But the most damning aspect of Adventure mode, and LittleBigPlanet 3 as a whole, is the number of bugs I encountered while playing it. Across two PlayStation 4 systems, my (already patched) game encountered frequent frame rate stuttering, crashed multiple times and glitched out so I couldnt respawn after dying. I fell through levels into floaty purgatory twice, and some of the plentiful loading screens became stuck. Twice during a boss chase, my co-op partner and I were left stranded after spawning mid-way through the level, because the level hadnt reset itself. Again, this is with the zero-day patch installed.
Do my eyes deceive me or do I see a 6.8 from IGN?
Holy Shit
oh wow, sony just cant catch a break
Reviews are meaningless
IGN has become a bit of a joke though. Reviews for this will be predictable. Just listen to any site's podcasts, especially IGN and you could tell the score even before they played it.
their first party games have been quite a disappointment for sure.
not really but ok. ill wait to play it before I deem it a disappointment
Those reviews kind of ruined my night.
Can any PS4 exclusive catch a break?
Those reviews kind of ruined my night.
Can any PS4 exclusive catch a break?
IGN gives this a 6.8 for bugs but gives Unity a 7.8? Fuck you. I'm done with reviews for this gen.
Joystiq 4.5/5
IGN gives this a 6.8 for bugs but gives Unity a 7.8? Fuck you. I'm done with reviews for this gen.
Joystiq 4.5/5
IGN gives this a 6.8 for bugs but gives Unity a 7.8? Fuck you. I'm done with reviews for this gen.
Joystiq 4.5/5
Ok now that's a great sign. Like I said before, reviews won't make or break this game for me but "game breaking bugs" would be seriously disappointing.IGN gives this a 6.8 for bugs but gives Unity a 7.8? Fuck you. I'm done with reviews for this gen.
Joystiq 4.5/5
lol that ign review has game breaking bugs but doesn't play the day one patch version -_- this why reviews before release date is terrible
i personally have been disappointed, but from just standpoint of reviews is objectively been a disappointment. I've loved what I've played of lbp3, and I'll still let myself form my own opinions, however this is easily going to be the worst reviewed lbp.
After Killzone SF and Driveclub reviews, I've learned to take ps4 1st party reviews lightly. Both are great games
Especially when the bug$ they encountered in LBP3 were very common in AC: Unity.
God damnit, too late to cancel pre-order. I really don't have time for a buggy game.
Well the difference is one game they didn't want to play, and the other they really wanted to like. Which is why people shouldn't get so down about reviews. I have yet to listen to one podcast where people were excited for a new LBP, but for whatever reasons were for Unity.
God damnit, too late to cancel pre-order. I really don't have time for a buggy game.
opinions and all that stuff kzsf was a major disappointment for my friends and i, and driveclub was an absolute disaster.
But the most damning aspect of Adventure mode, and LittleBigPlanet 3 as a whole, is the number of bugs I encountered while playing it. Across two PlayStation 4 systems, my (already patched) game encountered frequent frame rate stuttering, crashed multiple times and glitched out so I couldnt respawn after dying. I fell through levels into floaty purgatory twice, and some of the plentiful loading screens became stuck. Twice during a boss chase, my co-op partner and I were left stranded after spawning mid-way through the level, because the level hadnt reset itself. Again, this is with the zero-day patch installed.
Wait IGN reviewed it without the patch?
Why do developers do this to themselves??? I'm sure lbp3 is a great game and I'll still be getting it tomorrow but why would u send out your game to review if you KNOW there are problems that you will address with a patch later on???? Why?? Reviewers will ALWAYS base their opinions on what they have on hand.It's not that buggy, the IGN review was from old code that has since been patched.
Ah ok.They had 1 patch but not the 2nd one. I don't think it was available until today.
So I'm playing and I don't have the popit freezing, patch 1.02