Ugly HUD ruins the shot. XD
Especially since you CAN disable it now -.-
Ugly HUD ruins the shot. XD
There's zero point to complain because it's optional. Don't like it? Go to options and diable it.I'm still making progress pretty fast, it's not too hard for me at all. I'm already at the point where you get the last pearl. I'm not claiming it's "too hard", I'm saying it's awkward and the game is clearly not made to suit it.
Reminds me of when people were telling me I just SUCKED at Skyward Sword because I disliked the game's controls. I beat pretty much everything in that game really easily. It's a matter of me feeling really ._. at all times, really.
Still, it's really refreshing actually kinda being worried during boss fights. Zelda has been missing that for a while now.
You, me and the HUD conversation you keep forgetting. I know it can be disabled... well most of it. Ugly green bar, heart and ruppe counter are still there. Nintendo should just allow those to auto pop up when need it. But one step at a time i guess XDEspecially since you CAN disable it now -.-
Can't find the goddamned swift sail. Oh well, onwards to Forbidden Forest.
Can't find the goddamned swift sail. Oh well, onwards to Forbidden Forest.
1. People use the Tingle Bottle A LOT. I keep finding these damn things everywhere. And I must get EVERY SINGLE ONE.
2. A lot of people playing on a Wii U seems to use their real name. Weird.
The Swift Sail is at the Auction House at night and it appears randomly. Just exit the Auction and try again until it pops up. Auction starts at 100. Was able to snatch it for 250.
Also, I'm noticing 2 things.
1. People use the Tingle Bottle A LOT. I keep finding these damn things everywhere. And I must get EVERY SINGLE ONE.
2. A lot of people playing on a Wii U seems to use their real name. Weird.
On a side note I saw your Mii on the Nintendo Land Plaza yesterday. Kind of neat how you can spot people like that with Miiverse![]()
I have died far too many times
I haven't played Nintendo Land in MONTHS! WTH.
I think I died 7 times in Dragon Roost.
Two of which were so I could respawn with full health. But 5 were legit deaths.
It'll get easier as you get further.
And yeah, i Love the tingle bottles. Addicting...
I felt ashamed dying three times (one to save me trekking back from the Boss Key)
Glad to know I'm not alone.
And tingle bottles are amazing, except the collection hitbox for them is so small they're actually tough to pick up using the swiftsail in one pass.
I died twice in Dragon Roost Cavens by KEESE.
You, me and the HUD conversation you keep forgetting. I know it can be disabled... well most of it. Ugly green bar, heart and ruppe counter are still there. Nintendo should just allow those to auto pop up when need it. But one step at a time i guess XD
There's zero point to complain because it's optional. Don't like it? Go to options and diable it.
I'm getting super frustrated...
I've beat DRAGON ROOST...and it won't let me leave Forest Haven. I got here, docked, got back in the boat and changed the wind...sail out of the quadrant and it tells me I can't go there anymore.
Fuck off. I don't remember this at all. I always remembered the world opening up to you after you beat DR.
Valid criticism is always welcome.Zero point in criticizing something because it's optional? So I can't say I think it could be done better? Boy what an awful mindset.
Edit-It's definitely getting easier as I go on now that I have two bottles and whatnot. 2x enemy damage doesn't really mean shit seeing how dumb most of the enemies are.
Can't wait to do a savage labyrinth run on hero mode.
ALBW better have this as well.
The world doesn't open up fully until you get to Greatfish.
You can only go back to windfall until that point.
Valid criticism is always welcome.
But the game got a lot of heat for been too easy is most aspects (puzzles and combat). We finaly got our wishes granted. And now, you and some others in the thread are basically compalining that the "hard mode" is hard. Just think about it for a second.
Do you have to take a certain path to Windfall?
Is the soundtrack for this baby up yet anywhere? Is it getting an official release at all?
Is the soundtrack for this baby up yet anywhere? Is it getting an official release at all?
So Nintendo has done an OoT remaster and Windwaker, I wonder if they're actively considering bringing up other games in the near future.
Yep, you have to directly retrace your steps, passing by DR on the way instead of taking the direct route.
It's kind of bullshit but it is what it is.
Why go back though, you can just power though the pearl quest; the only thing that might damage you are those fucking sharks.
Do you have to take a certain path to Windfall?
Can't find the goddamned swift sail. Oh well, onwards to Forbidden Forest.
Like all amazing Nintendo merch it's a Japan only CN reward.
Ugly HUD ruins the shot. XD
Well I caved. I was gonna wait to get it in the store but i couldn't. It's beautiful.
Quick fix:Ugly HUD ruins the shot. XD
Oh God, I hadn't thought of the swift sail and bottles. OH NO.
The stupid centipede thing on that one small platform before the lava pillar killed me twice and hit me enough that I committed suicide twice. On the road to the Big Key. I never knew you could downward thrust the son of a bitch.
It's been a year or so when I last played Windwaker but I'm fairly certain it was always a thing.I think they added that downward thrust in the remake, I do not remember it at all, you can do it on the butterfly as well when they try to charge you after you've clipped their wings. I was so shocked when I found out it was a thing.
It's been a year or so when I last played Windwaker but I'm fairly certain it was always a thing.
Quick fix:
So how beautiful is this game? Does it look better than the original? How is the pacing now?
Wait, remastered music? WHAT?
It still retains the feel of the original but the instrumentation has been updated. It's very noticeable and sounds fantastic.Wait, remastered music? WHAT?