Yeah, I just went with the Hori FC4. Thanks for the heads up about the FPP, GAF.
Thats what I've been using
My FPP is out for delivery today, hope it doesnt suck as bad as ppl say
Yeah, I just went with the Hori FC4. Thanks for the heads up about the FPP, GAF.
Yeah, I just went with the Hori FC4. Thanks for the heads up about the FPP, GAF.
$80 for this Alpha Stick is lunacy. I've used PS2 and DC sticks with superior build quality for less than this. It's like everything I wanted from SFV has turned into a sham! Can't really recommend it sadly.
Finally got my TE2+. I gotta say I expected more...I don't really like the feeling of the buttons. I guess I prefer more "clicky" ones, if that makes sense.
Don't get me wrong, it's a good stick but for that price I guess I expected more. I'm still getting used to it and learning how to use it in SFV has been fun so far.
Hope I get better quickly!
Hi guys, I'm a fighting noob who is interested in getting a stick and making a serious effort towards learning how to play fighting games.
Could you guys recommend which of the following two would be a better option?
Hi guys, I'm a fighting noob who is interested in getting a stick and making a serious effort towards learning how to play fighting games.
Could you guys recommend which of the following two would be a better option?
I would get a Hori from amazon, those prices are ridiculous.
There is a newer revision of the first stick (TE+) that adds a touchpad and some other small improvements like better art cover. However that one is more expensive.
The second stick has the same internal components and touchpad as the revised TE+. It comes in a smaller/lighter form factor that many people prefer.
Personally, I'd go with the second stick. I feel like the TE and TE+ are a little bit too big even for a big guy like me. The second stick is also newest revision and has all the features for next gen platforms. Touchpad can be used in cool ways and in some fighting games can allow you to control which side you are on in training mode, among other things. There are other options than those two, but I don't know what's available to you in Australia.
I would get a Hori from amazon, those prices are ridiculous.
The TE2+ still creaks, just like all the old models. It's pretty shitty for such an expensive product.
Is the Street Fighter x Tekken PS3 Mad Catz fightpad compatible with this game on PS4?
Anyone knows?
Is the Street Fighter x Tekken PS3 Mad Catz fightpad compatible with this game on PS4?
Anyone knows?
...then why say it was good?
I think he's in Australia...thus the insane prices.
i saw that snake eyez was using the sfxt pad at WNF so he likely didn't want to change to the new pad either. the pc version allows him to use his old 360 pad so he doesn't have to change or use a converter which is a plus.
...then why say it was good?
Who is that?
Mine works
They are. My first gen SFIV Fightpad worked...kinda. After some time of playing it will disconnect. I don't know if this is an issue with the pad (haven't used it in a long, long time) or a bug in the implementation of legacy controllers.
Anyway, you should have no trouble getting the pad recognized by the PS4.
...then why say it was good?
I'd go the fight commander to be honest if you don't buy a stick.
Shoryuken forums have nothing but praise for fight commander.
Been using the Qanba Q4 RAF 3-in-1. Disappointed it doesn't work out of the box, but a quick fix with x360ce does the job. It's strange that some xinput controllers don't work natively.
Finally got my TE2+. I gotta say I expected more...I don't really like the feeling of the buttons. I guess I prefer more "clicky" ones, if that makes sense.
Don't get me wrong, it's a good stick but for that price I guess I expected more. I'm still getting used to it and learning how to use it in SFV has been fun so far.
Hope I get better quickly!
Hi guys, I'm a fighting noob who is interested in getting a stick and making a serious effort towards learning how to play fighting games.
Could you guys recommend which of the following two would be a better option?
I was surprised how big the TE2+ was compared to the HRAP4. Definitely enjoy the Sanwa buttons more than the Kuros.
- Buttons felt slightly too soft although I might have been just wrongly remembering how they were in my previous stick that I owned back in the SSF4 days.
- The top plate seems a little less durable than the old SSF4 stick I had. The plastic kinda squeaks and gives away if you press the top along the sides of the plate. Maybe this is because the TE2+ is more hollow(?) and the fact that you can open the top with the press of a button makes it less sturdy?
So all in all, it feels like a premium product with the best parts you can get, Sanwa (right?).
No shit.
My TE2+ arrived from
I'll wait a bit to give a proper review. But off the bat some things feel super high quality and other things do not. I'm not sure about some of the design choices.
Can anyone confirm that there is only 90 day limited warranty on the TE2+?
I read the little booklet that comes with it and it says limited 90 day warranty. For a $350 product noone else has mentioned this, wanna make sure I got this right. I believe other TE2s have 2 years. If my info is correct that is concerning.
One more pic of my setup, had a cheeky session of SFV on my lunch break
What's the difference between the TES2 and TES+?