So I finally couldn't wait any longer for the NA PSN version and bought it today at our local EB Games. My last LBP was the PSP game, so I never played LBP 2, and this is just blowing my mind. I really love how morbid it all seems to be. Creepy circus, pupeteers and hollow sack boys? Sign me up

I also love the way it incorporates the online functionality seamlessly throughout the game. Now, if the Vita just was a little quicker to sort out all its "Connecting. Please wait ..." shenanigans, it would be even better. And I still have not yet managed to actually get into a multiplayer game due to all the connection issues. But those are just nitpicks.
Anyway, the EB Games clerk was cool enough to give me some kind of pre-order DLC code, even though I didn't pre-order the game. Since I don't really care for this kind of stuff, the first person to send me a PM can have it. The only condition is that you add me as a friend on your Vita so we can play together and I can have a look at the pre-order costumes.

[Edit: We have a winner.]