Who is the best supp for Jinx?
Tried with Leona, Jinx couldnt get in time to damage the adc or just not dealed enough damage to kill it
Tried with Sona and tresh, noup the enemy supp to the opportunity to punish my ally jinx and squished her hard
Who is the best supp for Jinx?
Tried with Leona, Jinx couldnt get in time to damage the adc or just not dealed enough damage to kill it
Tried with Sona and tresh, noup the enemy supp to the opportunity to punish my ally jinx and squished her hard
If Leona lands her E, shouldn't that be an easy W for Jinx? Now the enemy is slowed and Leona can use her Q. Jinx can run up and throw her snares as well.
Maybe the Jinx is using the wrong cannon? I have no idea.
You need someone that can peel for Jinx, help her survive ganks and engages. Thresh is decent, Nami/Janna works as well. Braum is probably ok as well.
edit: Zyra should work out decently as well.
Just one without dodging or going AFK I think.How many Nemesis games do you need to play? That mode is like going to LA during baseball season. Dodgers everywhere.
Just one without dodging or going AFK I think.
It's going to be funny if there are tons of people who don't get the icon because they dodged.
Any peel/disengage support with some initiation on the side works great. Janna, Thresh, Nami, Morg...Who is the best supp for Jinx?
Tried with Leona, Jinx couldnt get in time to damage the adc or just not dealed enough damage to kill it
Tried with Sona and tresh, noup the enemy supp to the opportunity to punish my ally jinx and squished her hard
I had a power outage, does that count?
Who is the best supp for Jinx?
Tried with Leona, Jinx couldnt get in time to damage the adc or just not dealed enough damage to kill it
Tried with Sona and tresh, noup the enemy supp to the opportunity to punish my ally jinx and squished her hard
Metros playing nidalee. Yup. Definitely going to be popular now.
Metros playing nidalee. Yup. Definitely going to be popular now.
Does anyone know if there is a way to see team dragons in spectator mode? It seems weird that the tournament spectator mode has the little icons for LCS, but normal spectator mode does not. Both teams ingame can just press tab to see the information, so it's not like it's hidden.
Being able to see dragon and baron timers would also be nice in spectate, if the team you're spectating had vision to get the timers to begin with.
this made me laugh way more than it should've lol
jungle nidalee is nerfed on live tho
Nerfed? Played her last night. Seemed fine.
I had a power outage, does that count?
With respect, between comics like this (3rd frame, specifically) and Neko & Orochinagis's comments on Trist, my image of a lot of LoL players is lowering. Maybe I was thinking too highly of players in the first place.
With respect, between comics like this (3rd frame, specifically) and Neko & Orochinagis's comments on Trist, my image of a lot of LoL players is lowering. Maybe I was thinking too highly of players in the first place.
they nerfed the double cat mode thing
Hm.. I'll have to look it up. Didn't realize there were any changes lol.
edit: Ahh.. I see the 5.3 update. I don't know if I was using that stuff but she felt ok last night
I didn't think that worked for me -- does that show the "how many dragons each team has" overlay for you?I just turn off the fog of war so I can see them.
"Hey guys! Main Vanye so please let me adc!"
"Hey guys! Main Vanye so please let me adc!"
Guys: Call me stupid or whatever, but I have been playing League for over a year without knowing the existence of Runes. now that my friends saw how unbelievable the whole situation was, he bought me some Runes....
Uh, did you also forget masteries?