I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't have any issues with that part or the ending.
go Victoria!
And leave Kate alone
The point of that ending isthat Chloe and Max leave Arcadia Bay and don't look back. They leave everything behind and showing who survived and who didn't would've probably made for a weaker ending.
Jesus I cant stand Max, go Victoria!
And leave Kate alone
No Max, stop with your emo mentality then says everything is so cool aaaaaaand Cloe enters the story....daaaammm that lady is worse
I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't have any issues with that part or the ending.
Thats why I dont like you Cloe.
Jesus I cant stand Max, go Victoria!
I finished Chapter 3 tonight and played about 10 minutes of Chapter 4.
I gotta take a break, the story is just.... wow...
I finished Chapter 3 tonight and played about 10 minutes of Chapter 4.
I gotta take a break, the story is just.... wow...
I finished Chapter 3 tonight and played about 10 minutes of Chapter 4.
I gotta take a break, the story is just.... wow...
Victoria why!?
Duuuuuude chapter 4 is a hit on the feels. Now I know where Max get those crappy puns in the entire game
I like some of the puns. "Are you cereal?" is possibly the best line in the game (from what I've heard so far).
The Devs used Mexican puns in the Spanish american version, I was laughing in episode 3.
The Max name puns are just lame,
So I just finished episode 4 and??? Oh shit, gonna start episode 5 right now.WTF MR JEFFERSON
I finished Episode 5 tonight. Wow, the entire game has been such an incredible journey for me. And I loved every moment of it.
As for the ending:I saved Chloe. Even before that final scene, I had the feeling that in order to stop everything, I should simply have done nothing at all from the start. But I couldn't abandon my best friend. Also, if I went back and did nothing, Jefferson would have gotten away with everything, wouldn't he? I will definitely play again and choose the other ending.
Ended Episode 5
God this fucking game
God dammitI wont let you die Chloe, not after all that shit.
I know the real ending islet Chloe die because the whole game reason to exist to return to that point and let the time flow normally as intended but fuck it
There is no real ending.Both endings are the canon endings, and that's the Word of God
So, maybe some remember when I said this game had injected me with musical inspiration and I wrote quite a few songs in a few days? I've written about 20 or so over the past 45 days and, now, I have about 13 tracks that I really enjoy and are nearing completion. It will all be put out in a sort of album/mixtape. A free album, naturally.
Just something I wanted to share here before actually putting it all out in a few weeks (I hope). I took Blackwell Academy and sliced it up a lot into something kinda dancey. Mixing it in with what I contributed was... a mess, to put it lightly.
Some random questions about the game
1.- Is there a way to know whats in the Max folder on Warren's USB
2.- What happens if Max saves her plant
3.- Whats the nature of the nightmare section is her subconcious or alternative reality torment? because if it was max subconcious she had an idea of warren was a stalker, Cloe was afraid Cloe using her and she really wants to be in the dark room with Jefferson.
4.-Whats with Samuel
Finished Episode 1 with my wife watching. I let her make all the desicions in this playthrough. She didn't do anything to help Kate out and complains to me that Kate needs to stand up for herself and not be a crybaby. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what she thinks of Episode 2...
Finished Episode 1 with my wife watching. I let her make all the desicions in this playthrough. She didn't do anything to help Kate out and complains to me that Kate needs to stand up for herself and not be a crybaby. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what she thinks of Episode 2...
I finished this last week.
Episode 1-5 spoilers.
-Couldn't save Kate, thought I'd done everything I could up to that point to help her, turns out I just didn't pick the right dialogue choice. I was tempted to go back and re-do it but from that point the game had already taught me to live with the consequences.
-Chose to help Chloe end her life in the alt universe. The 'pro's' felt like they'd outweigh the cons.
-Finding Rachel's body was absolutely harrowing thanks to the brilliant VO's. It made my skin crawl to think that'd I'd mooching around that same place, seeing those needles and thinking the doe was in the very spot she was burred.
-The Dark Room. Again, repulsed me thinking what had gone on there.
-Getting drugged by Jefferson was absolutely a surprise. Once again creeped me out no end thinking about the communications we'd had up to that point.
- Sacrificed Chloe. It just felt like the right things to do / the greater good scenario. The Prescott's were going down and Arcadia Bay had a legitimate change of becoming a vibrant place once again.
Finding Rachel's Body scene kills me literally every time I watch it. Props to Ashly Burch in that scene for just giving a heart wrenching performance.
Yes. Ashly has done a ton of voice work now including Chloe Price, Cassie Cage from MKX and of course *shudder* Tiny Tina.Holy shit, Ashly Birch from 'Hey Ash'? I had no idea!
Finished a few hours ago. Ibut I feel like it was the wrong choice. Watching the other ending on YouTube, it seemed like it showed so much more and that was what you were supposed to pick.sacrificed Arcadia Bay #BaeOverBay
Kinda sucked that nothing you did the rest of the time mattered but it was a great journey.
Can't believe that this thread is still active even though the last episode came out in October! Just goes to show the long legs of this game and how wide of an audience this game has now reached.
Good on you DontNod!
Also that Audience Award from GDC doesn't hurt either!![]()
I think that is a false notion that people have about that ending. Just because it "shows more" doesn't make it a better ending inherently.