You better take like hella selfies.
I'm gonna get rekt
You better take like hella selfies.
1 is good.
The game is like Heavy Rain's daughter. Actually, I think Max is Shawn
from Heavy Rain. /plottwist
Also, the puns are great. Can't help it but feel that the school and
characters feel a bit too clichéd. I like however that I can check out
all posters, devices etc.
11 days
It's getting closer. Gives me still plenty of time to finish episode 4 for the second time.
already? man, time flies when you're not constantly rewinding11 days
Honestly, with the dialogue in this game, I can almost see a line like that coming.
The ending's the journey, too.
Hah, the game just inspired me to buy a polaroid camera on Ebay for my birthday.
This is a really cool idea. What model did you go for? I've just looked on EBay myself and I don't have a clue what to go for.
I totally agree with you, but I think Mass Effect 3 proved that no matter how great a game's journey is, if the ending sucks, people will berate the game to hell and back.Yeah but the ending doesn't justify the entire thing. That's the point. The whole thing stands on its own even if you take the ending away.
Somewhat off topic, but to those doing lets' plays it is a good idea to turn off the music. My channel was just taken down cause of the audio in several of my playthoughs. Which is upsetting cause I put alot of love into that channel over the years.
Somewhat off topic, but to those doing lets' plays it is a good idea to turn off the music. My channel was just taken down cause of the audio in several of my playthoughs. Which is upsetting cause I put alot of love into that channel over the years.
SX-70. No idea how good it is, but it looks nice at least (I got one in black). Film tested polaroids will raise the price way up, but untested can be bought quite cheap. Be aware that film costs quite a lot though. Impossible Project seems to be the only one that makes polaroid film anymore.
The music is part of the game adding to the atmosphere, but regardless of that lawyers or their content ID system doesn't care. I will be perusing legal action.Music is a huge part of what makes Life Is Strange great. I would NOT watch any Let's Play of this game if I couldn't hear the outro song to Episode 1 or the intro song to Episode 2, or Episode 4'smusic.rave
Honestly I would go as far to say that playing Life Is Strange without music would take out almost all the fun. Fuck, the main menu theme alone is giving me warm, happy thoughts right now.
Isn't it possible to get a free pass if in the video description you include a google music or iTunes link to music included in your video?
Just a word of warning: unless Impossible has changed their formula, the film is really inferior to the old name-brand stuff. I bought a couple cartridges from them and within a few months, all the images had greatly faded. After a couple years, you could barely tell anything used to be there at all. I have Polaroids my grandmother took when I was a baby almost thirty years ago that still look vibrant today.
I just finished episode 4 for a second time. Why did it says "Episode 5 "polarized" available now" on the bottom of the screen. Liars
Also about episode 5 (episode 4 spoilers)
that picture Max took with Warren, if Max is the one that has the picture, it would be a pretty safe bet she would rewind to before they entered the end of the world party, right?
Not sure if anyone mentioned this beforehand but I'm currently updating LiS to version 1.05, 235MB update file. The wait is almost over!
Oh boy, am I late. The last time I played it was the day episode 4 dropped so that makes sense as to why I didn't have it.If you are updating to 1.05, that patch is well over 2 month old. That was the patch to fix a rewind bug that got introduced in Episode 4.
I would not be surprised to see 1.06 hit soon though.
Just finished Episode 4 of Life is Strange. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry but that is hilariously bad cosplayWent to NYCC and got super excited Life is Strange was at square's booth, thinking it was a preview of the final episode, it just ended up being episode 1. Super lame. On the bright side i found a cosplay of max and chloe. Hyped for this last episode next week, and on my birthday too. Oh life is good!!!
I'm sorry but that is hilariously bad cosplayI actually LOL'd when I scrolled down and that pic appeared on my screen.
LiS-GAF community hold me. I'm still legit shook from season 4's ending >_<
How's the future look?
there hasn't been a good ending in video games for a while tbh
there hasn't been a good ending in video games for a while tbh
I tried to rebuttal this with something, but came to realize that this is actually true.
there hasn't been a good ending in video games for a while tbh