serious question: What happens when you turn your PS4 to output 720p, any chance the tearing might be gone than?
serious question: What happens when you turn your PS4 to output 720p, any chance the tearing might be gone than?
First patch released 1.1:
If someone else doesn't get to it first I'll try tonight and post results.
Am I misreading people's posts here or is it actually fairly subjective as to whether the PS4 patch actually fixes the tearing?
I'm not trying to be dramatic, but I have so much else to play right now that I'm not gonna bother spending time on something that will give me a headache. I can stand unstable or sub 30 framerates, but not tearing.
My impressions about 2 hours in:
- anyone saying that it's "faster" than souls is out of their fucking mind! The combat is slow and deliberate...not a bad thing, just takes a while to get used to it.
- playing on ps4, graphics are good but besides some impressive lighting effects I wouldn't say I'm blown away by its next-Gen-Ness so far. No bugs frame drops...tearing is there and annoying but not gamebreaking.
- it is NOT an "easy" game. Run of the mill enemies are very easy but even the first boss fight is no cake walk. You cannot simply walk into a mini-boss or boss fight and button mash like some people have said...which leads me to my favorite aspect so far...
- boss fights are a ton of fun, leading to a major sense of accomplishment when you win. Maybe there is a way to cheese these guys - and maybe magic will change the game drastically as I explore it further - but right from the start, the first boss takes about 5 minutes to take down. Long, interesting boss battles are welcome.
- overall, after an hour or two I'd say I like it. It should probably feel more like souls than it does but combat just feels...different. not in a bad way, just makes it its own game. Too early to give a review, but I'd recommend it from what I've played.
Am I misreading people's posts here or is it actually fairly subjective as to whether the PS4 patch actually fixes the tearing?
30 bucks is a decent price for the game. I honestly would have liked to have seen it be 49.99 and think it would have made a deeper impact.
Lets do this !
You have to see the game in motion on a big TV. It's breathtaking.
And I've seen no tearing. PS4 here
Any reason to get Xbox version over PS4?
I was going PS4, but thinking maybe I'd get the Xbox version just to dust it off at least
It's 900p on XB1 and 1080p on PS4 so I don't really know of any reason why you'd prefer that version given that you already seem to be invested in the PS4.
This explosion dealt 2,5k damage :lol
How do you learn quake? Im at the right faith lvl but its still greyed out?
I was unsure but I ended up ordering it. It should arrive on Friday![]()
Didn't like Dark Souls, too frustrating. Should i stay away from this game?
I believe you have to have points in the previous spells first.
3 hours in and it's super super easy. I wouldn't worry about the difficulty.
Didn't like Dark Souls, too frustrating. Should i stay away from this game?
You won't be disappointed.
I honestly feel like a lot of people want to hate this game. If you think I'm lying read the GameSpot review. They don't give out 8s easily.
It's Souls Lite for those talking about Dark Souls being too hard. If you play as Warrior you can tank a lot of hits (I'm going shieldless right now using weapon from first boss two handed and spamming jump attack. I feel like a total bad asespecially after getting Symmetry Armor and upgraded endurance to get medium roll.
Symmetry Armor with Cleric Head ftw
Didn't like Dark Souls, too frustrating. Should i stay away from this game?
You must be pretty good then. I've heard a few say its easy but not super super easy.
I am in the cellars of the monasteryand I can't figure out how to open the first locked door. I got everything else in this area figured out but I can't find a switch or key for this one. Anyone know how to open it?(the spider area)
This is far more forgiving than Dark Souls HOWEVER It's not mash X to win.
Yeah, it's really not. Dark Souls 2 is super super easy.
Yeah, it's really not. Dark Souls 2 is super super easy.
That said, I highly doubt we will see anything in this game as tough as the Pursuer, Smelter 2.0, Ancient Dragon, Fume Knight or Twin Tigers.
I sprint at them and then bash my shield (LB), that will stagger them enough for 1-2 hits, but after the patch it seems buggy to meWhat the heck do you have to do against these enemies?
What the heck do you have to do against these enemies? Shield break doesn't even work, rolling is junk in his game due to the fact that enemies with shields recover from their attacks before your roll is even over. I can steam roll demon's and dark 1&2 but this enemy here is frustrating.
Video should be done processing soon.