What's the build path for AD Fizz? I tried Devourer's + triforce + bork but I've seen others rush bork after their jungle item.
http://www.lolskill.net/Where do you find this?
Maybe the stats are bad, but the system they have in place is quite good.I want to call foul on Riot's statistics for leave rates. They try and sell us on the idea that it's under .2%, but I guarantee that it's closer to 5% when you factor in AFK at the fountain teammates that just give up. I bring this up because I had it in 3 out of 5 games last night (the 3 being ranked, the other two being normals, of course) and my friend who was spectating was telling me that the odds are super against that.
I don't buy it. I think Riot has some funny numbers for leave rates. I would say AT LEAST one game in 20 has a quitter on one side or the other.
Maybe the stats are bad, but the system they have in place is quite good.
except bot.Quinn can be successful in any lane
About to start a match with Top evelynn...
Holy shit, AD mid Fizz is ridiculous
I prefer him top too, although I love those post 6 lane ganks thanks to his ult, just running right down the lane.
And I'm not trying to prove you wrong or put you on the spot or anything, really. When someone says jungler X is bad or has a rough so-and-so I'll always chime in if I think that's incorrect because the player might be doing something wrong.
Just for a relevant example, I was spectating a plat level player a few weeks ago who was playing jungle Hecarim and he was matched vs. a jungle Sion who was max'ing E in the jungle like you would in top lane and he was having an awful go at it until around level 6. Just figured you might be in the same situation because of what you originally posted. It's perfectly rational for players who play champs in lane to use the same skill orders in the jungle, but that often doesn't work. Probably didn't come across that way, but I just wanted to see if you might be doing something that was holding you back.
Some day Faker will play Heimerdinger...and we will all know sheer terror in solo queue.
Now i wonder if we'll ever find out about what happen to the dragon champ.
She was originally planned to be a "ranged udyr".
With his axe design
An adc with no skills, just stances?And then we get early concept art for Jinx.
She was originally planned to be a "ranged udyr".
And then we get early concept art for Jinx.
She was originally planned to be a "ranged udyr".
oh god her spine is broken
Early Ziggs looks like Ryze and Karthus had teh secs
Ugh, all the garbage Lucian players flocked to Graves, now I have to deal with these shitters taking the role every fucking game
gaf ranked 5s
i got trolled into picking yasuo
ok how do we win 29 lp and end up at 26 -__-
i don't think we had -3 lp lol
The guy we all know and love: Draven.
With his axe design
holding space bar from time to time
So the IP friend bonus is some kind of jackpot prize, what?