Dear Nintendo,
Please please please do a HD remake of Zelda TP. Everyone wants it.
Thanks, DT
Dear Nintendo,
Please please please do a HD remake of Zelda TP. Everyone wants it.
Thanks, DT
If this happens, there's a lot of stupid padding I hope gets taken out of the main quest
While you do have to play hide-n-seek for the cabana subquest, you can freely skip the pendant-on-a-tree part if you already have the required amount of joy pendants in your spoils bag. The game makes you do arbitrary things* but is not that arbitrary ; )
* Frankly, part of the reason I did not feel much like returning to it back in 2004 when my first playthrough got interrupted.
Good analysis. Pretty much agree with everything you said, even the more nitpicky stuff (some of the music/instrumentation choices in the finale have bothered me for a decade and clash tonally with what's occurring onscreen).
It's definitely the weakest 3D Zelda for me as well. Midway through playing it, I thought my opinion on that was going to change because I was really digging it, but then I got into the final third of the game and reconfirmed my opinions. The Wind and Earth temples are good, but damn is everything around them and after them rushed. The iron boots, power bracelets, fire/ice arrows, Triforce hunt (and all those enemy arena parts of it), and Ganon's Tower still feel half-baked. I'd go as far as to say that they almost leave the game on a sour note, if it wasn't for the ending battles/cutscenes being fantastic in capturing the promise of the first half of the game.
I'm happy they went revisited this and improved it, but I'm way more interested in them giving TP a facelift. They could also improve the opening a little bit and trim the wolf stuff in a couple places.
I see that term thrown around a lot, but honestly I don't really think they come even close to TWW's padding.
-The bug-stuff/wolf-sections that happen before the first three dungeons wear you down by the last one. But a couple of the bugs were necessary for introducing the environments/characters and aren't necessarily that bad.
-Some of the Lost Woods stuff with Skull Kid was tedious.
-The Sky chart/symbol stuff maybe before the City in the Sky maybe, but this didn't really bother me. And it didn't really last too long either.
Unless you think a Zelda game should just be dungeon-dungeon-dungeon, TP is not that bad.
I used to be bad at these but I worked out the trick to them and I can do them relatively quickly. I basically do a few at a time so the next time I venture to the cabana I'll probably finish the last four off.I'm glad to see people finishing up.
I also 100% the game. The hardest parts of it was fighting Ganon on Hero Mode, that god damn block puzzle in that one island, and that shifting block puzzle in the Cabana that even a decade later I have no hope of completing.
I am really bad at sliding panel jigsaw puzzles.
yeah i got to a point right after tower of the gods where i was just checking everything out and letting curiosity get the better of me. it was pretty great. so much was unfortunately rushed though, and i think this will be the last time they touch this game, which is unfortunate.
one thing i didn't touch upon was the design of the game, and i think it's clear they were still in a oot mindset. the puzzles are kind of hypercharged oot puzzles. pushing blocks? well now you push triangle blocks! hookshot and iron boots? now you must combine them! but there aren't a whole lot of wholly new tricks in the game. the ones that are were incredibly minor, although they worked incredibly well. there's no one telling you that you have to destroy the big wooden barricades with an enemy's sword, and you might not get that phantom ganon's sword points to the right way.
i feel like it's more of the final evolution of oot's puzzles than tp was. actually, tp felt like it introduced a ton of new ideas like the spinner, fuckin' magnets, the double clawshot (the almighty double clawshot), and the old ball 'n chain. the puzzles there were a huge step up over nearly a decade of similar ideas. tww's best addition was the way the boomerang worked.
there are a lot of minor things to improve in tp. i think they learned how to make the tear quests work in skyward sword, where it's a test of your knowledge of the level design instead of your introduction to a town area. there are probably a lot of things they would have you skip, and removing text prompts and giving rupees a greater purpose would certainly help. it doesn't feel like there's anything honestly missing from the game though. whatever problems they had, majora's mask, twilight princess, and skyward sword felt like the design choices were deliberate and made without time constraints (although that's probably not true of everything except ss).
The best pacing in Zelda is when you're not in a dungeon and they tell you to go somewhere or to talk to someone, and you get something genuinely useful/interesting. In OOT, they tell you "before you can enter this dungeon, can you go get this thing?" plenty of times, but nine times out-of-ten, it's stuff like the Hookshot, or a song, or the Lens of Truth. Meaningful stuff you can actually use. It's either that, or really critical or interesting story stuff.
