Finally get to post on the Gaf after years of lurking.
I really don't get the hate for this game.

I agree with the repetitiveness but 6 districts taken over, and I literally am taking 1-5 mins max to clear an area of interest. So winning a racket takes less than 20 minutes.
The AI sucks a fair bit, but that let's you act out massive Rambo fetishes. This was a problem I'd faced with games like Uncharted 4 and Deus EX Mankind Divided. Such a brilliant map, so many ways to get in, but it's all choked behind enemies who restrict your movement. I ended up camping in cover and taking potshots.
The slightly easier nature of Mafia 3 allows me to literally explore the map while i'm capping people. I move a lot more, flank them, hide, snipe, and basically push the combat to all possibilities on my first playthrough itself (i never replay games, except Bloodborne

And literally all I need is a pistol+sniper/shotgun depending on interior/exterior. No RPG style waiting till end of the game to get super powerful.
The atmosphere, the driving (oh god so good), the gun sounds and combat feel (my TV audio sucks and it sounds brilliant, can only imagine what you Dolby guys are experiencing), brilliant missions once you've cleared a district, and general all-round bad-assery from the get go is what make this game so addictive.
I'm taking my time, 3-4 hours a day

and work is suffering, its that much fun.