Yeah thats why ghost plays nidaren't all nidalees like that tho
Yeah thats why ghost plays nidaren't all nidalees like that tho
Some dude just picked Taliyah support into Zyra. Why ranked. Why.
Some dude just picked Taliyah support into Zyra. Why ranked. Why.
Some dude just picked Taliyah support into Zyra. Why ranked. Why.
That's karma for saying supp Taliyah wasn't so badSome dude just picked Taliyah support into Zyra. Why ranked. Why.
Best birthday gift ever
That feel when you run into a Riot employee and he is kind
you guys should mystery gift me
it's my birthday today and i'm an even older man than i was before
That is an um...inspired team...
...if it makes you feel better, I went against a jungle teemo earlier today, and this is in plat.
isn't there a Masters player who climbed playing Jungle Teemo
oh cool it's ad bard
of course
oh cool it's ad bard
of course
I usually do, but I've had this kind of thing happen twice already today. I dodged both those games. Would be looking at a giant wait penalty. I just want to play a game of League of Legends, man.You really should just dodge those kind of games. The chance it ends well is very low.
AD or On-Hit? There's a difference.
niceGoing to an anime convention tomorrow. Who knows how many league of legends cosplayers will be there. Or how many ahris.
meh. all these games look more or less the same for me. now with marginally more consistent help along the way.
Can someone explain Taliahs E? It does damage when someone walks over a bomb? It does extra damage if they dash on it? The tooltip pop up is confusing
Zkylewd amongst peersnice
i've been meaning to go to an anime convention for years
i miss em
I'm starting to think it's easier to play solo rather than duo right now.
I somehow almost always get crappy junglers when I'm in a premade.
Maybe the secret is to be premade with a jungler.
Same. I feel when you duo queue it tilts the scales in the favor of the opposing team just because they expect you and your party to carry.
meh. all these games look more or less the same for me. now with marginally more consistent help along the way.
Good lord, I lost with 0 BP but the game let me stay in Bronze II
I think below gold you cant drop tiers.
....maybe Im wrong.
I think below gold you cant drop tiers.
....maybe Im wrong.
Feels really good to block Lee Q with the plants. Bonus points since that play allowed us to finally finish the game, despite a trolling Jhin. You can see him afking in base.
lmao at Jhin bm "gg" when he's afk at base
[19:36]---: hello
[23:58] : do you have skype ?
[23:58] Talentz: Yes
[23:59] ---: can we talk in skype ?
[23:59] Talentz: Who are you? You just randomly added me one day
[23:59] ---: yea
[23:59] Talentz: Seems like you're boosting that account
or something
[23:59] --- boosting ?
[24:00] Talentz: It was silver last season now it has 80% win ratio, just seemed weird
[24:00] ---: yea well last season it was not my account
this season its my account
[24:00] Talentz: so who are you then?
you must know me from somewhere
[24:01] ---: new to euw
i was on NA
[24:01] Talentz: So how'd you find my account then
[24:01] ---: its in the list
i didnt add you
i saw u in the list
maybe my friend did
as u like
and sorry for disturbing you ^^
[24:02] Talentz: You did add me though. you sent me a friend request which i accidently declined, then i re-added you
[24:03] ---: maybe i did but i dont remember why
i only have 30 on the list
so something specail were about you
i dont remember it
special *
[24:06] : have a good day sir :D
good luck with ur promo game