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LittleBigPlanet 3 |OT| #4TheLayers


If I buy costumes from US store will they work on my euro account?

DLC region needs to match the game region, not account region. However you need a US account to buy US DLC and so forth, but if you buy the game and DLC from a US account and play on a euro one it all should work fine.


Is it just me or is this game really buggy? The second story area has failed to open after beating the boss several times... wat
You guys weren't joking, the story mode felt super short. That final stage makes it one of my favorite in the series though, great to see a difficult level that was fun rather than being hard because of unreliable physics (LBP1).

I also like how the power ups are relevant for earlier worlds to explore levels even further to find materials and plow through them quicker, in an almost Zelda or Metroid way.

I think even with the crippling bugs this is probably my favorite LBP story mode so far. It just needed more levels where you can use the new sack characters more play testing.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I also like how the power ups are relevant for earlier worlds to explore levels even further to find materials and plow through them quicker, in an almost Zelda or Metroid way.

No kidding. The boost boots alone turn the game into easy mode. Make a faulty jump? Don't worry, you can boost right back to your safe platform. And the blink ball can destroy enemy brains much like the paintinator, saving you the trouble of putting your life in danger in many instances.

I'm still disappointed that they didn't make a super dark level utilizing the flashlight though. It was purely a tool that offers no use in the story mode except to shine on hidden pictures.


I was trying to ace a level, died at the beginning because of a glitch, restarted and -this time I timed it- it took literally 35 seconds to restart so I could retry. Oh and when you enter and leave the costumes shop from that guy, it takes a minimum of 30 seconds as well. It is a norm really, I always just assume I'm gonna wait at least 30 seconds everytime I do SOMETHING.

I'm sorry but the improved jump is not enough for the amount of rubbish in this game.

Stay away from the franchise Sumo. Only the stupid Sony execs know why they didn't give LBP3 to Double Eleven/Tarsier after the fantastic LBPVita. I'm sure at least they wouldn't have been okay with 30 seconds loading screens for everything and trying to pass a boring thing where you have to "create a car" for a real level or minigame.
Sorry to quote myself, but I'm still looking for a solution to this; it may have got lost at the end of the last page:

Is there a way to turn off the sound made by a score giver?

Right now I'm making the gems for Spyro. I first made a small piece of diamond material, set it to rotate, and changed it to the appropriate colour. Next I've added a tag sensor to it (to detect my sackbot in proximity) and connected it to an object destroyer and a score giver. It works great functionally as Spyro can now collect it by walking over and the right value is added to the player score. The problem is that the score bubble sound is still played.

I can connect the player sensor to a sound object, to produce a better gem sound, but this is still played at the same time as the score bubble sound. I can't find any option in the score giver tweak menu to make a difference and it also has no wire output to connect to a sound object directly.

Anyway some good news is that I've created the gems and I've also got an early version of Sparx the dragonfly working. So far, he flies around Spyro and then he collects gems when Spyro gets within a vicinity. I've got a short video to upload showing this in action (plus Spyro charging, gliding and breathing fire as well). I'm just waiting for PSN to come back up so I can share it to Youtube.

I still need to make a health system that involves Sparx changing colour and then disappearing, but that'll come in time. I'll at least be ready to start building a proper level soon and hopefully get it published at some point.
I got bored of waiting for PSN to work, that's 3 days I've been stuck offline now...

Anyway here's the teaser for Spyro, I uploaded the video manually from USB:


I don't know if there's much I can do to make Sparx to look better. I couldn't find any dragonfly objects in my goodies bag, and materials start to visually glitch out when you get too small. It at least works functionally, which is the most important thing, I guess.
Quick question - in LBP1 and 2, Guest players could access all of player 1's items and customizations by signing in as a guest. Is this not the case in LBP3? Three of us have gotten together to play through the story mode and cannot seem to use any of player 1's items.

Have tried signing in as Guest and a New User. Anyone?


I just unlocked Oddsock and I am starting to appreciate this game. The way they created a more "open-worldish" experience is a refreshing change to the way levels have been done in the past. I can't even imagine how much effort went into making these levels.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I might take another look; the one requirement is that I can change colours between green blue and gold. I'll most like need emit a new Sparx for each colour change as well.

Maybe. I forget, does the opacity tweaker also effect decorations? You might be able to have all colors of Sparx emitted at once, but only have them become visible when they're supposed to. I did something similar to that with the menu buttons of my LBP2 work in progress I posted a page or so back. The menu buttons darkened when pressed, but they also had to disappear. Since materials only support binary color settings (and since LBP2 had no opacity tweaker), and I didn't want any delays caused by emitting something complex, I had to have both versions of the menu buttons emitted at once.