In TP, there's the stupid bug sections which drag on forever. There's long moments of "go do this random kinda meaningless task with these statues, or go talk to this doctor guy for some reason, go to this pointless town full of cats" etc. Alot of it could've easily just been sidequests, and that would've been fine. You could then choose to engage or not engage with that stuff if you want. And when you do it, you would feel rewarded with a heart piece or maybe a neat little item you wouldn't otherwise have. But no, they felt this stuff was so critical that it just had to be part of the main quest.
SS had the same problem.
The best pacing in Zelda is when you're not in a dungeon and they tell you to go somewhere or to talk to someone, and you get something genuinely useful/interesting. In OOT, they tell you "before you can enter this dungeon, can you go get this thing?" plenty of times, but nine times out-of-ten, it's stuff like the Hookshot, or a song, or the Lens of Truth. Meaningful stuff you can actually use. It's either that, or really critical or interesting story stuff.
In TP, there's the stupid bug sections which drag on forever. There's long moments of "go do this random kinda meaningless task with these statues, or go talk to this doctor guy for some reason, go to this pointless town full of cats" etc. Alot of it could've easily just been sidequests, and that would've been fine. You could then choose to engage or not engage with that stuff if you want. And when you do it, you would feel rewarded with a heart piece or maybe a neat little item you wouldn't otherwise have. But no, they felt this stuff was so critical that it just had to be part of the main quest.
SS had the same problem.
Dear Nintendo,
Please please please do a HD remake of Zelda TP. Everyone wants it.
Thanks, DT
I just completed the Nintendo Gallery on my first play-through. Note that they do not give you the link figurine until you beat the game.
Are you talking about the Link on Red Lions figurine? I got that before I beat the game.
Dear Nintendo,
Please please please do a HD remake of Zelda TP. Everyone wants it.
Thanks, DT
No thanks. TP is way too fucking long with nothing at all interesting about it.
Do we have any idea how much longer the special bundle will be available?
Looking at the leaked Gamestop Black Friday flyer I'm kinda worried there aren't gonna be any crazy good Wii U deals and I'd like to grab the Zelda console if available.
Do you think there will still be Zelda bundles around Black Friday?
In terms of mechanics the sailing is very well executed. But it all falls down due to the game not having interesting land masses to explore. The ocean feels like a blue layered void with some grotos to fall down into.I just love the feeling of being on the great sea, sailing the big waves, watching the weather change, traveling from island to island, and playing within this charming world that Nintendo created in Wind Waker. It is unique among 3D Zelda games. No other 3D Zelda gives me those same warm and fuzzy feelings. SS comes close with flying through the sky but it doesn't feel quite the same way. I agree that technically WW is not the best 3D Zelda and it is possibly near the bottom. But from a practical fun factor point of view, which to me is the most important point of view, I like it the best personally.
Just started this, looks great. Is there seriously no way to invert the 3rd person camera? That is going to drive me crazy
Just finished Tower of the Gods, man I thought I was playing good games this gen, and this comes along...
The music, the sense of adventure and exploration, the people, it's just freakin amazing.
I skipped all the Wii Zelda's , cause I really hate motion controls, but damn, this is really on another level.
Nothing feels illogical so far, the combat is amazing fun.
I did play the Cube version, but quit at the Tower of Gods, I can't even remember why.
I even have my copy, with Ocarina of time with it, man I feel dumb now.
I think Im finally understanding what they meant with Nintendo magic, from back in the day.
So glad I sprung for the CE on this one.
I know it's frivolous posting, but I mean this thing of wanting to play more, of just listing to the music, just sailing around, and just looking at Link's face and everything.
This is want I want out of next gen! Not now already, not with such an old game. =)
Amazing game, making me think of going back and playing Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, and just putting up with motion controls.
I really gotta ask...what is amazing about the combat? You're really only hitting A to hit enemies with the same swing every time or sometimes you press A to dodge and then auto attack.
This game kinda ends on a down note
"This is the only world that your ancestors were able to leave you. Please forgive us" DAMN
This game kinda ends on a down note
"This is the only world that your ancestors were able to leave you. Please forgive us" DAMN
I love the screen shot feature. Where is the screenshot thread? Took out a few images I posted originally, don't want to put them in here and have it bug folks
spoilers below, just a friendly warning.
after 30 hours and 20 minutes, i've finished the wind waker a third time. i rarely replay games once, and it's even more special that i'll replay something a second time. so far that honor goes to beyond good & evil, ocarina of time, and link's awakening.
first off, that ending leaves you with a great feeling. it's hopeful without being overtly happy. and i like that it's not a fully happy ending- hyrule is destroyed and daphnes drowns with it. but you get the idea that things are going to be all right.
