The Wraith
Anyone have this on the X1? Is it 1080p? How's the frame rate?
Anyone have this on the X1? Is it 1080p? How's the frame rate?
Are you running SLI or something?Game looks as good as most games do in bullshots. Especially in 4K:
Get about 50fps average at highest settings in 4K. Wish I could turn the chromatic aberration off though.
Game looks as good as most games do in bullshots. Especially in 4K:
Get about 50fps average at highest settings in 4K. Wish I could turn the chromatic aberration off though.
and Lords of the Fallen crashed on the first boss again. Welp, guess its time to wait for a patch I guess :/
Are you running SLI or something?
I can only get like 30-40FPS (Sometimes goes higher indoors) on my 970 at Very High 1440p.
how do you use potions btw?
The second boss is totally wrecking me. I was able to get him down to half health, but I'm usually out of potions by then. And I'm only doing a miniscule amount of damage.
Game looks as good as most games do in bullshots. Especially in 4K:
Get about 50fps average at highest settings in 4K. Wish I could turn the chromatic aberration off though.
So is the post processing all or nothing kind of deal? I would love love love to be able to turn off chromatic aberration, but leave the rest on.
Any ini files to mess with?
// Fledge Settings file
// flag indicating whether spoken will be displayed
subtitles_enabled = false
// flag indicating whether in game text is enabled
display_ingame_text = true
// flag indicating whether in game combat text is enabled
display_ingame_text_combat = true
// flag indicating whether in game quest text is enabled
display_ingame_text_quest = true
// flag indicating whether enemy health bars must be shown
display_enemy_health_bars = true
// whether save games will be using time stamps
savegame_timestamp_enabled = false
// general detail level for the game
general_detail_level = VeryHigh
// vertical look inverted flag
vertical_look_inverted = false
// control scheme (currently supported values: Default, Option1)
control_scheme = Option1
// will the game feature 'finishing sequences'?
finishing_sequences_enabled = true
// will the camera try to avoid collision by adjusting its own rotation?
camera_rotation_adjust_enabled = false
// will hud elements be auto-scaled for resolutions other than 1080p?
auto_scale_hud_enabled = true
// the rotational speed of the camera
controller_sensitivity = 2.000
// whether the quest text should be always displayed
display_quest_text = true
// whether the current enemy should be locked automatically
auto_lock_on_enemies = false
// master volume
master_volume = 0.999
// music volume
music_volume = 1
// effect volume
effect_volume = 1
// speech volume
speech_volume = 1.000
// the size of the windowed render window (e.g. 1024x768)
screen_size_windowed = 1280x720
// the size of the fullscreen render window (e.g. 1024x768)
screen_size_fullscreen = 3840x2160
// the window mode (Fullscreen, Windowed, WindowedBorderless)
window_mode = Fullscreen
// game mode name
game_mode = Default
// vsync flag (true/false)
vsync = true
// postprocessing quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
quality_postprocessing = VeryHigh
// texture quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
quality_textures = VeryHigh
// shadow quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
quality_shadows = VeryHigh
// geometry quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
quality_geometry = VeryHigh
// volumetric lighting quality
quality_volumetric_lighting (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh) = VeryHigh
// anisotropic filtering quality
quality_anisotropic_filtering (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh) = VeryHigh
// flag controlling rumble enabled (true/false)
rumble_enabled = true
// the gamma correction value
gamma_correction_value = 0.920
// defines the screen space LOD factor
screen_space_lod_factor = 1.000
// defines the distance LOD factor
distance_lod_factor = 1.000
// defines if APEX should utilize GPU support (e.g. for APEX Turbulence) if available (true/false)
apex_gpu_support_enabled = true
// defines the size of the physx timestep to use (a variable timestep will be used if the value is <= 0)
physx_fixed_timestep_size = 0.016
// enables lighting of dynamic objects via light probes
enable_lightprobe_lighting = true
// enables enlighten threads
enable_enlighten = true
// defines the interval at which the radiosity update scheduler gets updated
enlighten_radiosity_update_interval = 0.000
// enables the occlusion culling thread
enable_occlusion_culling = true
the bust edition?Has Amazon US shipped out any CEs yet? Kind of surprised that I don't even have an estimated delivery date. I preordered it quite some time ago...
