- A brand new single player campaign that'll see you and your Sackboy travel through the mysterious world of Carnivalia in over 40 levels.
- Tweaked physics engine so that Sackboy doesn't jump like he's on the moon, though it still has the signature LBP flair.
- Includes all of the features from both LittleBigPlanet, and LittleBigPlanet 2.
- Play with up to 4 friends via WiFi for co-operative fun.
- Import costumes purchased from LittleBigPlanet, and LittleBigPlanet 2 on PS3 to Vita for free. Note: PS3 levels cannot be transfered to Vita, and vice versa.
- Use the Vita's various inputs to play, and create like never before!
- Import objects into your stage by using the Vita's cameras.
- 3G connectivity allows you to browse, download and publish your own games wherever you are.
- Memorizer is a new gadget that allows you to have save states in user made levels.
- Create Mode features a whole load of new materials, tools, gameplay kits and more.
- Share your creations to the world, and find the best the community has to offer with LBP.me.
For a more in depth look at the feature set of LittleBigPlanet PSVita, check out the LBP Wiki entry.

Metacritic - 88/100 after 25 reviews
CVG - 9.2/10
Simply, the best LBP on any format. Combines smart design with Vitas controls, and adds incredible online functionality to make it the first essential Vita game.
Edge - 9/10
Semi-regular iterations were never going to make a game as singular as LittleBigPlanet feel like part of the cyclical release grind, then, but theres still something rather surprising about how thoughtful and vivid this latest instalment is. If youve been writing the series Vita appearance off as a compromise or a contractual obligation, youre in for something of a treat. That 5 inch OLED screen is a chance to see Media Molecules staggering achievement afresh, and to witness one of this generations most intriguing engines of creativity at its most energetic and effective.
IGN -9/10
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita is the definitive LittleBigPlanet game. It's everything you loved (or possibly didn't) from the past games boiled down into a package you can play anywhere at any time.
Polygon - 9/10
LittleBigPlanet Vita is the best thing on the Vita to date, a perfect fit formed between the hardware and the franchise. But it doesn't just succeed on a conceptual level; it's polished, addictive, and precious. In every imaginable way, LittleBigPlanet Vita is a knockout.

Preordering LittleBigPlanet PSVita from participating retailers will net you the Bioshock and Knights of Old costume packs:

Still not convinced? A demo will be released on the PlayStation Store alongside the full game.