that's one thing i appreciated this time around. i could enjoy the story from a different angle. in 2003, i was a kid aching for the next ocarina of time. i viewed everything in tww through the context of that game: the travel, the dungeons, the enemy design, and especially the story and characters. so i looked at link as the reincarnation of the hero of time, and we were on a mission to restore hyrule. it seems that it was nintendo's intention to leave behind the zelda of old when they buried hyrule too, but when twilight princess became the game we know, all that changed.
anyway, this time i viewed link as the game sets him up. it talks about boys who don the green garb, take up a sword, and set out to fight evil, and link isn't one of them. they play at being hero, while link doesn't really want anything to do with it. he puts on the hero of time outfit kinda unwillingly (because it's the future and it looks silly). he gets sorta swept up in this adventure that's bigger than him, and only in the end through all his trials the gods say, hey this kid is all right- take the triforce of courage, you earned it. and through that lens i saw the world in a different way. this was especially true at the end. i remember playing for the first time, excited to be back in old hyrule. this time it was eerie, like walking through a ghost town.
i also picked up more on tetra's character development and why she is who she is, and the same for medli as well (poor medli).
so all those story bits were great, and i'm glad i replayed the game if only to pick up on those.
i've said it before, but the sailing. oh god, the sailing. it's so much better now. i really felt like i could explore the world with ease, and so i did. this time, i visited every single island i ran across, just out of curiosity. i also took up exploring more secrets around windfall and the world at large than ever before. the triforce hunt was fortunately much much more manageable. being able to control certain items with motion controls was fantastic, and something i used a lot. i'm still impressed with the wind temple too. love the music and the hookshot/iron boots/leaf/makar stuff. body swapping could have been an item though, especially when it happens in 50-60% of the main dungeons.
it's also a very pretty game, even with the weird lighting sometimes making link and other characters clay-animated. the sky is really gorgeous and most of the time i still felt like i was controlling a cartoon.
i didn't remember the padding outside of the triforce hunt, or even some of it pertaining to the hunt itself. lots of unnecessary steps, or rushed moments (the queen fairy gives you the fire/ice bow, there are two mini dungeons that give you two very big items, and the final dungeon is extremely short and way too okami-ish for my liking). it's also a game that takes a while before it starts off. i mean, dragon roost island really is where things get cooking, and by then you're at least an hour in if you're rushing things.
i'll also say on the presentation side, i'm still annoyed how the sound effects and music negatively impact the ending. it's way, way, way too cartoony in a lot of places (like when ganondorf says your gods abandoned you, or when he knocks the fuck out of link, or the reveal of daphnes at the very end next to the triforce). twilight princess is when they really jazzed things up a bit in the cutscene direction department. it's a minor complaint, but it's always bugged me, and i wish they improved it somehow.
considering everything, i still think this is the worst of the 3d zeldas, but its status has been elevated for me. this is a very good remake, and easily superior to the gamecube version in many ways. i'm glad they went back to this, and i can only hope they give twilight princess the same (or better) treatment, except that's a game that has far fewer noticeable flaws, so i don't know what they would do to improve the experience across the board like they did with tww.
I was going to make an entire topic out of this, but don't really have enough time to do it justice. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that one of the dungeons cut from wind waker and put into TP must have been the Temple of Time, and that it was in a fairly advanced state.
It's the dungeon you get the dominion rod in, which is so obviously missing from this game for the reasons you just mentioned.
It would fit in perfectly with the sunken hyrule, and seems to be kind of thrown into twilight princess. The dominion rod is even less utilized than the spinner in that game, and the temple of time is put in a random spot that is absolutely not congruent with Ocarina, whereas they actually modeled a huge area of undersea hyrule, but ended up with a straight corridor to Gannon's Tower.
Then there's this guy, who looks much more like he belongs in Wind Waker than TP.
Just picked up the Wind Waker WiiU bundle. Excited for it and the new Mario next month. Let's hope I made a good decision.![]()
I don't know if this has already been posted but this is probably one of the best -- if not the best -- in-depth review I've seen of WW. The review is fairly recent from 25 July 2012. It discusses the GCN version but the criticisms and comments may apply equally to the Wii U HD remake.
Matthewmatosis Wind Waker Review
I like his criticism about some of the more superfluous aspects of the game overworld. Eg "pointless filler" like the cyclops, two, three, four, five, six eyed reef. I would have preferred a smaller but a more densely packed overworld.
Personally, I would also have preferred just retreiving and powering up the master sword and going straight onwards to shatter the force-field and onwards to confront Ganon without the tri-foce fetch quest.
Anyway, will give this remake a whirl, despite my misgivings about the graphics.
i always thought that was a reference to real life climate change/ rising sea levels .