Meh, we're simply not going to agree on Trist's identity.
I must be looking at the wrong accounts, since neither Liquid Quas nor SickMotion showed any Tahm Kench stats to check on lolking.Just to follow up, there's replay on youtube featuring Sickmotion who's been playing him top more recently. Lots of nice insight and it's very recent upload. Just search for "Tekk" to find Tekk's youtube channel, the replay is in there.
I wish hex core gave scaling CDR instead of raw mana. Though I guess the newest change helps bring him in line as well.
Kha is pretty greatHow is kha'zix right now, I am thinking about picking him up.
Side note what makes Lucien so bad right now.
trist is the most fun adc period
I must be looking at the wrong accounts, since neither Liquid Quas nor SickMotion showed any Tahm Kench stats to check on lolking.
i've seen more thomas kench's murder melee top laners than i think is fair. maybe it's them not knowing what the champion does and playing reckless, i dunno. i've never gone against it myself.
I don't know about that..
I don't know about that..
Trist uses her spells more often than Sivir. Your E should have a lot of uptime if you string her stuff properly, then you W in and ult to execute people.
doesnt matter, they're boring spells
sivir has really fun spells: a boomerang skillshot, aa reset and spellshield, that's fun
maybe she casts more spells than sivir, but she's still boring to me cos her spells are boring
i like skillshots
tristana sucks balls but fortunately for her the meta favors fast push comps.
I don't mean match history, I mean champion stats, which go back through every season. For example, I have a 27.3% win rate with Tahm Kench.Considering that each plays a 10+ matches per day, how far back does match history even go?
not really, ap trist was like a braindead thing of just mashing all the buttons that was like super straightforward and boringI feel like Tristana, especially the old AP Tristana, would be fun if you like the LeBlanc sort of gameplay of dropping burst damage on people.
That seems kind of offensive/rude to say about Tristana players. :/not really, ap trist was like a braindead thing of just mashing all the buttons that was like super straightforward and boring
there's some of that to leblanc but there's also a ton more you can do with juking and kiting and chasing and fun stuff with her passive which is why she's one of the most fun champions to play in the game
plus leblanc has at least the one skillshot
i cant play champions without skillshots
LeBlanc's chain is as much of a skillshot as Rocket Jump
Also something something DFG Lissandra
The YouTube video shows the account name as "The SickMotion", which has a 6-13 Tahm Kench record (31.6%), not very good either.If anyone has 50+ games with over 50% win rate I'd be impressed enough, especially if it's platinum or higher.
I was just trying to find players with good records on him. You seemed to be suggesting (please forgive me if I am mistaken) that he is in a decent state, but the vast majority of players are making the same mistakes, and only a few players have figured out the proper answer. I had up to this point not been aware of anyone with a lot of games played on him and a good win rate, and your SickMotion example also had the bad win rate which continued that trend.The guy isn't a god and is still learning the champ. You don't have any champions with shit win rates but then it just clicks? I keep track of my own wins/losses on champs and my win rate on Braum is ~35% but I've won something like 7 of the last 10.
Also, if you look at champion.gg and leagueofgraphs.com (which track plat+ and gold+, respectively) you can see charts for Tahm's win rates against games played - top and bottom - players with 50+ games played actually do have a 50%+ win rate on him and it keeps climbing (as of last night when I looked). So those 50+games/50%+ WR Tahm's you're looking for are out there.
I don't even know where you're trying to drive this conversation anymore.
well im just saying things from my perspective, caitlyn is super boring to me but really engaging for others, so it's just the way i like championsThat seems kind of offensive/rude to say about Tristana players. :/
Tristana can use her jump and ult to escape some things or pull off tricks as well. And if timed or calculated it poorly, you could save someone with the ult instead of killing them. I feel that there is room in the world for both LeBlanc players and Tristana players, and neither of them are as completely simple as some would suggest.
well then lebonk has 2 skillshots since her w is another one. or maybe 4 cos ult :>LeBlanc's chain is as much of a skillshot as Rocket Jump
Also something something DFG Lissandra
Oh my sweet, SWEET ping
Change probably won't affect me that much.
Does the Gangplank skin show up right away? I'm not seeing it.
I think they're rolling them out next week.
Can I get the skin from an AI game? I dont want to have to fight to play GP.
lissandra gameplay
live button inputs
old ap trist was like e every time it's on cd because targeted dot is super fun and then just faceroll with targeted spells for the oneshot. insec'ing ppl sounds nice in theory but i don't think i've ever seen one do that except out of hubris lol. like, she's not azir or lissandra or karthus that can zhonyas or just flash out or whatever and make super aggressive moves, ap trist just dfg one shot you. i don't think ap trist even leveled q once lolTrist has a lot of tricks too, between using her E to soften people up for solo tower dives, ulting people with bombs on them to hit someone else with the blast once they land
Hell you can even insec someone if you want to
she's an assassin, you can say the same about zed if u want, combos are never fancy.
but lizzy's spells are interesting while trist's are not (at least for the most part)
q -> extension range makes trading through minions interesting for herand her opponent
w ->low range, not much about this oneAoE CC on demand, no skill required
e -> multiple uses, engage, escape, extra burst, kiting. you can stun her out of reactivating it and like leblanc she can use the visible indicator for juking and faking out ppl
r -> ult someone else orult urself, can be used for assassination, cc,surviving, timing it well lets you dodge ults, etc. Most toxic skill in the whole game
Trist has a lot of tricks too, between using her E to soften people up for solo tower dives, ulting people with bombs on them to hit someone else with the blast once they land
Hell you can even insec someone if you want to
I was just trying to find players with good records on him. You seemed to be suggesting (please forgive me if I am mistaken) that he is in a decent state, but the vast majority of players are making the same mistakes, and only a few players have figured out the proper answer. I had up to this point not been aware of anyone with a lot of games played on him and a good win rate, and your SickMotion example also had the bad win rate which continued that trend.
Thanks for the champion.gg link -- that does indeed suggest that people with 15-50 games on him get over 50% wins in platinum, so it would just be a matter of actually finding such a Tahm Kench main to look at their history and analyze things in it (I haven't looked yet but there might be some of these players writing guides). Side note, the 125+ game win rate is horrible, presumably because if the player was decent they would have gotten out of platinum by that point.
*edit* I just went through the entire first page of gold+ players who wrote lolking Tahm Kench guides, and none of them seem to have more than 20 Tham Kench ranked games max (most much less) unless lolking is just vastly out of date on them.
I do agree with a random note I saw from the champion.gg page: If you're on Tahm Kench's team and he devours you, please don't spam right click. It kills his own movespeed buff, wastes multiple seconds of invulnerability, and may quite possibly get you killed.
Change probably won't affect me that much.
Told the Rengar I wasn't gonna let him win unless he went full tank. He built a tiamat, so I wasn't letting that shitter win.