that's been common for a long time.
Guess I was playing with the wrong Lee then.
that's been common for a long time.
Guess I was playing with the wrong Lee then.
Lees are wrong in Diamond too.All lee's are the wrong lee below diamond.
Yeah, he has enough money so more power to him. Don't know about the coaching aspect since he's so mediocre when he's on a laning role, but good luck to him.why is that funny, he's just bankrolling and coaching it.
we should encourage that.
are yorick ghouls still REALLY hard to target? I remember them being really hard to target.
Soraka can hard bully both Thresh/Blitz. She can stay safe behind minions, and constantly harass to the point where the Thresh/Blitz won't be able to make aggressive plays. Yes, if you play passive the enemy will end up getting a gold lead, but if I see a Thresh or Blitz miss a single hook, I'll do my best to get up into their face and murder them. Thresh and Blitz also have super hard counters to them, such as Leona/Ezreal/Sivir/Braum/Alistar and maybe Corki.Why are there good, "nice" supports in this game when people can just pick TrollCrank or Thrash and hook till the end of time? Even if all I do is dodge it , dodge it, dodge it*, the enemy adc can just go for creep kills and ignore me. And thus the side with more hooks (aka offensive, in your face style support) just gets more gold invetiably.
Enlighten me. Why is there an option to chooose Soraka or Karma as a supp when you can choose Blitzcrank?
*Oh, and when I do not dodge it, death. Early game and endgame as well. Why?
Why are there good, "nice" supports in this game when people can just pick TrollCrank or Thrash and hook till the end of time? Even if all I do is dodge it , dodge it, dodge it*, the enemy adc can just go for creep kills and ignore me. And thus the side with more hooks (aka offensive, in your face style support) just gets more gold invetiably.
Enlighten me. Why is there an option to chooose Soraka or Karma as a supp when you can choose Blitzcrank?
*Oh, and when I do not dodge it, death. Early game and endgame as well. Why?
What does dust have to do with Shaco though? I feel like it's lightning clouds for Ao Shin.Someone on reddit is floating the idea that all the splashes that have the dust animation and other changes might be related to a Shaco rework that was slated for late 2014. Best theory so far, as far as I'm concerned.
What does dust have to do with Shaco though? I feel like it's lightning clouds for Ao Shin.
fuck dudes
Why are there good, "nice" supports in this game when people can just pick TrollCrank or Thrash and hook till the end of time? Even if all I do is dodge it , dodge it, dodge it*, the enemy adc can just go for creep kills and ignore me. And thus the side with more hooks (aka offensive, in your face style support) just gets more gold invetiably.
Enlighten me. Why is there an option to chooose Soraka or Karma as a supp when you can choose Blitzcrank?
*Oh, and when I do not dodge it, death. Early game and endgame as well. Why?
Yes, what we need are more Ahri and Miss Fortune skins.
What champion has had the least attention regarding skins? I don't mean Azir, obviously. Take age in to account.
My guess is that less popular champions have gotten fewer skins (not surprising) but that uglier champions have, too. Of course, then there is Cho'Gath, with his two legendary skins.
No waifus for youfuck dudes
Why are there good, "nice" supports in this game when people can just pick TrollCrank or Thrash and hook till the end of time? Even if all I do is dodge it , dodge it, dodge it*, the enemy adc can just go for creep kills and ignore me. And thus the side with more hooks (aka offensive, in your face style support) just gets more gold invetiably.
Enlighten me. Why is there an option to chooose Soraka or Karma as a supp when you can choose Blitzcrank?
*Oh, and when I do not dodge it, death. Early game and endgame as well. Why?
What does dust have to do with Shaco though? I feel like it's lightning clouds for Ao Shin.
Warwick[2] : Using very weird splash art
Kennen[3] : Background is completely blue with no moon
Brand[4] : He shoots no fire from his right hand
Nami[5] : Bloodred eyes
Chogath[6] : Different splash art all together
Kayle[7] : Bloodred wings
Draven[8] : blue skys and shattered axe?
Blitcrank[9] : His right arm is broken.
And of course, the 7 champions shrouded by dust,
Twisted Fate[15]
and Hecarim[16] .
(Also something weird going on with tfs cards and a zed shadow)
Please tell me if there is something I missed!
EDIT: Lucian has switched directions, facing the wrong way.
EDIT#2: Alistar has a weird swipe/wind in front of his face.
EDIT#3: Janna's page has a black tint, and black winds.
EDIT#4: Jayce also has weird shading problems, blue skys etc. Also added links.
EDIT#5: Caitlyn, thick smoke to the right, Graves more cards than normal. Also new Anivia splash(old) More links.
EDIT#6: No blue flag behind Jarvan, wow there are so many changed, i don't have enough edits to fit them all.
EDIT#7: Final edit, ALOT of champs are now using their own old artwork, or their Chinese counterpart artwork.
EDIT#8: I lied, Zac's in a cave, Also lux's header is much darker, less light beams.
Descension.Maybe a new mode?
Could be an Ori skin.there's no way it's nothing
i think people are reaching with many of the splash thingies like just noticing changes now that were there forever but the smoke thing means something
either ao shin
or a skin thing
but like it's too ao shin to be someone else
but who knows
Why are there good, "nice" supports in this game when people can just pick TrollCrank or Thrash and hook till the end of time? Even if all I do is dodge it , dodge it, dodge it*, the enemy adc can just go for creep kills and ignore me. And thus the side with more hooks (aka offensive, in your face style support) just gets more gold invetiably.
Enlighten me. Why is there an option to chooose Soraka or Karma as a supp when you can choose Blitzcrank?
*Oh, and when I do not dodge it, death. Early game and endgame as well. Why?
Could be an Ori skin.
As far as I know, Kalista, an ad carry, is coming to League seeking for revenge on several champions who are marked with shrouded profile pages. Kalista has a completely new mechanic named soulbond which links you with a chosen teammate, often your support. He/she uses spears. Thank me later.
You're not in the MTG thread bro. (I'm not a noob here).
A female champion that uses spears?
Well we don't have one currently.
Well we don't have one currently.
She's disabled because of a bug currently. It's a good joke.u wot
I can't tell when you're joking or being serious.![]()
u wot
javelins != spears <3
Oh. I'm less impressed with this joke.javelins != spears <3
Spears can be divided into two broad categories: those designed for thrusting in melee combat and those designed for throwing