Base health increased to 420 from 390
Base movement speed increased to 335 from 330
Base damage increased to 49 from 46
Piercing Light ( Q ) no longer reads "Deals 75% damage to minions"
Relentless Pursuit ( E ) cooldown to 14/13/12/11/10 from 16/15/14/13/12
[ Context: In addition to the new E passive ( which reduces Lucian's E cooldown when his passive hits ) they have been tinkering a lot with his CD numbers. The live value for his E cooldown is 18/16/14/12/10 ]
Forgot about Poppy, but then again its Poppy so...
Ammumu's a Yordle? I just assumed he was a mummified kid lol.
Holy shit Mecha Aatrox is straight out of pacific rim.
someone avatar it for me ._.
its actually evangelion
eu lyfe
lucian slowly turning into adc yasuu
free dashes everywhere!
dam closer u suk
riven isn't even that good thoDidn't think it was possible to hate a champ more than Nidalee
Riven you are the one
sivir has her superpowered ult to make up for it.riot costy so angry about lucy
i was a bit concerned at first but we'll have to see, sivir does fine at that range and lucy has tons of tools to make up for lower range
maybe it'll work
riven isn't even that good tho
How much does it help to buy XP boosts? I feel like I'm moving like a slug with my level. I'm level 18. Of my last 9 games, my team has won 6. Of those 9 games, I've been number 1, 5 times. However, they're all Dominion. Do I just need to stop playing that game type?
well lucy now has like 8s cd free dash and all the other crap that made him op beforesivir has her superpowered ult to make up for it.
i really feel u have no idea how top lane works.She's still annoying as fuck in lane if you're not stomping her.
Same with Renekton. He's not anywhere near OP, hell I'd argue he's not tier 1 right now, but he's annoying and shits on almost all melees.
How much does it help to buy XP boosts? I feel like I'm moving like a slug with my level. I'm level 18. Of my last 9 games, my team has won 6. Of those 9 games, I've been number 1, 5 times. However, they're all Dominion. Do I just need to stop playing that game type?
lol don't start double beads. start longsword if ur going to spend 360 gold on starters.
i really feel u have no idea how top lane works.
I really hate Gangplank so I wanted to respond to this. I would rate GP as a tier 6 top. The 4 or 5 times I've seen him in ranked I immediately declared the game won for my team. As someone else said, he's a fun normal mode champion, but you probably shouldn't put too much effort into learning him for ranked. I'm really surprised that Dinger isn't a more popular pick top. I feel like he's actually a really strong champ that I am scared of going all-in on at most points of the game unless I know his ults down. Once he gets his Zhonya's forget about it, I'm waiting for some assistance.What do you guys think about current Gangplank state? I played quite a few games on him and he seems to be really strong if you build Shiv+Triforce and tanky after that.
u seem to think that ranged top laners are "OP" despite there being clear counters to all of them and seem to similarly believe that as such there is no way to actually beat ranged tops as a melee and automatically write it off as a loss.So are you gonna actually give me some reasons or just sit there with your holier-than-thou attitude that you normally flaunt?
think of a black narutoi cant really imagine new lucian in practice so i guess ill reserve my judgement
u seem to think that ranged top laners are "OP" despite there being clear counters to all of them and seem to similarly believe that as such there is no way to actually beat ranged tops as a melee and automatically write it off as a loss.
like yeah lane bullies are annoying but that's what they're supposed to do, otherwise they just end up being like yorick and being useless past the 10 minute mark. u dont actually have to take every cs in lane and can easily counter aggro plays by sitting in a top bush and just gaining xp.
I'm really surprised that Dinger isn't a more popular pick top. I feel like he's actually a really strong champ that I am scared of going all-in on at most points of the game unless I know his ults down..
vlad is a pretty braindead champion for poking
manaless with targeted poke into infinite sustain, running double defensive summoners with a moving zhonyas thingie
there's not much outplaying vlad. he's either below level 9 or not![]()
If there truly weren't a downside, wouldn't everyone play Ryze/Nid/Lulu top? It would categorically be superior to all other champions.Well of course. Vlad has a downside.
Can't really say the same for Ryze/Nid/Lulu
can't speak for ryze as i think ryze is awful and new nidalee i haven't played but solo lane lulu has clear weaknessesWell of course. Vlad has a downside.
Can't really say the same for Ryze/Nid/Lulu
i don't like ryze as a champion for many reasons, generally cos i don't like hyperscaling in general, but i didn't mean he wasn't really storng cos he is
lulu brings utility but does that in exchange for tankiness and damage. there's a clear tradeoff there when compared to other champions.
too bad we're not on the same region or we could to a couple lizzy vs. whoever you want sparrs and i'd teach you how to destroy me :3