Oh man, facing the same issue as I am sure a lot of you are. I want this right now so damn bad, but I want the freaking box art too. This is my favorite 3D Zelda game, and I can't wait to five into it once more. What's a Zelda fan to do?
I have the same issue, and I caved on the digital version even though I'm already playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5, New Super Luigi U, and The Last of Us. I probably shouldn't have, but I'm going out of town before the physical release and wouldn't have been able to play it until mid/late-October, and I... didn't want to wait that long to play this. So I get to play it before I leave, and my physical copy will be waiting for me when I get home! If you've only got to wait until October 4th, it MIGHT be worth holding out, but then again maybe not, as it is The Wind Waker HD. Also bear in mind that I had a gift card to use, so I'm not actually spending $100 on buying the game twice... if I had to, that might have affected my decision. Either way, though, I totally feel your pain.
can anyone please confirm that i can't listen to the game by using the headphone socket on the gamepad.
someone said that you can only do this with off tv play.
is this true?
Someone else already answered this, but I figured I'd corroborate it: it's true. The game audio only plays through the GamePad when you're using off-TV play. It's really a shame, as I love how Wii U games sound when I hear them through both the TV and the GamePad at once.
The audio is only mirrored for the intro cutscene and the title screen.