So how about that new 120 AP item?
So how about that new 120 AP item?
Oh shi
I can't help but want this on Sona lol.
It scales with AP? This is going to be the new Lich bane. I bet Kassadin would love it.
Oh shi
I can't help but want this on Sona lol.
How about Nidalee lol
edit: yep lol
Oh shi
I can't help but want this on Sona lol.
Nida has to be the absolute best user of this item, which is ridiculous. How large nerfs would she need if this item was in the game?How about Nidalee lol
edit: yep lol
they key to sona is saving Q for the kill secure and saying "oops lol"
that's how you enjoy playing sona
It scales with AP? This is going to be the new Lich bane. I bet Kassadin would love it.
Oh shi
I can't help but want this on Sona lol.
Yeah, I get that.Well this one applies the passive on spell hit not on the next AA like Lich Bane, etc.
Like it'd do the bonus damage if Zyra's snare thorns connect, etc.
lb and nidalee wont be hitting multiple targets though.
champions with reliable ranged aoe and limited escape potential will love it, so xerath, ziggs, ori, zyra, etc.
How does it work with Karthus's ult?
Like it'd do the bonus damage if Zyra's snare thorns connect, etc.
How does it work with Karthus's ult?
How does it work with Karthus's ult?
AP Statikk Shiv?
Oh shi
I can't help but want this on Sona lol.
first hit would probably proc it.Wonder how this will work with kennen
first hit would probably proc it.
You just opened Pandora's Box.
Don't get yorick.I've got 4800 IP, is Yorick worth getting or should I save up for Nautilis?
because yorick sucks.
e would constantly waste it on minions. q isn't a great way to hit multiple targets either, but gtting free base damage and scaling on the ult? that hurts.Not really. Karthus' Q and E would benefit more from this than his long CD ultimate.
- Autoattack enhancers (Kassadin passive W, Teemo passive E etc) do NOT proc the item.
- The item can NOT be proct on towers with abilities. (like Azir W.)
- Karthus can proc the new item on every single ability (except for his W), the ultimate will only choose one target, sorry guise no penta Shivs.
- Cassiopeia can proc the item on every single ability (and its super op on her)
- Kassadin can proc the item on every single ability.
- Ziggs procs the item on every single ability.
- Azir's soldiers can proc the item but can NOT stack it with their attacks. Azirs tower does not interact with the item.
- Katarina procs the item on every single ability.
- Zyra procs the item on every ability too, If her plants work like Azirs soldiers (and they should) they do proc the item but do not stack it via AAs.
- Karma procs the item on every damaging ability.
- Ahri procs the item on every ability.
Adding a few more.
- Heimerdinger: Now it gets tricky: His turrets AAs DO NOT proc the item, their empowered attacks DO. Every other ability procs the item.
- Teemo: Procs it on every ability except his E. Have fun.
- Twisted Fate: Procs the item on his Q, shouldnt work on W due to being a enhancer, havent tried tho due to my pc dieing.
Some interactions.
Some interactions.
e would constantly waste it on minions. q isn't a great way to hit multiple targets either, but gtting free base damage and scaling on the ult? that hurts.
you're acting like it will only ever work on his ult.Replacing one of Karthus' other items just in order to deal 100+0.15AP on a 160s cooldown is straight up stupid.
had to delete the left paw cos it looked weird
it's basically the same avatar image just in like gaf avatar size
if anyone wants an avatar like this just lemme know. here they are all in their ori-less heresy: