I only have 3 potions at the Graveyard boss. Where did I miss them?
Wow, watching this DSP guy... game looks great and fun and he goes "one of the worst fucking games I've ever played in my life".
I'll probably have to check this game out. Looks like it'll suit my tastes better than dark souls simply because of better movement.
Don't click if you haven't gotten to Annihilator.
How do I lower that thing down? I posted earlier but I really have no idea what to do. I checked every possible area and it all lead to dead ends. One led to a lever that pulled something down, the other has a locked door from the other side, and the last place is that platform that's out of reach.
Hmm, I guess I got really lucky with my PC setup lol.Got 17 hours of gameplay in today. Game is the glitchiest game I've ever played (and I've played every Bethesda game out there) but it's so amazingly fun.
I mean, it's REALLY fun!'
I want to start NG+ so bad but I want to find out the purpose of the weapon hilt and 2 locked doors in the Chamber of Lies before I start it. I'm almost convinced the 2 doors are NG+ only, and no idea on the weapon hilt. I might just start a NG with the cleric and warrior for the trophies, but I wonder if doing NG+ with another skill tree would unlock those trophies even though it wouldn't really make much sense.
questions about secrets and hidden shit!
-in the very first room of the game there is a alcove above that leads to a locked door, how do you open that?
-also in the tutorial area, when you break the wall and go to the spider area, there are 2 locked doors. 1 was open with a pressure plate, what about the second?
theres more shit but thats all I remember from my recent session![]()
2 more locked doors, any idea?
-on the planitarium, right before reaching the old man and the the king guy
- on the way to thegraveyard, there is a locked door that leads to a path down bellow, you can see monsters down there. there is one of those jumpy guys in front of the door, and a checkpoint nearby
questions about secrets and hidden shit!
-in the very first room of the game there is a alcove above that leads to a locked door, how do you open that?
-also in the tutorial area, when you break the wall and go to the spider area, there are 2 locked doors. 1 was open with a pressure plate, what about the second?
theres more shit but thats all I remember from my recent session![]()
2 more locked doors, any idea?
-on the planitarium, right before reaching the old man and the the king guy
- on the way to the graveyard,there is a locked door that leads to a path down bellow, you can see monsters down there. there is one of those jumpy guys in front of the door, and a checkpoint nearby
1.I think the Northern Monastery Key opens that. It's found after the first boss behind a statue in the center of the spiral staircase. You have to jump to it.
2.You get the key for that door near the end of the game. It's called the "Cellar Key".
1.Facing inside the room, go left to find a path ends with a pressure plate. You need to use prayer there and sprint to the door to make it.
2.You get the key for this at the same time as the Cellar Key.
There's another lever you need to pull on the other side of the Chamber of Lies. You need to leave and find the other entrance where the Infiltrator was to access that side of it.
I love you zang! any idea where the other 2 pieces of Eternal Legend set are? I just complted Faith, but cant find the last 2 for Eternal Legend ()this is the second time in demon world
Hm that's the entrance that I took, the infiltrator side. Where's the other entrance?
I did it when I only had 2. He's not that hardOne more time: what potions did I miss? I'm a Warrior at the Graveyard, and I have 3. Making the fight pretty hard.
Can you customize your character in this game?
Are the Catacombs everyone is referring to that area past the door in the Graveyard where you fight the boss?
Sorry, I really don't remember specific pieces of equipment too well, so I can't really help with that one. :/
So what's the consensus on the PS4 version? worth buying for a huge souls fan to play over the weekend?
So what's the consensus on the PS4 version? worth buying for a huge souls fan to play over the weekend?
Lords of the Fallen: Prepare to Crash edition
Even at 720p - 720p! - I'm getting memory leaks with my 770 2GB.
This makes the game harder than any Souls. I'd rather fight Darklurker melee again
2.You get the key for that door near the end of the game. It's called the "Cellar Key".
hah, I was about to write "cool the exploding guys dont crash me" and one of the little ones finally did lol. My first crash since day 1 too
You must have just done it late, because I ended up with that key on my second game before even exiting the Monastery. It doesn't even unlock anything special, just a save crystal and some other low level random object in the room.
It sounds like Rhaknar is talking about the area where you get the, which BTW has a secret effect if you use it during the 2nd boss fight. You can still use it at any time after if you missed it during the battle, but you won't get its secondary use.Shard of Heroes
If you go touch any of therespec statues, depending on which one you used the shard on, the boss will destroy it at some point during the fight. After the fight ends, you end up with a ridiculously powerful weapon for your level.
Started a new game, and I decided to try out a pure Faith build. Was my original start, but it was sucking, so I just started over and finished the game as a STR build. Anyway, got my hands on Crashfinger. Hurray, reproducable crash 50% of the time when using R2. Too bad faith based weapons are so damn rare, and they are mostly garbage. The best early game weapon you can't even really use to its full potential either.
Also, a question about leveling up: I'm level 23, and I'm barely using Magic. All these reviewers talking about magic being so OP, but it takes a lot to unlock it! First, I have to get my FTH up to 15 to use my best spell, and unlock all these other spells first. But I had to use a bunch of levels to get medium roll with heavy armor and strength enough to use Persistence. Right now, I'd like to level up my HP more and my energy, but I want to start using magic more. Thoughts?
Sanct what was that great sword that acted like a medium sword again?
Justice, which you get in the Chamber of Lies. The sword you get after that's slightly better with almost the same moveset is called Tribute.
oh thats what im using lol. thats a sword tho, not greatsword
I have one called Last Will, thats a greatsword, but needs 28 str
I don't remember calling it a greatsword. I mentioned it being like the middle-ground between a Longsword and the Claymore from Dark Souls with the moveset and speed. It does a hell of a lot more damage than just a typical "sword" too.
You must have just done it late, because I ended up with that key on my second game before even exiting the Monastery. It doesn't even unlock anything special, just a save crystal and some other low level random object in the room.
No, it's a different key with a similar name, and the item inside is a hammer called Law.
So what's the consensus on the PS4 version? worth buying for a huge souls fan to play over the weekend?
stupid, went in with only 4 potions and died, right before the last hit too lol. oh well. and now i talked to thetwinsand im locked into giving an awnser of what to do with thatsmith guyfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuspecial rune
does he craft a special weapon or something with it?
In Lords of the Fallen, the aberration is sometimes absurd to the point that it feels as if we were meant to don a pair of anaglyph 3D glasses.
If anyone cares here's the DF piece on Lords of the Fallen that I've put together...
If anyone cares here's the DF piece on Lords of the Fallen that I've put together...
No, just ignore that text. It's just another unfinished/vague dialogue text. It's basically another "put runes into my shit" option, and it doesn't force you to do anything no matter which you pick until you actually force it into a slot just like every other rune.
Completely. Very first thing I thought of when I saw that ugly shit, and I shut off post-processing after five minutes.
No, just ignore that text. It's just another unfinished/vague dialogue text. It's basically another "put runes into my shit" option, and it doesn't force you to do anything no matter which you pick until you actually force it into a slot just like every other rune.
Originally, yes, but with the most recent patch I haven't had any issues. No weird memory leaks or anything like that either.You didn't run into crashes on the PC version? I ended up getting it on PS4, because people were talking about crashes on PC, but it seems that was a mistake.
I'm fighting this guy on the part calledright after pulling the two switches for theEternal FlameHe keep regenerating all his health right when I get him down to a couple hit points. I try attacking him while he's doing this, but nothing works. What am I missing?Bridge Between Dimensions.