So is Rek'sai still good after her nerfs? LCS still seems to like her...
play something other than aatrox then.
play something other than aatrox then.If there's 1 champ I never seem to beat, it's Riven.
Between her stupidly low cooldowns, retarded damage, and mobility I always end up dying to her.
300 armor with about 3k health.
Dead in 4 seconds.
tanks are allowed to die as long as they absorb a ton of cooldowns in the process.
tanks are allowed to die as long as they absorb a ton of cooldowns in the process.
Gnar, Panth, Liss, pick your poisonIf there's 1 champ I never seem to beat, it's Riven.
Between her stupidly low cooldowns, retarded damage, and mobility I always end up dying to her.
tanks are allowed to die as long as they absorb a ton of cooldowns in the process.
Some absorb a ton of cooldowns and can still oneshot the carries, like Vi and Jarvan
Meanwhile Nautilus, Zac, Volibear, Sion... you know, actual jungle tanks, remain absolutely useless and irrelevant to the meta because Vi and Jarvan have better CC, tankiness and triple the damage.
Bravo riot!
I said better, not more, and she has more tankiness than a lot of tanks anyways.
What do you guys think about Shen?
I enjoy him a lot when I play him.
I am glad people share my love of Shen.With a good team, I think Shen is a really strong, sleeper pick. Much like Malphite, your sole job is the make sure to not feed your opponent and to farm as safely as possible. If your team knows to not run away when you ult in and to stay close to the opponent, you're golden. I hate it when I ult in and the person I ult runs for the hills.
I love Shen.
Mejias Ez is annoying.
Well here's a list of champs I'm thinking of getting which would you recommend?
She has a health shield and decent base stats. I'll give you the damage and that J4 needs to die but come on.
what If I told you it was a few auto attacks
Whatever happened to Poppy? I remember she was on the rise for a bit.
Poppy is probably the champion that Riot has paid the least attention to over the years. Her entire skill set is from like 5 years ago of LoL design. Like, once the whole 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bottom, 1 jungler meta took over she just got left behind.
I think it would be cool if they could adjust her design so that she was a better lane support.
Yeah I know that. There was just a period where she was seeing some play.
poppy support
I have gotten poppy support and every time I want to cry. I think poppy support can work but every time i get poppy support they play terrible. They will not buy a support item they will take my farm. Just all the worst things you can do.wat
poppy support
So is Rek'sai still good after her nerfs? LCS still seems to like her...
I have gotten poppy support and every time I want to cry. I think poppy support can work but every time i get poppy support they play terrible. They will not buy a support item they will take my farm. Just all the worst things you can do.
So is Rek'sai still good after her nerfs? LCS still seems to like her...
I can't believe we won this
We were behind so bad, but suddenly their reksai afks and we wreck the poor saps lol.
Right now I'm eyeing Naut and Jayce, I've never tried Jayce and his mana reliance is not interesting me.
yeah man she went from being the best jungler to being top 3.She's still very strong. Rex has like a 65 something percent win rate with her even after nerfs.