This week is POTENTIAL vs. NOT POTENTIAL, JUST TEARS team. The biggest showdown since TSM vs. CLG.Cop best ADC NA confirmed.
Bubububut Spell shielding Liss ultCop best ADC NA confirmed.
i mean, to be fair, the whole team looked off since he arrived. like literally all of them have been playing bad, not only pigletit's really disappointing to hear he's like that, considering (from a public point of view at least) those guys made a huge effort to try and help him fit in.
Sorry buddy but just because Faker isn't carrying your whiny ass doesn't mean it's everyone else's fault you're playing like garbage,
Is qt the most desired free agent right now? I imagine his play style has changed abit since going streaming only, but I can't imagine he hasn't gotten any attention.
So if Brand last hits with one of his fire abilities, does that make the target a filet minion?
So if Brand last hits with one of his fire abilities, does that make the target a filet minion?
Which is 33% percent of the max 30 ticks. I meant that she would basically have 15 ticks on a single target, or 30 ticks with half damage. So amplified damage on isolated enemies making her more of an assassin while also removing some of the team-deleting potential she has.? kat does full damage to all targets, 10 ticks each.
that would be pretty bad imo, katarina's kit is all about doing aoe damage in teamfights so she can get the resetsWhich is 33% percent of the max 30 ticks. I meant that she would basically have 15 ticks on a single target, or 30 ticks with half damage. So amplified damage on isolated enemies making her more of an assassin while also removing some the team-deleting potential she has.
Are you playing on EUW? We do have a couple of gaffers here, and the chat room usually have 3 put 4 people, most afk or ingame though.Piglet spent an entire night on stream complaining about his SKT coaches iirc. I stopped watching his stream when I got tired of his attitude - this news is not surprising to say the least.
I've been overseas for the past few weeks, playing on EU with a different account and the server's been nothing but jokes (in many different languages, to boot) loool
I'd play ranked but grinding an AP page is taking forever
I was a bit sad that I couldn't find a Gaf chatroom on the server![]()
No idea why my phone deleted the W. ;_;Are you playing on EUW? We do have a couple of gaffers here, and the chat room usually have 3 put 4 people, most afk or ingame though.
...Which is 33% percent of the max 30 ticks. I meant that she would basically have 15 ticks on a single target, or 30 ticks with half damage. So amplified damage on isolated enemies making her more of an assassin while also removing some of the team-deleting potential she has.
How is Ori this season? Jayce was gutted and TF is in limbo.. Tell me she's alive? !
Nothing as they're separate observations. I just saw an Ahri, chunked to 60% health, heal back up to nearly full health and dodge a gank with that $ ultimate.
Flash was still available.
I personally like seeing FOTM champions gutted, as long as they aren't mine.
Ahri however will forever be immune.
please understand
Nothing as they're separate observations. I just saw an Ahri, chunked to 60% health, heal back up to nearly full health and dodge a gank with that $ ultimate.
Flash was still available.
I personally like seeing FOTM champions gutted, as long as they aren't mine.
Ahri however will forever be immune.
please understand
says the draven playerAhri has terrible design. Keep her in the dumpster.
I hate watching underplayed champs become FOTM then subsequently nerfed.
Draven is probably one of the best designed champions. He has clear strengths and weaknesses.says the draven player
holy shit
i got a new 3DS with Monster Hunter 4 and Bravely Default
drop me your friend codes
how is a mana nerf, two range nerfs and a damage nerf "merely an adjustment"No Zyklon, that's merely an "adjustment."
except his strengths' counterplay essentially amounts to "survive"Draven is probably one of the best designed champions. He has clear strengths and weaknesses.
also it's zkylon not zyklon
Same. Got a special edition MH4U XL.
Here's mine
Hope you go into bravely default without knowing anything about the last part of the game.
Turned from an awesome jrpg into a repetitive pile of boring for me :\
that's the... never mind, zyklon.
I hope you get your charm amplification back, and the recent 'nerfs' reverted.
Danganronpa is a terrible game.
Draven has extremely high damage and his kit is made for pure offense. He used to do even more damage before his passive was changed from bleed to extra gold on kills.Draven is about 100 times better designed then ahri but I don't understand why draven was brought up in the first place
plot thickens...
fenix: piglet and me are bestfriend,, if u watching piglet streaming, know that`s mean. and piglet never said me and sup bad PLZ....
yusuilol: I deleted my second Piglet tweet, it had a rumor in it that is probably incorrect and I don't want to spread that type of thing! Sorry
xpecial: Just fyi, we never scrimmed vs C9T. So anything @YusuiLoL has said is a product of a long game of telephone, if not made up.
still weird cos the yusuilol thing was retweeted by a team liquid coach
yea, but like always, people can just tweet whatever and we'll all eat it upI actually watch Yusui stream every time he streams and have watched him for the past year or so. He's actually a really chill and fun guy to watch. I was watching him while he was streaming today while the drama happened, and after he deleted the tweet, he actually said that he is 100% certain that 2/3 of what he said in his tweet is true, he just deleted it cause he didn't think it would cause this much shit.
It's pretty obvious that TL is also in max damage control mode, they can't just come out and confirm all this shit because what happens if they want Piglet back in the future? Also, TL's coach pretty much confirmed that this is true by retweeting Yusui's original tweet.
they should bench his ass even long if he can't figure how to NOT behave like a petulant child. these sorts of people learn through pain. being benched will hurt.