Phife Dawg
Shameless self quote for new page (50 posts, deal with it).Is there any way to disable the joypad on this one or at least turn off the rumble?
Shameless self quote for new page (50 posts, deal with it).Is there any way to disable the joypad on this one or at least turn off the rumble?
You're not going to enjoy playing a co-op game alone. It's like playing a multiplayer shooter with only bots.Hmmm not very impressed with this game after the first hour. Feels so generic and uninspired, and the dialogue is pretty crap. Not really getting a LOTR vibe at all, and I don't see any gameplay mechanics that differentiate it from an other action RPG. Co-op would improve the experience but at this point I'm not going to get into to that.
Feels like one of those solid games you romp through if you have nothing better to play.
started playing this on coop with my gf and one of my buddies. played for about 2 hours before i had to head to work.
game is way fun and well balanced. glad to add another fun coop rpg to play with the lady and my friend who games with us 90% of the time.![]()
8.) The patch is delivered to Sony, Microsoft, and Steam for testing
Steam - #8. I'm awaiting a deployment date, but due to the Holidays, I'm not sure when I'll get one. I'm hoping that since they're in the office tomorrow, they'll have some info for me then.![]()
The patch is finally out on Steam.
I don't want to lead you on.
This is not an option that is implemented in the patch, nor is it intended to be implemented in future patches.
Just saw this posted by SnowblindTina on the offical forums, what the fuck is wrong with these people
(in regards to disabling in game voice chat)
2 days late but wow!
Fuck up after fuck up with the PC release.
1) No voice chat (despite the consoles having it)
2) No local co-op (despite the consoles having it)
3) Stuttering like crazy, FPS going down to single digits on 5800 series and over ATI cards. Snowblind gave up and passed the buck to ATI when clearly its their problem.
4) Gamebreaking Bugs and glitches
5) Game release delay of up to 2 weeks for UK/Aussie users
6) Price gouging Aussies/New Zelanders of $73.99
I know the last 2 are Warner Bros fault, but yeah last time i support Snowblind on the first 4 points. I was one of the few in the news thread that was hyping this shit up.
Yea this game is a colossal failure in every regard. Last Snowblind game I'll ever buy.
Cool. Thx. I won't be playing it online, so I won't have to worry about those details. I assume local co-op is all it is good for (not so good as a single player game). PS3 version good, or should I go for the 360 version?For console co-op, yeah, this is a really fun loot'n'scoot masher with a little extra flavor and quests thrown in. Vertical splitscreen local works great, online co-op I haven't noticed lag or anything, but you'll be looking up a fucking FAQ or the official forums for directions on who to invite first and who has to host the game and whatnot, because it's not very clear in either the manual or the game. Not many performance issues, patch seemed to fix most of what was screwy. Each character sees different secrets, so there's an excuse to dig around each area even though the game is essentially linear.
I'd definitely recommend pretending the PC port didn't exist, and it loses it's charm solo, not least of all because the partner AI is troublesome.
i feel so hard to kill the first boss, the big orc, i was playing with my gfriend in local coop and dammm was really hard to kill that guy...
Cool. Thx. I won't be playing it online, so I won't have to worry about those details. I assume local co-op is all it is good for (not so good as a single player game). PS3 version good, or should I go for the 360 version?
What you mention was supposed to be one of the things fixed in the first (only) patch afaik, but I'm not surprised some people are still having issues. Even better, WB gutted Snowblind at the same time they tossed this title to the wolves last November. We're lucky we got a patch at all, and I wouldn't expect any more updates.