Stone Ocean
Only 70% KP should have been at least 85%i still dont get the mastery system
Only 70% KP should have been at least 85%i still dont get the mastery system
does that mean I get to ride you
in like, a nonsexual way
why is that stopping u >:3I was recently in Gothenburg and I thought this sailor uniform was so cool... If I was a girl I would so wear these things...!
Since they are a bit OT I put them under spoiler tags.
But I still got away with these <: Sorry for the phone pics (plus uploading them on puush! Is that allowed on GAF?)
Boh, you can tell it's been a while since I posted here by how shitty this post's edition is ._.
his penis.why is that stopping u >:3
why is that stopping u >:3
his penis.
Ah fuck yeah rockin' the UN Squadron avatar...wait a second, how old were you when that came out?
15 minute queue? This is the League thread, the Dota thread is over there.![]()
Gonna play some jungle or support tonight, need to get some variety if I'm going to be putting in another ~15 Tristana games. Could use some more practice on Hecarim. Support, I dunno, I now have well over 20 games played for all my supports so I'm pretty comfortable on all of them. Mmmm probably Sona or Nami.
I don't know how you ADC mains do it. Fucking shoot me. I do need to get better at the role though. I've improved my very early game quite a bit but I don't push my advantage and sometimes I get lost once laning phase ends, trouble determining when to farm and when to group.
She's not that great anymore. She only exists for those old timers who really love her.EDIT: I should try Sona one of these days, I have her, but I never ever used her in a proper match.
the problem isn't the shield, it's the shield on top of the ms buff and the ult and the tornadoYou could max E on lulu and be everything Janna is in terms of low skill "all I do is shield" play
i don't hate leona, she was one of my first champions and everything, but i think she should be way more punishing to playleona is super cool haters gonna hate.
Leona is like the only supp I use.
the problem isn't the shield, it's the shield on top of the ms buff and the ult and the tornado
and janna is dumb cos that's all she does
lulu because of how her kit works has to play aggressive and do cool stuff herself, it takes skill and timing and all that
janna just stays near her carries and has to put in very little effort to achieve really undeserved amounts of success. nothing you have to do as janna takes much skill.
i don't hate leona, she was one of my first champions and everything, but i think she should be way more punishing to play
yeah sorry you dont know what youre talking about. an 80% slow with actual ways to get around it isnt even remotely close to jannas huge aoe knockback and heal that can literally reset a teamfight.Please just putting a thresh box down hard counters hard engage and simply throwing a lantern hard counters ganks
the no skill part of Thresh is just as bad
Sona used to be a top tier pick. Her Q auto used to do like 500 damage.Sona is like the opposite of Thresh.
Her kit works well thematically, but she just sucks in everything else.
Sona used to be a top tier pick. Her Q auto used to do like 500 damage.
Sona used to be a top tier pick. Her Q auto used to do like 500 damage.
Yeah like 15 years ago. I was a pup when Sona was OP. She's just absolute trash now. Shame she got an ultimate skin, such a useless champion.
Sona is like the opposite of Thresh.
Her kit works well thematically, but she just sucks in everything else.
this is exaggerating like the lulu thingPlease just putting a thresh box down hard counters hard engage and simply throwing a lantern hard counters ganks
the no skill part of Thresh is just as bad
nautilus is also opJuggermaw exists for the exact same reasons for lulu
And Leona is way more punishing to play than Nautilus. If you miss your ult as Leona, you're literally useless. Nautlius can provide incredible peel and slow and cant even miss his ult anyway
yeah, very well putOh it absolutely is overloaded, but it's smart. All of his abilities work well together, and you can combine any two (except maybe W and E) and make plays with them.
He's amazingly well put together. It's just a shame that other champions aren't like him. Ekko is overloaded just to be overloaded, as an example of how it shouldn't be.
i haven't played her in a long while, but i'd say she's pretty decent against threshie if played correctlyI don't know, I like her poke dmg.... theoretically but against a well drilled duo, she is really useless!
i haven't played her in a long while, but i'd say she's pretty decent against threshie if played correctly
like, you have to be super patient and careful and poke poke poke and win through sustain
it's not easy tho, but if u play her a bit more i bet u can do it
also don't listen to zkys advice, despite what they're saying Sona will always have a hard time against thresh, whether early, mid, or late game.
Sorry man sonas trash
Every single time he saves somebody with a lantern from like 1300 range awayThresh is overloaded, but his design is so well done that his effectiveness scales 1:1 with the player's skill. I've never once been hooked/dunked on by a thresh and thought "Wow, this dude is broken". Instead I'm impressed by a sweet flash flay or something.
i don't hate janna but i can't understand why she hasn't been nerfed yet, she's just way too effective right now that she just makes the game boring whenever she's in it