I'm having an issue with the game. I get stuck in an infinite loading screen when I try to load a level while connected to PSN. Only started having this issue today. Didn't happen the day before yesterday when I got the game. Any known fixes?
Quick question - in LBP1 and 2, Guest players could access all of player 1's items and customizations by signing in as a guest. Is this not the case in LBP3? Three of us have gotten together to play through the story mode and cannot seem to use any of player 1's items.

Have tried signing in as Guest and a New User. Anyone?
Are you on the PS3 or PS4? Existing users should be able to use items they've collected and the DLC of the main user.
I might take another look; the one requirement is that I can change colours between green blue and gold. I'll most like need emit a new Sparx for each colour change as well.
Use stickers on sticker panel and make them flicker on and off with the output of a not gate looped into itself, perhaps?

I'm having an issue with the game. I get stuck in an infinite loading screen when I try to load a level while connected to PSN. Only started having this issue today. Didn't happen the day before yesterday when I got the game. Any known fixes?
Are there still issues with PSN today and is this a story level?
PSN seems to be fine, I can access everything from friends list to store. It's not just story levels though, the issue also applies to My Moon levels.
Hmmmm that's odd. For now, disconnect from online and see if it loads properly for now. I'm assuming you're on 1.04 correct?


Hmmmm that's odd. For now, disconnect from online and see if it loads properly for now. I'm assuming you're on 1.04 correct?

Correct, I'm on 1.04. The game works fine offline, everything loads. Is this a bug with the game or the servers?

Edit: Not sure if this is related, but I can't access the LBP3 servers now. Maybe the issue is server side?


Is $39:99, the new price or a holiday only type deal?

I might pick this up tommorow at gamestop (where that is the price).
Thanks for the suggestions, although now I'm likely going to go with emitters to produce a new dragonfly for each state change. The main reason I feel I need emitters is to respawn Sparx if he reaches a certain distance away from Spyro (eg when getting stuck on scenery). I'd rather keep him collidable to prevent going inside walls. I also need Sparx to despawn when Spyro is at minimum health so he doesn't collect any treasure while invisible.

I have now found some feathers to stick on as wings, so he does look a bit more dragonfly-ish.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Thanks for the suggestions, although now I'm likely going to go with emitters to produce a new dragonfly for each state change. The main reason I feel I need emitters is to respawn Sparx if he reaches a certain distance away from Spyro (eg when getting stuck on scenery). I'd rather keep him collidable to prevent going inside walls. I also need Sparx to despawn when Spyro is at minimum health so he doesn't collect any treasure while invisible.

I have now found some feathers to stick on as wings, so he does look a bit more dragonfly-ish.

Well you could always try to section off the logic that causes him to do that, and disable it when he's in his "gone" state. That's my favorite way of doing things. And tags. Hundreds and hundreds of tags and tag sensors. I hate wires.


Update for Donkey Show on my situation; I think I might know what the problem is. Yesterday I changed my MTU settings on my PS4 so I could access PSN, and while it does log me into the LBP3 servers, it causes the infinite loading. However, when I set the MTU to automatic (post log in, I can't log in while on automatic for some reason) the LBP3 servers don't load at all.

I've been having the infinite loading ever since I changed the MTU settings, so I'm fairly convinced that this is the problem, in which case, I just need to wait for PSN to work normally again.

Further update: Just tried creating a new save (while backing my old one up to USB storage). I still have the issue on the new one, so thankfully, it just appears to be the servers.
The cover of I Only Have Eyes For You that's featured in this game is probably the best version of the song I've ever heard - it's so good! Anyone know who the band/artist is that's responsible for it?


He touched the black heart of a mod
The cover of I Only Have Eyes For You that's featured in this game is probably the best version of the song I've ever heard - it's so good! Anyone know who the band/artist is that's responsible for it?

If you've got the audio object, that should tell you.


I'm having some trouble with sackbots and controllinators. I have the controllinator set to NOT automatically enter but the sackbot automatically enters anyway. Has anyone else experienced something like this or have any fixes?

Edit: I built a system to fix the issue but I have to use my own triangle prompt with sticker material. On a positive note I figured out how to prevent my sackbot from entering the controllinator intended for the player! It never occurred to me before to use multiple behavior chips.


The cover of I Only Have Eyes For You that's featured in this game is probably the best version of the song I've ever heard - it's so good! Anyone know who the band/artist is that's responsible for it?

Not sure, but assuming you've got the prize bubble for the song, just go to create mode and you'll find it with all the info in your poppit.


