you're going to play against the other teams in your division two separate times with a home and an away game, but the rules are not going to wildly change between these two encounters. So for League it becomes harder to schedule two matches spread apart over weeks where each team plays on each side, because there are so many other variables at play.i mean "home and away" systems are so common in other leaguesthat it doesn't seem out of place in an esports environment but i can see the appeal of bo3 even though that can take up so long as to be uninvitingehehehe
I played two PVP games and lost both in long full level games. It seems I got unlucky the first time I tried PVP because everyone was around my skill level or lower. The second game we made a comeback, killed their whole team and took baron but we couldn't really convert anything because our base was swarming with minions. Then one person got picked and it was gg.
None of the games had junglers and it was 2 top 1 mid 2 bot. Is it worth trying to jungle before I get more runes and masteries? Also should I stick with blind pick till I get more champions/experience?
fuck this shit. this can't be real
damn son Chad gave you boys the deep dick. Is Panth really that bad of a matchup for Heimer?
damn son Chad gave you boys the deep dick. Is Panth really that bad of a matchup for Heimer?
Nobody's a 20 kills bad matchup.
Welcome to leagueI'm so pissed of about that match. These people I'm being teamed up with have been horrible.
Welcome to league
I'm so pissed of about that match. These people I'm being teamed up with have been horrible.
Holy shit I just realized why the fuck aren't thy running flash?
What ELO doesn't run flashhhhhhhhh
Because we did...?Honestly looks like you lost a 5v4 though...
zed's issues are very much tied into zhonyas and viceversaWhen is Zed getting a rework? Like...reworked out of the game
so apparently the plan for champ mastery past lvl 5 is to make you have to spend champion shards to unlock those levels
so like if u already have lux and you're level 5 with her u use the shard and now u can grind her to lvl 6. you can also combine 3 shards to be able to raise the cap for whoever u want
so basically, mastery is still a load of crap
you can't even sort champions by mastery in champ select (which btw could've been better solved by being able to favorite champions)
super meh