Did anyone pre-order this in-store? My Gamestop hasn't sent me their pre-order availability notification yet...which they usually do.
Yeah i did.
I called and asked if i could come in and pick up my pre-order and they asked for my number.
"Yeah you can come pick it up"
Did not receive any call and that place was empty, so just call or show up.
Forgot the Hyrule Hystoria, too!
Less then 30k copies sold in japan.... Damn.
No. The only copy of Hyrule Hystoria you could get in a bundle was a digital copy that came with the Zelda Wii U.Damn, totally should have pre-ordered. That looks like nice swag. The Hyrule Hystoria came with a certain pre-order special, right?
BELATED EDIT: the series has never really been a strong seller in Japan... Being on the WiiU certainly wasn't going to change that.
Are all these screens coming from Miiverse? How do I get screenshots at that resolution?
You can now directly upload screenshots at 1280x720 from the Wii U Browser. Use http://abload.de/ and they won't be compressed at all.Are all these screens coming from Miiverse? How do I get screenshots at that resolution?
Are all these screens coming from Miiverse? How do I get screenshots at that resolution?
Upload them to other sites, not Miiverse.
You can now directly upload screenshots at 1280x720 from the Wii U Browser. Use http://abload.de/ and they won't be compressed at all.
Holy guacamole, thanks guys!- Pause game with Home button
- Open Internet Browser
- Go to image upload site like imgur, minus, abload, etc
- Select to upload image from tv source
- Copy image link
- Go to GAF
- Paste image url
But I shouldn't have gotten a crappy version of an already inferior ganonforf
i hope you love it as much as i do.
What's that tablet thing underneath? Do you draw dongs for the internet?
I feel like a complete fraud - was the Nintendo Gallery in the original? I don't recognise it at all.
Because of Miiverse, this is the first time I was able to complete the figurine sidequest. I ended getting a few pictures and completing all the rooms before I encountered some of the actual characters to take their picture.
The final figurine hasn't shown up for me. Is this a glitch? Do I need to follow through to the end of the game before it appears?
Too bad we can't have both. Right?
Having never gotten all the figurines until the Wii U game, I had the same issue.
It turns out you need to leave the Nintendo Gallery, then come back in.
Carlov, the sculptor, has left. The figurine fanboy Manny tells you he left you one final figurine.
It took me like 20 minutes to get the Ganondorf figure's feet in their sockets on the stand.
Umm...more powerful hardware leads to better looking games. See this game on GC vs. Wii U, with same artstyle LOL.Wii U is all it needs to be. If we get games that look like WWHD/3D World, who needs 1.31/1.84tflop and hyperrealistic artstyles? I prefer stylised games over realistic ones any day. If you enjoy another artslyte more, then ok, got no problem with that. But IMO WWHD and 3D World are easily the prettiest games ive seen so far. And yes ive seen Titalfall and Killzone.
Some cool early screenshots I took:
Wii U is all it needs to be. If we get games that look like WWHD/3D World, who needs 1.31/1.84tflop and hyperrealistic artstyles? I prefer stylised games over realistic ones any day. If you enjoy another artslyte more, then ok, got no problem with that. But IMO WWHD and 3D World are easily the prettiest games ive seen so far. And yes ive seen Titalfall and Killzone.
Geez, I can't get over how great this game looks. The screenshots don't do the 1080p justice. It looks fantastic in motion too: