Nice thread, Takao.
It's 1.6GB in Europe and 1.1GB in North America. The difference is due to the number of supported languages.
Thanks! Neat, small advantage for my US account as I am very low on space.
Nice thread, Takao.
It's 1.6GB in Europe and 1.1GB in North America. The difference is due to the number of supported languages.
SCEE's doing Vita bundles for everything. LBP, PlayStation All-Stars, Need for Speed, FIFA, LEGO Lord of the Rings, Assassin's Creed, and CoD are all getting Vita bundles in Europe. North America? Just CoD and AC.
As for the Asian bundle, here's the bundle exclusive stuff it comes with:
Probably already asked in other threads, but... if I buy it from the Store, will I get any preorder DLC?
Tomorrow, according to Sony.
Probably already asked in other threads, but... if I buy it from the Store, will I get any preorder DLC?
ala Gravity Rush
I'll give my tips for acing that part of the level.I've been doing that, but still, rough.
I'll give my tips for acing that part of the level.
The initial missile volley is probably a little bit of luck. Go off to the side and either run sideways if the missile is coming straight down or use the jump pad if it's coming in from the far side. When you have two missiles coming in, you need to either be extremely lucky or be near a jump pad and time a jump so that you're going up when the first missile is going fast and you want to be falling down when the second missile is going fast. Basically I got lucky with that timing and can't give you better tips than that.
After you get the gloves, park near one of the jump pads and immediately throw away the missiles that come from the far side (preferably in the direction it came from). Only toss the missiles that come in from your near side and use the jump pad to jump before tossing.
When you are heading over to the other side, jump/toss away all missiles that come at you. Don't keep any of them until you are on the other side and have disposed of at least one far side missile. Also, you can take your time getting to the other side.
This will get you through the first and second cycles.
On the last cycle, your platform will be teetering and the boss will change its pattern. It will shoot two missiles from a side before it switches. Immediately toss away all the missiles until you become comfortable with the missile rhythm.
Your strategy should be to immediately toss away the second far side missile and the first near side missile. The other two missiles are safe to use, assuming that you aren't unlucky with how the missile targets you (most of the ones that miss should be going over head, but a few might strike near the platform and the explosion could get you).
I am horrible at platformers. Is LBP accesible or will it be a frustration fest for me?
I am horrible at platformers. Is LBP accesible or will it be a frustration fest for me?
Highly accessible.
Check points during the main story are very genrous and almost always infinite.
I don't think you can until the servers go up.How do i import my costumes?
I'm surprised it's being release a whole week early. Can't wait to pick it up after work today.
Been playing a lot. Jackpot city is freaking awesome. Favorite area so far and the music finally picked up too.
Some of the touch stuff is hit or miss for me but man if this isn't a sharp version of LBP. A lot of fun.
I don't think you can until the servers go up.
I'm also wondering about the Bioshock costumes that were supposedly included on the online pass. I don't see them in my inventory.
alright Sony you win. I'll buy your little game when it gets to 20.
Cant wait for the inevitable Kat costume!!
Why must you toy with my emotions?
We're gonna need to round up people for Trophy boosting.
Game is awesome so far, really loving the touch functionality. The mini games are alright.
Okay a Miku costume then!!Why must you toy with my emotions?
Nope, the digital release is still slotted for the 25th.
We're gonna need to round up people for Trophy boosting.
Game is awesome so far, really loving the touch functionality. The mini games are alright.
Okay a Miku costume then!!
I'd be up for this!
I hardly have any trophies on my Vita yet b/c besides beating Uncharted I've been playing Persona 3: FES non stop :3
Disliked LBP1 (Hype did me in) and LBP2, while a step up in all areas from its predecessor, still bored me to tears (Fantastic music though), so I really hope the 3rd times the charm with LBPv.
Lol. I know!Way too much time spent in the PSASBR thread. lol
Disliked LBP1 (Hype did me in) and LBP2, while a step up in all areas from its predecessor, still bored me to tears (Fantastic music though), so I really hope the 3rd times the charm with LBPv.
It seems that gamestop is the only store who is honoring the early release (lack of street date.) and other stores still say it's coming out on the 25th.