You've had since June!

Man, we're getting Nioh so soon. League will have to wait for a while then.
Anyone else getting Nioh here?
I would be getting it on day one but I'm leaving again in 3 days so I have to wait 2 weeks till I'm back home again. Sad.
Thinking that will stop chat spam LULfaker set his chat to Korean only gg
Yeah I don't think he'll maintain above 30k viewers after a couple of weeks. He never was really entertaining as a streamer, he's just good at the game.
My copy is out for delivery now. I wanna be home, staring out window for driver.Man, we're getting Nioh so soon. League will have to wait for a while then.
Anyone else getting Nioh here?
Yeah, because people watch players like Bjergsen and Doublelift for their personalityYeah I don't think he'll maintain above 30k viewers after a couple of weeks. He never was really entertaining as a streamer, he's just good at the game.
Bjergson has the personality of a pencil sharpener, Faker has the personality of a doorknob.
I miss Vasilli.
Yep. Was during a match as well, not after.
Yep. Was during a match as well, not after.
Yep. Was during a match as well, not after.
faker has lots of charisma, he just doesn't speak english or is a clown like qtpieWTF Those views.
Imagine if Faker had charisma.
faker has lots of charisma, he just doesn't speak english or is a clown like qtpie
i like qtpie and voyboy and whatnot, but faker is not here to entertain you, faker will just do his thing and have fun playing league and we're all blessed for being allowed to watch him
wait really. brb followingEven KkOma is streaming on Twitch, this is pretty awesome.