yeah i dunnoDoubt it. Also, Xerath/Trist comp, get fkd.
worlds is super weird
absolutely zero morgana and nunu, rumble all of the sudden, barely any ori and lulu. wth is happening
yeah i dunnoDoubt it. Also, Xerath/Trist comp, get fkd.
If any LCS/OGN team loses to Kabum they might as well commit sudokuIf C9 loses to Kaboom then NA is screwed.
-_-If any LCS/OGN team loses to Kabum they might as well commit sudoku
Once again proven today EU > NA so muchEU > NA, it is known![]()
I wouldn't say anything until groups are over
ALL and FNC might win the next match and tiebreaker and then you have egg on your face
it's mostly money but maybe they just wanted better competition? china looks pretty bad right nowLMQ have me kind of confused atm. They have only played two games, but it makes me wonder why they left china if they can do this.
Because pro players dont make shit in china.LMQ have me kind of confused atm. They have only played two games, but it makes me wonder why they left china if they can do this.
Whars the logic behind all the Kayle into the rumble picks?
Is she meant to ult the rumble ult in team fights? Push him into tower in lane?
Or maybe it was just for syndra
Keep in mind that Kayle was picked as a flexpick and they didn't decide to put her top until they pick Xerath last.
IMO, Alliance thought Kayle is better than Rumble in lane and can become a split pushing monster that Rumble can't deal with. This is why C9 did the fast push top to take the tower - it puts Rumble in a position where he can farm safely at tower while Kayle has to play super conservatively because she is extended and has no tower to run back to if she gets ganked.
Ideally, ALL wanted to get to the late game relatively even and send Kayle to split push while Xerath wave cleared from a distance under tower. However, both Rumble and Kayle got set back due to lane swaps which extended the Rumble power spike and delayed the Kayle power spike. C9 gained so much ground before Kayle could get online that she could no longer split push without jeopardizing base towers.
Wow Rekkles. Has there ever been a more irrelevant Tristana in a game?
I love LMQ. Go XiaoWeiXiao!
Get it before Fnatic lose group stage!
But if they lose group stage, there might be a sale.
Less team value and all..
SSB v FNCWith a crushing defeat yesterday at the hands of c9, winning this match would go far in the standings and for their confidence. Still the best chance EU has got, I'm sure many are hoping Alliance show up today.
NJWS v C9SSB historically have a weak early game - perhaps some crazy FNC early game plays will be able to score them the victory before the superior SSB teamfighting kicks in
OMG v FNCCloud9 looking on point against Alliance yesterday and by far, the best strategic team in the west. NJWS have shown that they have a wide pool of strategies themselves. This match will really let us see how close NA is to KR.
SSB v LMQA do or die match for both teams. The loser will unlikely make it to the top two at the end of groups.
LMQ performed amazingly yesterday. Can they do it again against SSB?
So did C9 win both games yesterday I missed the last game and in work just now so can't check.
why is tristana still this OP? he has been this good since the beginning of the season
also silly to not auto ban trist, what a fail by alliance