Can anyone tell me how far I am from the end?
I am now at the boss where I can either fight it, or go around by following the woman
The grave yard boss kicked my shit in too, till I figured out a easy kill method for the adds.Well I turned off Turbulence and it didn't help at all lol, the game still crashes and I didn't even get an FPS boost like at all.
The game doesn't crash too often, but often enough for me to lose my shit lol, I'm on the grave yard boss right now with my Rogue and I'm totally getting my shit kicked in.
It's hilarious how shit I'm at this game considering that I beat Dark Souls 2 on SL1......
Can't even defeat the first boss, the control are so unresponsive, and the evade roll is sooo slow. Fuck this game.
Can't even defeat the first boss, the control are so unresponsive, and the evade roll is sooo slow. Fuck this game.
You must be really bad.
Just defeated him, i need to have more patience, that's it.
Also projectile softens them up as well.Also, what's the method for dealing with shielded enemies? They just turtle up forever and never really open themselves up. I either sprint at them with the shield to knock them down and follow up with a running strong attack immediately, or just wail on them with a 2h weapon until their guard breaks, but I feel like I'm missing something. Kicking them does fuck all. What are you supposed to do against them if you're a dual-wielder?
but the additional tension of knowing the game can crash at any moment and forcing me to re-save WAY more than I normally would (thus avoiding the sweet combat modifier)
The game tells you otherwise, but you don't lose your modifier when using the checkpoint save, only when banking exp.
still loving it
Does the modifier completely reset after banking just 1 point? So if I bank 1 point, should I just go ahead and bank all points?
The game is riddled with problems on pc. Glitchy menus, crashes, poor performance and such. If you can, I'd probably buy it on console. I have a pretty good system but i have to lower the settings quite alot. It still looks good but it's kinda dissapointing.
The game, without these problems, is really really good. But I'm gonna hold off playing it until a big patch comes out.
Enemy Sliding & Hit Detection
Sometimes the enemy sliding is just incredible (more obvious with bosses). Also, sometimes I roll and even if I avoid, many enemies seem to turn on a time. When the roll is about avoidance and just moving out of enemy attack range, it seems weird for them to just spin mid-move and then slide back up to you.
The grave yard boss kicked my shit in too, till I figured out a easy kill method for the adds.
Projectile gauntlet is your friend.
Does anyone know if the trophy/achievement for collecting 9 Tyrant hearts works even if I use 4 hearts to upgrade my potions ?
Those hearts upgrade your potions? Im near the last boss and didn't know this. How do you upgrade them?
Where is Yetka when you need to follow her or go in directly? She walked into the west antechamber but I can't find her.
Side questif you cut the arm of the monk and do all he ask the end result of the quest line is stronger health potion. I haven't upgraded them yet myself I'm wondering if I should just get to 9 Hearts and then do the quest. You need 4 for the quest.
Thanks, can u explain easily where theis? I need to meet him there next, fucking going in circles here."laboratory"
His laboratory is inone of the tower on the wall after the first boss. There's a spider in there. You clear it, go back and tells him it's cleared and the game make it sounds he will wait for you there. I cleared the lab but I did not go back to see him yet so I'm not sure if the last step is correct.
Yep uses less stamina if you can time all your attacks efficiently. I think rouge weapons do some kind of power move if you get three correctly or something? I use heavy weapons so I could be talking out of my ass here.wait, wait, wait.... does this game have a timing combo thing like in PSO¿? I noticed sometimes my stamina bar flash depending on the timing of my attacks.
Yep uses less stamina if you can time all your attacks efficiently. I think rouge weapons do some kind of power move if you get three correctly or something? I use heavy weapons so I could be talking out of my ass here.
Yep uses less stamina if you can time all your attacks efficiently. I think rouge weapons do some kind of power move if you get three correctly or something? I use heavy weapons so I could be talking out of my ass here.
How's the performance of this on PS4? As bad as I have seen in the Xbox One videos? If so I'll probably skip it because it looked like the devs just skipped optimization.
Oh wow, so I guess I found a missing NPC I think some of you guys might be wondering where he is if he disappears on you like he did to me. The one by the infiltrator boss that asks you for human skulls, he moves over to the entrance of the place. If you just head upstairs from the boss area until you reach the top you will hear him yell and you will find him on the right. Since I found every human skull I finished his quest and the reward isa pretty baller trinket that leeches both magic and health.
Got the exploding dog crash.
I have been looking everywhere for the Crippled Rhogar, and he's nowhere to be found. The first time I found him he was up a small flight of stairs next to the two giant, disc like doors that end up opening, kind of around where the extra dimensional portal thing (purple rocks that form a gate after you kill a boss) and the wall with the rune writing. Every time I would approach he would moan about something that was 5x louder than the rest of the game's volume.
Anyway, I got thebut apparently it was only supposed to cost me 15x skulls, and the asshole took 25 instead and now he's totally gone. I've looked everywhere that could literally be "above" theshield from himarena and he's still MIA. I think the game fucked up on me too. First reward costs 15 skulls and the second 15. He took 25, I have 5 left and there are no more skulls anywhere.Infiltrator
I still haven't found the key that opens the locked door in the memorial/outer wall. It's on this passageway that leads to the graveyard. An enemy is always standing in front of it. I'm starting to think it's DLC.
It's possible you may have went to the wrong area, I'll try to be more descriptive when I get back from picking up my nephew from school. He hangs out in a corner area and there's a boiling pot in the center, if he took all your skulls you might just need to talk to him again there to trigger the reward. Without spoiling anything, you really need to be there to trigger it.
Hmm, I'm on NG+ and I've looked all over. I'll guess I'll have to wait for a guide.
It's an end game area according to a dev video.
Where is Yetka when you need to follow her or go in directly? She walked into the west antechamber but I can't find her.
Basically you have to work your way through there and up and out the top of that one room so that you don't have to enter the arena with the boss.