In the UK on PS4 here, so many costumes bought in previous LBP games don't transfer over, also is there no way to unlock stuff from the Vita version like there was with LBP1&2? One more question - I unlocked and 'purchased' the two free costumes from Run Sackboy Run on iOS but can't get them to show up in the game or store, how do I do this?
In the UK on PS4 here, so many costumes bought in previous LBP games don't transfer over, also is there no way to unlock stuff from the Vita version like there was with LBP1&2? One more question - I unlocked and 'purchased' the two free costumes from Run Sackboy Run on iOS but can't get them to show up in the game or store, how do I do this?
I know that I'm definitely missing the astronaut costume from LBP1. I'll have to get around and boot the old games up at some point to see what else I should have.


Just out of interest donkey, is there any reasoning behind the big save file size? I assume you pad out a file to make sure there is room there later as the players profile grows? But surely over half a gig is a little high? It plays havoc with PS+ cloud save space.

Has there been any progress on this yet? Just started playing the game and noticed that the profile size is over 500MB. I'm assuming there has been no patch yet?
I am so happy you no longer need MOve for the paint tool, not because I hated using the Move but because I don't have everything to get my Move working anymore. :p

But still good on them making such an important tool more readily available to everyone.


While trying to sign-in my friends profile, she received a "this profile is corrupted and cannot be loaded" message and lost all her progress - stickers, costumes, etc. This is massively disappointing too as we've played the entire game together and were on the second to last level -
"The Great Escape (where you need to use Oddsock, Toggle & Swoop to free Sackboy).

I'm almost regretting my purchase of LBP3 and it truly hurts to say that. None of my previously purchased DLC is available to me (even though I sent an email to [email protected] and never heard back from them) and now this. I really wish this game had been delayed and released in a more stable condition. :(


PSN is back for me and LBP3 works. I was just wondering, is it possible to transfer my progress from LBP Vita, and of so, how?

Also, if anyone wants to play online with me, my PSN is Wil348-. :)
Gah, this is getting really irritating now. Since yesterday I've been constantly getting stuck on the white loading screen after exiting community levels. The only fix is to restart the game.

I did queue up quite a few levels on lbp.me and I've been having loading loop problems after playing every 2 or 3 levels. Could this be the cause?


I've been trying to play online today, and when my request to join a session isn't refused I just get timed out. I didn't make it into a session a single time. I haven't tried joining friends yet, I will try that when I see some playing the game, but I'm a bit disappointed that I can't join other people. Are there any plans to update the network functions of the game? At the moment, it's just flat out impossible to join non-friends or let them into my session.
I've been trying to play online today, and when my request to join a session isn't refused I just get timed out. I didn't make it into a session a single time. I haven't tried joining friends yet, I will try that when I see some playing the game, but I'm a bit disappointed that I can't join other people. Are there any plans to update the network functions of the game? At the moment, it's just flat out impossible to join non-friends or let them into my session.
I've never been able to join a random player when joining a level, not even once. I always get a time out or similar error. I have managed to join a friend in their pod before, but playing levels or create is almost impossible due to extreme lag.

This game really needs a massive overhaul of its networking, I don't remember LBP 1 & 2 being so bad.


I've never been able to join a random player when joining a level, not even once. I always get a time out or similar error. I have managed to join a friend in their pod before, but playing levels or create is almost impossible due to extreme lag.

This game really needs a massive overhaul of its networking, I don't remember LBP 1 & 2 being so bad.

If the problems are that widespread (I havent had the chance to try online yet, much less boot up since launch week), Sumo should put something on the playstation blog.


I played some online with a friend today, and the lag is absolutely atrocious. It makes the game almost completely unplayable and at best you can only complete something if you soldier through it. It takes away a lot of the fun factor and replaces it with frustration.

Sumo, you need to fix this. Co op is a heavily marketed thing in this game, and when it works atrociously at best and at worst outright doesn't work at all, then you are pretty much falsely advertising your product. I love LBP3 so far but the poor online infrastructure is inexcusable and it's disappointing because I want to play the game with friends. For the time being, I can't really recommend the game to people who want to do co op unless Sumo fix the online.

