Can any of you PM me where you can get it this cheap?
As long as its not some dodgy Russian key site I will be willing to bite at this price despite the well documented issues on the PC.
PM'd you
Can any of you PM me where you can get it this cheap?
As long as its not some dodgy Russian key site I will be willing to bite at this price despite the well documented issues on the PC.
Hi everyone! I was wondering if this game would be a good fit for someone who dug the idea behind the Souls series, but sucked at them enough to not enjoy the actual games themselves .
These spiders are the fucking worst.
I would say jump in!
Thanks for the quick reply. This sounds like the kind of experience I'm looking for: challenging enough to be fun but not too frustrating.
There are also these portals that can be opened after you defeat a boss nearby. I didn't have time to read a tool tip during a loading screen but it seemed to me these portals to the hell regions give you items as well can be used to grind mobs to help build that modifier too. Looks to be by design.
Huh. I never had anything like that happen to me during that fight. Out of the two times I fought him, I think I was only ever hit once with one of those. Bad luck? Hey, I do have a point in Luck, maybe that's it! =P
Yeah, I feel like I wasn't having any trouble damaging him, and even withthe adds, I didn't have any trouble taking them out and keeping my health up.
I feel like once I get down tothe last phase where he stops shielding, meteor drops fuck me over. I had three separate attempts last night that went smooth as butter up to the last phase, and then I had a meteor spawn to where I was moving, and then chain hit me while I was down. Frustrating,
What level where you guys for Boss 3...?,I am level 26 now and the fight is taking forever,the little guys that charge you on top of the Boss are annoying as fuck...pretty much done with this I think.
What level where you guys for Boss 3...?,I am level 26 now and the fight is taking forever,the little guys that charge you on top of the Boss are annoying as fuck...pretty much done with this I think.
- bait him into doing the double swing attack. After the 2nd swing almost finishes, start your DASH + R2 attack to hit him hard and fast. Move away.
- He throws his grenades, keep moving away
- The ground scythe attack is very noticeable. Once you see his animation start, just start running around him, counting the scythes that appear behind you, just before the third one comes out of the ground, DASH + R2 his ass into a R1.
- Little adds. Notice his animation where he calls the two little bone cocoons. You can always get to one fast enough and just roll into it, a weapon wind up is too long. Then run towards the other one and do the same thing, If you cannot make it in time, switch to one hand weapon, target cocoon (Analog1 press) and shoot the Gauntlet Projectile. Easy.
- Also watch his ground pound stun. Just always keep out of distance and do an attack quickly afterwards.
The only "problem" I have so far is that you can make things REALLY easy, like I am completely wrecking shit with my weapon, but idk if I would actually call it a problem because it is still very possible for me to get my own shit wrecked. There is still the challenge of paying attention to your enemies and surroundings, as well as other things such as timing your attacks well. I haven't grinded or felt the need to at all yet, and I haven't gotten tired of running around and exploring either (I just killed the 4th boss). I've just been going along at my own pace, and I'm having a great time.Thanks for the quick reply. This sounds like the kind of experience I'm looking for: challenging enough to be fun but not too frustrating.
What level where you guys for Boss 3...?,I am level 26 now and the fight is taking forever,the little guys that charge you on top of the Boss are annoying as fuck...pretty much done with this I think.
What level where you guys for Boss 3...?,I am level 26 now and the fight is taking forever,the little guys that charge you on top of the Boss are annoying as fuck...pretty much done with this I think.
Found out how to reset my spell and attribute points. Can we do this as much as we like or it's one time ?
Beats me but how did you do that?
Any tips on the graveyard boss. He's wiping me out.I have been using the altars at the start and nailing him when he prays but should I be saving these for when I've got his health down more. He has this range attack with a massive explosion. Should I be leggings away as Far as possible when he's charging that up.
I'm playing as a rogue.
Use the shard of heroes on your class statue (Dagger: Rogue, Sword: Warrior, Mace: Cleric) (in the big area where you fight the Commander).
