NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Theyre probably gonna lower his passive cooldown.Game has too much peel and mobility to waste a ban on Voli.
Unless Riot turns him into Reksai or give him an ultimate that is not shit, that is.
Theyre probably gonna lower his passive cooldown.Game has too much peel and mobility to waste a ban on Voli.
Unless Riot turns him into Reksai or give him an ultimate that is not shit, that is.
Game has too much peel and mobility to waste a ban on Voli.
Unless Riot turns him into Reksai or give him an ultimate that is not shit, that is.
With Morellos everywhere thats a pretty meaningless way to buff him, unless they want him to lane.Theyre probably gonna lower his passive cooldown.
On hit damage on a champion that can barely get in without flashing is just pointless, and if your team just lets a Voli stay in auto range after using Q then his ult is the least of your problems. It's such a weird skill for a tank with no gap closers.His ultimate is amazing. Its like a BF sword+ worth of extra damage.
Ended the season g2 after placements g4(?) In promos now.
Could be my elo. If so I'll ride that wave all the way up as far as it'll take me but I really don't feel or haven't really seen much problem playing voli or any glaring weakness (like some unused champs right now) and feel he's super strong.
I get the deadnames when talking about point and click assassins
Because peeling someone with a resetting blink that makes Kassadin look as mobile as Morde is totes as easy as using CC on a bear running fast.
Things have cast and travel times. Most of Kats kit doesn't. That is, if she even needs to ult to kill you at that point.
I get the deadnames when talking about point and click assassins, sowee. Still, "CC her" is as much counterplay as buying pinks vs Akali, you interrupted Death Lotus, she'll kill you anyways once her Zhonyas goes down, whoopdeedoo
I never said Voli was bad but this discussion started talking about the possibility of him being worth banning and that he's super strong. He's neither and has some problems, doesn't mean that he's bad or unplayable. He's decent and that's fine.
Really only champions that lack counterplay tend to get banned. Good examples are like WW and Evelynn at their respective peaks.
Voli doesn't really lack counterplay.
Other than vayne and kalista, who else do you ban?i only ban adcs.
Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.Rek, Vi, Yas, Kal bans the dream
Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.
This morning, some dude playing Janna on my team was like flaming the shit out of me, saying I was a trash ADC and somehow he played the lane completely perfect. Anyways, he was on the other team the next game playing Yasuo.
I showed him trash ADC, lol.
i dont ban vayne or kalista.Other than vayne and kalista, who else do you ban?
Lol, that is pretty funny.Best part about this (aside from the KDA) is that Draven is doing his stupid smirk and Yasuo is trying to hide his face.
No dashing up and mashing keys allowed.i dont ban vayne or kalista.
i ban lucian graves corki.
Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.
Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.
This morning, some dude playing Janna on my team was like flaming the shit out of me, saying I was a trash ADC and somehow he played the lane completely perfect. Anyways, he was on the other team the next game playing Yasuo.
I showed him trash ADC, lol.
Why don't people ban ahri anymore? She get a nerf I missed? Haven't been following all the patch notes as closely as I used to
Why don't people ban ahri anymore? She get a nerf I missed? Haven't been following all the patch notes as closely as I used to
Jinx is fun but man I feel so useless when I'm behind. At least against the caster ADCs.
Daily reminder of why I do ban Vayne. Unfortunately, this Vayne was first pick.
Daily reminder of why I do ban Vayne. Unfortunately, this Vayne was first pick.