You didn't notice the?license plate of Chloe's truck was TWNPKS
So the Life Is Strange folks just posted this on Facebook:
So the Life Is Strange folks just posted this on Facebook:
I'd love to have the title screen visuals/music as a PS4 dynamic theme.
PSY・S;152075483 said:Lmao atWarren's flash drive and Spirit's Within.
The fan art its so damn good.
Would you guys recommend this show? Has it a proper ending? (I know some tv show doesn't have that due to cancelation)and I'm also getting slight Twin Peak vibes.
good godThe fan art its so damn good.
Would you guys recommend this show? Has it a proper ending? (I know some tv show doesn't have that due to cancelation)
Would you guys recommend this show? Has it a proper ending? (I know some tv show doesn't have that due to cancelation)
One thing that definitely stuck in my mind as I played this; if I got a negative response or a response I didn't want, I would simply rewind it and get the one I wanted. But then that made me think; if a person kept doing that, just getting the optimal result for them, they wouldn't really get much out of life, would they?
At least, in my eyes, failing/screwing up is part of life, so while it's awesome to see all the different choices play out in this game, having that power would be a real mindscrew for me
Not everything is black and white. Stuff seems like maybe wrong at the moment good things could happen from it.
The fan art its so damn good.
Would you guys recommend this show? Has it a proper ending? (I know some tv show doesn't have that due to cancelation)
Would you guys recommend this show? Has it a proper ending? (I know some tv show doesn't have that due to cancelation)
I would recommend watching it but it starts to lose it's way after 10ish episodes into season 2 due to outsiders sticking their nose in and not letting David Lynch get on with it.
How's the OST?
Somebody in that thread dissed Bright Eyes. That makes me sad. Conor Oberst has a track on it?? Can I buy the soundtrack??
Finished it yesterday. Though, I didn't like it as much as TellTale's stuff, it wasn't half bad. I do like how there is more problem solving, particularly with the time travel. But so help me if Chloe says "hella" one more time. I mean do teenage white girls even talk like that, cause that shit grates hard. Outside of that, I think she's alright lol.even if it took me a minute to figure out how to interact with the paint bucket lol
On to some choices:
I think of the many choices, the one I felt the most inclined to rewind on was not intervening when in Chloe's room. I was conflicted upon seeing the aftermath, but I felt that intervening for Kate at school was different than stepping in for Chloe in her home where Max was apparently not welcome. I rationalized it as some reservations on Max's part about exactly where she stands in her friendship with Chloe. On the way to her home, Max is given the chance to explain why she hasn't bothered to contact her former best friend over the years and since Max had returned, and I felt there was a deeper reasoning than the responses you were given in that particular conversation. Something, that in a non-life threatening situation, would give her pause.
Also, there was something to do with a bird and Dana's pregnancy test, but I missed both of them. lol What were those about?
Credits coulda rolled right there lmao
one would hope that the fact it is the main mechanic of the game would force the writers to create a more meaningful narrative with more everlasting consequences since they cannot pretend the usual "your choices matter, but not really all outcomes are actually the same" that we see in say Telltale games, but we'll have to wait and see.Most enjoyable experience I have had in some time, eagerly awaiting the next episode. Not sure how I feel about the wholeaspect however. It kind of feels like a cheap device to let you see all outcomes. I'm sure it will have greater narrative ties in the coming episodes, but I hope it is done in a way that feels right to the story. I'm worried it might not.time rewind
Guys, sorry to pump my own stuff but I wrote a review if you want to check it out.
It's my first attempt at writing a review in English so let me know if something's not quite right.