Found out how to reset my spell and attribute points. Can we do this as much as we like or it's one time ?
Use the shard of heroes on your class statue (Dagger: Rogue, Sword: Warrior, Mace: Cleric) (in the big area where you fight the Commander).
I haven't seen many negative opinions as strong as your "5/10" review, so i don't know what you're talking about here.
Which boss is the commander again? First one?
There is no way the game is a 5. It is most definitely a solid 7 and could have been an 8 without the technical issues (including the janky writing). That guy just SERIOUSLY wants to be justified for the trollish way he went about trying to communicate why Dark Souls was quite obviously better than this game and why others were just ignorant idiots for not agreeing.
Also after having a 7 hour game get corrupted, I remembered about PS+ save uploads and just restarted from there. In my anger I went around on a kill spree (I had spent an hour grinding enemies) and discovered a ton of shit I missed the first time.
I also respecced into Faith and. . .oh boy.
Gauntlet damage? Was curious how that would go. I really wish there were more to magic.
I would also like some balancing on armor. There should be more incentives for not wearing heavy armor. Maybe give mana regen for wearing medium for example.
Gauntlet damage? Was curious how that would go. I really wish there were more to magic.
I would also like some balancing on armor. There should be more incentives for not wearing heavy armor. Maybe give mana regen for wearing medium for example.
I approve of this post.
The fact that it takes most people a second playthrough to start grasping it, doesn't disprove its narrative, though.
The core combat is OK. What others have said is correct: it's a heavier, meatier Dark Souls. It lacks the refine features of DS, like the parry system and some other moves, and the hitboxes feel a bit naff compared to the generally super tight ones in the Souls games, but the weapons are fun to use, yes. And the sound design is pretty good, to bad they vary in volume all the time and are a bit intrusive.
My most used weapon was the great axe My Axe. I had a smaller axe on the side for enemies who had a smaller window to get hit in (My Axe's animations have a long wind-up time). In the last 15% of the game, I switched My Axe for a really strong Greatsword I found, of which I have forgotten the name.
I also used the gauntlet's projectile attack to aggro some enemies in the distance, quickly take out little spiders or damage ghost enemies.
You have summarized the Souls games' plots, not their narratives. Also, you're just speculating on Lords of the Fallen, while I've actively played it and finished it.
You're behaving like an idiot, simple as. Stop posting before you make yourself look like a bigger idiot.
Just got it last night for PC and played for about one hour. So far I really like it and I'm looking forward to play more of it.
Ok, this is BS. After 2nd boss:
My ring started beeping by a broken tower wall, and I saw there was a little path down there. I dropped down, and found a sword. No where to go except one way : into the 3rd (I think?) boss graveyard. I'm basically locked into fighting this guy... takes me about an hour and half to finally take him down. Now, I'm stuck between entering a the portal into the "lord land" or going through these tombs where I basically get one-hit dead by anything. What the hell am I supposed to do? Just keep running? I'm extremely underleveled here... I think I'm around level 12...
Also, fellow red magic users (I forget the actual name, the "warrior" spells), Ram is amazing. That is all![]()
You do huh?
The kid I mean man is "29 years old" he call's everyone an idiot if they don't approve of his opinion. I'm suprised he's not banned yet.
Here's a sample of his nice behaviour
Sorry for going off topic guys, but I spilled my coffee after working for 16 hours reading his hilarious bullshit about having a different opinion. The irony is almost bitersweet
Why are u still talking about this? I saw your garbage many pages back. I think your the one who cant take a different opinion. if you are so much older and wiser, why are u acting like the middle school kid who has to get the last word in.
PS4 or X1 version for this?
I'm confused. I don't remember there being a save crystal between the point you drop down and the boss - so when you died to the boss, didn't you just respawn back into the normal area? I don't understand why you were stuck fighting him. Because I dropped down in the same spot and then died... and I did a lot more exploring of the main area before going back to him.
There are two ways to that boss. He found the 2nd way![]()