Such a shame too, because I guess you could say that I'm a fan of Sumo's work (Sonic Transformed is one of my favourite racers of all time, and I own several different versions), but when I buy a product I expect it to work as advertised.
I think I've just found a glitch. For some reason I can't capture an object with an Opacity Tweaker on it (set to 0%)

Thankfully there's a simple workaround: connect a 0.1 second timer to the Opacity Tweaker and then I was able to capture the object. It works fine now (apart from being visible for 0.1 seconds :p)

Having an invisible collidable object to follow is a fundamental part of how my Spyro sackbot works now. Since holograms and sticker material don't collide, I'm not sure what I could do without the opacity tool.
Second time now that I've completed a world and can't progress to the next one, and this is Manglewood I'm talking about here, the SECOND world. Is this going to happen every time throughout story mode? I'm also totally unable to join anybody's game online. Invitations are totally broken, they haven't worked once.

Game should've been delayed to January or thereabouts.


Second time now that I've completed a world and can't progress to the next one, and this is Manglewood I'm talking about here, the SECOND world. Is this going to happen every time throughout story mode? I'm also totally unable to join anybody's game online. Invitations are totally broken, they haven't worked once.

Game should've been delayed to January or thereabouts.

Yep, same here. The first time it happened, I was pretty baffled. Little kids are going to be so fucking confused by this game. But the second time? Now it's frustrating.

Despite the quality of the levels, this game was so obviously rushed out. It performs pretty poorly on PS4 despite being a PS3 game. And we're not talking about a remaster here, we're talking about a straight port.


He touched the black heart of a mod
The LBP engine is probably optimized for PS3. This game should have used a good bit of more time in the oven. Strange that Sony rushed it for the holidays, yet hardly advertised it compared to other titles.


tagged by Blackace
The LBP engine is probably optimized for PS3. This game should have used a good bit of more time in the oven. Strange that Sony rushed it for the holidays, yet hardly advertised it compared to other titles.
I think the title would have been great to fill in gaps in the Spring lineup IMO, and it's the title that can do well in that time too when people are a bit open minded.

Is PSN completely fixed? I didn't dare logging into the game at all during the outage because I didn't want shit to get corrupt when it tries syncing back with the servers.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I think the title would have been great to fill in gaps in the Spring lineup IMO, and it's the title that can do well in that time too when people are a bit open minded.

Is PSN completely fixed? I didn't dare logging into the game at all during the outage because I didn't want shit to get corrupt when it tries syncing back with the servers.

Pretty sure PSN has been working fine for a few days now.

Shame that there's no store update this week, but hopefully they'll have a good deal more DLC pieces fixed by next week. I don't know how Sumo's holiday work schedule goes though.

Hey donkey show, can you give us any updates on patches or DLC fixes?


So I'm trying to play local coop, but online features are disabled if a non-PSN "guest" account is created. We created a new PSN account but it doesn't seem like unlocked costumes are shared. Is there anyway to do this? I want to share local unlocks in the game like in LBP1/2.


I was wondering, what's a good way to unlock costumes for someone one who doesn't own the PS3 games? I want to get some jeans and some hair (not too thick nor thin, preferably brown) for my Sackperson but I'm not sure where to go.
Pretty sure PSN has been working fine for a few days now.

Shame that there's no store update this week, but hopefully they'll have a good deal more DLC pieces fixed by next week. I don't know how Sumo's holiday work schedule goes though.

Hey donkey show, can you give us any updates on patches or DLC fixes?
I'll have a better picture of stuff down the line when we get back in the office next week. The issues are definitely still being looked at though so please inform me via PM or here or via @stevenisbell our community coordinator. Apologies for the issues you guys have been experiencing.

So I'm trying to play local coop, but online features are disabled if a non-PSN "guest" account is created. We created a new PSN account but it doesn't seem like unlocked costumes are shared. Is there anyway to do this? I want to share local unlocks in the game like in LBP1/2.

This is PS4, correct? They'll have to unlock the costumes themselves, but if you took them to a level you've already completed during a local co-op session where you collect costume prize bubbles, they'll be able to collect those and have them saved to their profile.

I was wondering, what's a good way to unlock costumes for someone one who doesn't own the PS3 games? I want to get some jeans and some hair (not too thick nor thin, preferably brown) for my Sackperson but I'm not sure where to go.

Off the top of my head, I think the Last of Us costume DLC might be a good place to look. There was also some Sackboy casual wear DLC as well that should fit the bill.


This is PS4, correct? They'll have to unlock the costumes themselves, but if you took them to a level you've already completed during a local co-op session where you collect costume prize bubbles, they'll be able to collect those and have them saved to their profile.

Yessir, this would be on the PS4. Will keep an eye out for that, just thought it was odd since all my LBP1/2 unlocks that carried over only went to my account.
I'm disappointed in this game. It feels empty after beating it. User generated content has hardly flourished so far and the lack of content for the new characters is lame. Not to mention, they completely held the game back because of PS3 compatibility which is silly imo.

I feel like selling it.
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