When can we like individual posts?
When you type "league of legends official forum" into your browser and hit enter.
Still gotta deal with the "Moon, you wanna top? you Suuuure you don't wanna top?" shit when I lock in Sion. Like they think I'm trollin or something and really I'm just aching to play a tank top in the lane of "forever counters". :/ (it's like clockwork when i pick Sion. Someone picks either a ranged annoying top like Kennen or Garbo Gnar OR they pick a dashy dash fighter top in an attempt to exploit the fact that Sion's whole kit is skill shots. They normally never bother with picking a melee tank).
Well I think this was always the case, even before dynamic queue. Normals, especially blind pick, have always be awful.I don't post here much since I don't feel I really fit in here, but I want to chime in with a counterpoint to the "more people are playing ranked, so it must be successful."
I used to play team builder exclusively. When it disappeared, I played normals - while new champ select didn't allow you to guarantee the champ you wanted to play (or avoid team compositions you didn't like), it seemed to be the best alternative for a more casual player like me. But matchmaking nowadays is completely screwed up in normals. Games are complete stomps either way and many games feels like there was nothing I could have done (given my ability) to affect the outcome of the game. I actually had a traumatizing (heh) event where I had just purchased Kindred and played my first game as her as a jungler, no premade party. I went to gank the enemy mid viktor, got immediately bursted by his combo. That game seriously caused me to never played kindred jungle again. I still haven't, to this day. I later found out that I had been matched with a diamond viktor (while I had finished my placements into bronze), which helped me finally realize why games were so stompy both ways. I was contemplating giving up the game when a friend suggested that ranked matchmaking was less lopsided, and the queue times were better, so I gave it a try. And it turns out that the games did feel more fair, and my queue times were lower - although still much longer than before dynamic queue/new champion select.
So yeah, I'm one of the low level players who now plays more ranked than before. Because all the other options are terrible.
I don't post here much since I don't feel I really fit in here, but I want to chime in with a counterpoint to the "more people are playing ranked, so it must be successful."
I used to play team builder exclusively. When it disappeared, I played normals - while new champ select didn't allow you to guarantee the champ you wanted to play (or avoid joining team compositions you didn't like), it seemed to be the best alternative for a more casual player like me. But matchmaking nowadays is completely screwed up in normals. Games are complete stomps either way and many games feels like there was nothing I could have done (given my ability) to affect the outcome of the game. I actually had a traumatizing (heh) event where I had just purchased Kindred and played my first game as her as a jungler, no premade party. I went to gank the enemy mid viktor, got immediately bursted by his combo. That game seriously caused me to never played kindred jungle again. I still haven't, to this day. I later found out that I had been matched with a diamond viktor (while I had finished my placements into bronze), which helped me finally realize why games were so stompy both ways. I was contemplating giving up the game when a friend suggested that ranked matchmaking was less lopsided, and the queue times were better, so I gave it a try. And it turns out that the games did feel more fair, and my queue times were lower - although still much longer than before dynamic queue/new champion select.
So yeah, I'm one of the low level players who now plays more ranked than before. Because all the other options are terrible.
Yes, yes I do.Wait, you play Sion midlane?
I actually had a traumatizing (heh) event where I had just purchased Kindred and played my first game as her as a jungler, no premade party. I went to gank the enemy mid viktor, got immediately bursted by his combo. That game seriously caused me to never played kindred jungle again.
i've oneshot so many lee sins and rengarsyou can gank syndra from lvl 0 to level 20
syndra da squishiest
poke poke
I find this a bit hard to believe.I'm only silver 4 but the queue times alone were almost enough to cure me of League addiction again. It's hard to get addicted to ranked grinding when queues and lobbies are 5-10 minutes with dodges, especially with rage / griefing / stomps.
I didn't spend money on skins though, so I understand I may not be the Riot target audience.![]()
I find this a bit hard to believe.
Patch isn't liveWhere the wrestler skins at?
Wait what the hell is this about a forced auto fill? Are they legit gonna make you play shit like support? That can't go through, no way is Riot that retarded.
Why is it. The way things are at it's clear that they can't get all three major aspects without a specific aspect falling short. The three things being match quality, role designation, and queue time.
It's 10lp. I get the impression that you don`t dodge often lol.
What's the point of being able to search as 2 roles if they're gonna make it so you have a chance to get one of the other 3? It's literally just forcing people to dodge whenever they don't get either of their 2 roles. For me it means that I'll just dodge and if I don't get my 2 roles, I won't play any more games that day as if I dodge again after that, I'd lose 15lp. I have literally no idea how to play top, jungle or support at a D1/Masters level, I tried learning a few of the other roles at the start of the season but couldn't, hell I barely can play ADC well as I usually don't do anything in the laning phase.
If that's the case then you'll have to have either really long queue times or quality of the matches might drop. Unfortunate but that's the reality at the moment.
Ah OK.People at reddit are trying to get an unofficial solo queue thing going on lmao
Patch isn't live
and i think more people playing ranked is a really strange goal to have when it involves drastically changing what ranked is. like "more people than ever are playing ranked" is a lie in itself because ranked is no longer the same thing. you can't say that because the real quote would be something like "more people are playing new mode than people played old mode". you didn't show new players how cool ranked is, you changed ranked so it would appeal to them
I can see he got inspired by someone.
That's pretty much what old school solo/duo queue was, but I'm sure there will still be tons of whining from all the diamond+ players who wanted solo q back so much :^)Wait what the hell is this about a forced auto fill? Are they legit gonna make you play shit like support? That can't go through, no way is Riot that retarded.
That's pretty much what old school solo/duo queue was, but I'm sure there will still be tons of whining from all the diamond+ players who wanted solo q back so much :^)
Honestly it's kinda refreshing to play support every now and again though. I feel so much less tilted.
The problem is I can't support. Sometimes when I play with my bronze/silver friends in normals I'll support for shits and gigs, and I kid you not, I am unable to win lane against lows silvers. I just don't know how to support. I tried learning how to last year when the old system was still in place but I couldn't.
Huh. You started ranking last year?
When I started 4 years ago, sometimes you were just forced to support. In combination with that and watching other supports, you kinda just learned what to do, when to be aggressive, when to engage/disengage.
These days I feel that if D-queue does anything, is limit the knowledge a player gains by letting them pick their favorite roles each time.
Wow, I missed this in the PBE patches. Azir got fuuuuuuckedAzir
W is no longer usable on turrets
congrats costy, will read when i get back from work
i totally get what you're saying, but the way i see the problem here is that it's not so much that these people weren't served by ranked, it's more like they weren't served by normalsYou're thinking of ranked as a play experience, and noting that it's changed. They're thinking of ranked as a metagame that adds stickiness, which is the part that didn't change. People play games more if they have a visible sign of their progress that they can point to and continually improve. If people felt like they couldn't play ranked, they never got access to that metagame, which meant they didn't have that thing pulling them back to League.
you know what, i'm kind of curious what a breezy ot would look like
maybe next one we'll do a collaboration haha