If you're using a 360 or Xbox One gamepad I think you have to hold X.
Sometimes the game crashes when launching from Steam too, it seemed to run fine ingame but damn I would like to know why it's crashing left & right like that.
Cleric starter spell seems really overpowered. Long taunt clone spell that has high health and duration, and even worked on the first boss.
Hell yes. Altered the gamepad controls to be pretty much exactly like Dark Souls. Everything is good now.
Yikes... that's bad.Absolutely not. I'm only a short way into the PS4 version, and the tearing (plus potentially other things) are giving me a headache.
That's a relief. If the patch fixes the tearing, it should be fine. I don't mind the Souls-like framerate, I'm used to it.I played the PS4 version unpatched while the patch was downloading. The tearing was very noticeable. After installing the patch, the tearing seems to be pretty much gone. The only problem left is the framerate; It's pretty solid when you are in smaller indoors environments, but it often drops when you enter large open spaces or when a lot of particle effects / lighting effects are in play. Another thing that reminds me of the Souls games on console![]()
Welp, my card isn't even on that list. Oh well, PS4 it is. But I think I'll wait for a bit until they iron out all the glitches. Tearing is bad enough, but constant crashing? Does this happen on PS4 too?
Can you do that on PS4? I hope so. Or if not I hope they binded the controls to be similar.Hell yes. Altered the gamepad controls to be pretty much exactly like Dark Souls. Everything is good now.
Then yeah, his PC will probably run it better. My laptop's graphic card is slightly better than a 650 and has 2GB of vram so I don't think I can run it good.
Which documentation are you referring to exactly? Most of the visual features on PC seem present on console from what's out there.Quite the looker. I wonder if the DF comparison will forget to look at the Fledge engine documentation and declare the game to be similar on all platform minus IQ.
if anyone figures out if its a setting that is causing the crashes (for now) ill give you a cookie :/
thank you, did I miss a tutorial or they never say how to use them?
I had to grind few levels, fix my gear (from heavy to medium) and learn some weapon combos to get the adds down fast. Then I just danced around the boss and hit him with a combo when he does those leanings. I didn't use shield stance and had an epic Great Battleaxe.
Don't all three spell schools have the same clone, with the main differences being you either get health, mana or energy regen?
// postprocessing quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
CE release date is next week, 11/4
Seriously, I'm curious to know what you're read that leads you to believe there is a big difference. I've just flipped through a bunch of documents on the engine along with various interviews and slide-shows they've put together. I'm not seeing any PC specific features here.Quite the looker. I wonder if the DF comparison will forget to look at the Fledge engine documentation and declare the game to be similar on all platform minus IQ.
I had the same issue initially but, after restarting Steam, a 45mb patch appeared and downloaded. Afterwards the performance jumped from ~55 fps to a mostly solid 60.I havent had any patch on steam, unless it stealth downloaded to the preload. I unpacked the preload when it unlocked and havent had a patch since
Looks like there was a patch waiting and, after downloading, performance is now very stable. Much better.
It's just crashing now while it wasn't before. :\
Which documentation are you referring to exactly? Most of the visual features on PC seem present on console from what's out there.
The developers themselves even noted that all of the APEX physics, GPU particles, and such have been implemented in all three versions. There is no indication anywhere that the console versions are missing PC exclusive features. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that the PC version offers additional visual features.
I had the same issue initially but, after restarting Steam, a 45mb patch appeared and downloaded. Afterwards the performance jumped from ~55 fps to a mostly solid 60.
Wow, this game runs like total ass on my PC. It's a few years old, but most games can run pretty well.
Even when I drop all effects to low and lower the resolution so that the game looks like shit, it's still garbage in terms of framerate. Not happy- wish I'd bought on PS4
Wow, this game runs like total ass on my PC. It's a few years old, but most games can run pretty well.
Even when I drop all effects to low and lower the resolution so that the game looks like shit, it's still garbage in terms of framerate. Not happy- wish I'd bought on PS4