Taliyah got hotfixed
Q mana cost slightly down, worked ground duration down
I feel like the latter needs a slight rework. It feels so counterintuitive
Pretty much.Agreed. It's fine for landing but not for team fights. I feel like worked ground just debilitates me. Get it to lower some cool downs or make Q better in some way.
Taliyah got hotfixed
Q mana cost slightly down, worked ground duration down
I feel like the latter needs a slight rework. It feels so counterintuitive
1 Rock? Horrible. How big is the area anyways? It does decent damage but the fact that it's a skillshot with a caveat that using it weakens it makes it..eh. Good for moving skirmishes, horrible for holding objectives. And the damage reduction is no joke.
That's pretty decent. Counters dash champions. Does this include someone like Leblanc, I wonder since it's not technically a dash but a targeted jump? Probably not(Since it has the properties of flash and flash doesn't count as a dash).
Holy shit
They somehow managed to make her ultimate the worst ability in the game. It creates a wall sure, but anivia can create walls on a 10 second cooldown. Not only that, it does no damage.
...They managed to make Aurelion Sols flight ability into a worse ult. Holy crap. That is bad and sad. Not only that, there is no player fantasy to be had here. Nothing about that ability would make me say 'Wow that was great, that skill was fun to use.'
It's...it's something. That's for sure. Her kit has no cohesion with itself, no synergy, it's just a mish mash of random abilities.
Like, I've criticized Aurelion Sols kit, but atleast it has cohesion and there is synergy with it. This is just a Frankenstein of abilities that sound cool in concept but really doesn't work as a whole.
Before you take this as a 'Wow Breezy was just waiting to hate something', I was excited for Taliyaj. I love Shurima champion, I love the thematic concept of sand/ground(Whether it's Nasus strengthening himself up with the sands of the desert or malphite launching shards of rocks), Taliyah is just disappointing.
Agreed. It's fine for landing but not for team fights. I feel like worked ground just debilitates me. Get it to lower some cool downs or make Q better in some way.
reduce the radius of worked ground by 50% and increase the cooldown.
What a weird champ, Taliyah
Her Q is amazing but severy hindered if you want to use it again in the same spot and you have to wait a decent amount of time to use it again on the same spot while other mid laners can zone you every 10 seconds.
Her W is pretty bizzare like why? the moment you mark the location then the direction the enemy is already murdering you or far away. why would you need to manually do the direction instead of W W push the enemy towards you or just let W push the enemy upwards
Her E is effective for squishies for tanks dont care, pretty risky to try it on TFs because Taliya cant run away easily
And Her R is really bad like maybe to avoid to be a copy paste of Thrall's heroic ability (heroes of the storm). I am not sure if the casting is channeled or instant
I have -LP?
According to Ghost I have away my account to someone else and then took it back.
Honestly, I have no idea how or why I demoted from d4 to p5.
Taliyah continues to be irrelevant
It's funny, Billy seems to think Fizz would have been an easier match up ...
It keeps happening up through diamond to varying degrees.Fuck me man.
Silver 5 is the real hell. Want to get demoted to Bronze again so I can actually play with competent people.
I thought by the time I reach Silver, I will play with or against people who actually mastered the basic of the game, but Holy Shit, man!
The match I have played last night, our ADC was salty because I told hemi/her to stay under base and roamed to get some kills for top and jungle (4 times!) Top and Jungle became fed except that ADC went rage mode on me and started feeding.
Mid game, people started cooling down because we were leading, and then realised that Top and Jungle were idiots. Chasing people down and not going for objectives. In fact, 3 of our inner turrets (bot and mid) went down, because 4 of these idiots were chasing Nasus and tower diving. I mean WTF?
So by the end, the had all turrets, with fewer kills and mid started flaming.
Man, I though I was over this shit!
It keeps happening up through diamond to varying degrees.
try to stay cool bruh. you can't win them all. focus on not typing unless you have no other choice ingame. Instead of complaining about teammates ask for tips and advice on handle said teammates.Fuck me man.
Silver 5 is the real hell. Want to get demoted to Bronze again so I can actually play with competent people.
I thought by the time I reach Silver, I will play with or against people who actually mastered the basic of the game, but Holy Shit, man!
The match I have played last night, our ADC was salty because I told hemi/her to stay under base and roamed to get some kills for top and jungle (4 times!) Top and Jungle became fed except that ADC went rage mode on me and started feeding.
Mid game, people started cooling down because we were leading, and then realised that Top and Jungle were idiots. Chasing people down and not going for objectives. In fact, 3 of our inner turrets (bot and mid) went down, because 4 of these idiots were chasing Nasus and tower diving. I mean WTF?
So by the end, the had all turrets, with fewer kills and mid started flaming.
Man, I though I was over this shit!
try to stay cool bruh. you can't win them all. focus on not typing unless you have no other choice ingame. Instead of complaining about teammates ask for tips and advice on handle said teammates.
Fuck me man.
Silver 5 is the real hell. Want to get demoted to Bronze again so I can actually play with competent people.
I thought by the time I reach Silver, I will play with or against people who actually mastered the basic of the game, but Holy Shit, man!
The match I have played last night, our ADC was salty because I told hemi/her to stay under base and roamed to get some kills for top and jungle (4 times!) Top and Jungle became fed except that ADC went rage mode on me and started feeding.
Mid game, people started cooling down because we were leading, and then realised that Top and Jungle were idiots. Chasing people down and not going for objectives. In fact, 3 of our inner turrets (bot and mid) went down, because 4 of these idiots were chasing Nasus and tower diving. I mean WTF?
So by the end, the had all turrets, with fewer kills and mid started flaming.
Man, I though I was over this shit!
She's bad.does Taliyah really have worst win rate or is na.op.gg just broken? how can she be the worst? Guess cause shes brand new and folks dont know the items quite yet
Taliyah continues to be irrelevant
Have you tried going Hextech GPL instead of Rod of Ages? IT's active can help him quite well.
I tested Swain without a catalyst upgrade, rushing morello.
It kinda works but the MP he gets from Catylst is rather beneficial
god damnit phil.hit me up on (ghost on) battle.net for some Overwatch: PhilCostigan#1529