are you sure youre going the correct way?
And. . .after a crash I now have corrupted data. Screw you guys. I'm going home.
Just past the second boss-
how do I deal with these big shield guys? I use my distract spell, and he kills it in one hit. I can never get behind him, and hitting his front does 2 damage because of the shield.
I'm holding X and pressing L1 with a shield equipped. No shield bash. What am I doing wrong?
Are these three marks on the walls for the Monk's Decipher quest can be found before the Commander boss? I've found two and have been looking for the third one for a while now but can't find it anywhere.
I haven't been keeping up with the thread but are a lot of people hating it?![]()
Yeah, I should have checked Quote's post before commenting. Completely missed the first one.yes and they, i also missed 2 of them >_>are all close together
Yeah, I should have checked Quote's post before commenting. Completely missed the first one.
Does the game have good variety in gear/enemies? I am sort of early and I kind of need something to look forward to, before I become disenchanted with the game any further.
Why do some weapons found seem to have ridiculously low damage? I'm currently using a ~30 damage weapon, and I'm pulling weapons out of locked chests with like 7 damage. Are damage numbers on weapons randomly rolled or something?
gear yes, enemies no. if you are already not liking it, you wont like it in my opinion (then again I usually dont believe in the idea that games get much better later on, if im not liking or liking a game, that feeling usually sticks for the rest of the game >_>)
because, like dark souls, you need a certain number of a certain stat for them to have their real attackI only noticed this late myself lol
press Y (at least on the alternate control scheme) in the menu over a weapon to see their description, and it will show you how much STR or AGI or whatever they need to be effective
the sword you get from the first boss for example, had like 10dmg when i got it, and now it has 50 dmg because I have enough STR to use it properly. its actually still my highest dmg weapon, but I dont like how slow it is so im using a small axe
Ok. I know for sure that youre going the wrong way. Head back a bit from the checkpoint and go into the tower. If you face these smaller dudes with shields youre on the right path. The reason they are killing you is because they are meant for later or more experienced players. They have a shitton of poiseFirst time through so I'm not sure to be honest. These guys are getting stuck and just standing there. If I melee them from behind now they instantly do a move that takes half my my health. They just stand there while I gauntlet shoot them to death though. Maybe the game is just super buggy on XB1.
So my brother's 8 hour save on PS4 is now permanently fucked after his game got stuck in a death loop, he dies immediately after loading. Here's a capture of what happens. Other people with the same issue here.
I've noticed a ton of bugs in my playthrough too, sounds issues, freezes, graphical glitches, bugs with doors and chests not opening.... as much as i like the overall game i'm never buying anything from these devs again, it's unacceptable to release a game in this state.
so what is gaf's general consensus for this game? im very on the fence about it.
there is no consensus, well except when it gets to the technical part, then its a mess. a fixable mess on PC, but still a mess
quality wise opinions are all over the place
Hell even me, who am liking it quite a lot so far, cant recomend it for full price. I still maintain this should have been a 39.99 release or even lower, like Styx was. I bet if it was PC only it would have been in fact
well I can get it for about 25... Thats why I ask. you answered that aspect too. lol
All this talk about weird hitdetection seems really strange to me. The enemies simply attack alot faster and more often in this game. When you have finshed dodging theyre already swinging again so you get hit. You have a shield and 12 potions and a gauntlet for a reason. And spells too. You are simply meant to use all your tools you have. Spread out your attribute points and upgrade your spells.
Ok. I know for sure that youre going the wrong way. Head back a bit from the checkpoint and go into the tower. If you face these smaller dudes with shields youre on the right path. The reason they are killing you is because they are meant for later or more experienced players. They have a shitton of poise
Did you know that you can switch weapons at anytime? Definetely get a staff and use that when enemies use a shield instead of daggers. Or simply abuse your spells. There are tons of ways on how too succeed with daggers, but shen you dont, switch weapon or play it safe.Well sometimes when you get cool abilities and weapons/gear and the enemies get more challenging the game becomes much more interesting. If these things don't develop, then the game gets repetitive and loses my attention. So far daggers seem impractical for enemies that cant be back stabbed and bosses, but maybe later on I get some bad ass daggers that make them rewarding for a stealthy assassin build.
If not, i'll see how long it takes before i put it on the shelf, sadly.
Yep. Im before the 4th boss and i can carry 11 potions. Though i have explored allt. 7 hours in and only 3 is most deffinately worth 25 then
people want it to be dark souls. its not dark souls. some accept that, some dont. Thats my overly simplistic way of looking at it
also you get up to 12 potions? good lord. or do you mean different potions?
My issue is landing a hit and it not being detected, or health bars just disappearing randomly and not knowing when things will die. I also rarely roll and have never dual wielded, but sometimes I'll two-hand my current axe for extra damage, when it hits.All this talk about weird hitdetection seems really strange to me. The enemies simply attack alot faster and more often in this game. When you have finshed dodging theyre already swinging again so you get hit. You have a shield and 12 potions and a gauntlet for a reason. And spells too. You are simply meant to use all your tools you have. Spread out your attribute points and upgrade your spells.
Yep. Im before the 4th boss and i can carry 11 potions. Though i have explored allt. 7 hours in and only 3 bosses.
wait wait... are you talking about health potions? Im like 5 hours in, I beat 3 bosses () and I still only have the 3 potions, and ive been exploring like a mofotutorial, the guy outside the church and the graveyard guy
Nice to see Lords of the Fallen constantly getting more views than Sunset Overdrive on twitch.
so what is gaf's general consensus for this game? im very on the fence about it.
Well Lords is on PC, PS4 & ONE is exclusive to a console that's not winning. Did you expect it to be the other way around?
I've killed 5 bosses and I've got 10. Would have 12 if I didn't give two to random NPCs.
The hitboxes are a real problem in this game. Going with a nimble character with low poise/defense unfortunately aint that fun, even though that's how I wanted to roll initially
Quick example of such bullshit: