Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like the fact that the new Force of Will art is.....also Terese Nielson

Like this it looks alright
but on the cards it's a mess, can't really make anything out.
I thought this was a super old reprint until I saw it had Delirium. That's some strange art for Modern Magic.
So I'm guessing eternal masters going to get opened like crazy then people are going to sell when they realize all the good decks require many expensive duals and other reserve list pieces. SCG already lowered buylist on wastelands to $20.
The other problem with consipiracy was that it really bulked up the Legacy/Vintage banned list by adding 13 cards that needed to be banned.
I also think it's super telling they haven't confirmed this set for MTGO yet.
Finally the draft format where I can hit people with Hymn to Tourach and look them in the eye.
I can't see Hymn in this set as anything other than a Rare. It's designed to be drafted!
Doesn't this mean you should pick up your dual lands now?
Someone on CFB did an article on reserved list free legacy and how it'd mostly compromise the mana bases.
Doesn't this mean you should pick up your dual lands now?
I thought this was a super old reprint until I saw it had Delirium. That's some strange art for Modern Magic.
It would make me laugh if the reason there's no announcement for MTGO is because they're getting the real EMA on MTGO that has dual lands and Gaea's Cradle in it.
A 1 mana creature with three abilities and an evasion ability? What?
but the MTGO date is right there? June 17
I still have it open on my screen -
Force of Will being reprinted at all is bigger news than any of these. Mythic seems about right.These are the cards named by the original leaker:
Show and Tell
Zendikar Fetchlands
Swords to Plowshares
Lotus Petal
Rishadan Port
Reanimator is pretty strong, it wasn't too long ago that it was always at the top tables and it got a slight buff from Jace, Vryn's Prodigy.but how viable is reanimator anyways?
Just don't activate Griselbrand until you connect with it or someone tries to Swords it I guess, in which case you gain 7 life anyways.
Draft Through Eternity
Take a step outside time with Eternal Masters. This exciting set lets you draw on some of the most sought-after cards from throughout the history of Magic—some with new artwork—to enhance your Cube or your favorite Commander, Vintage, and Legacy decks.
Eternal Masters is designed to be a unique and enjoyable Draft experience, much like Modern Masters. It will not contain cards from the Reserved List, but it will feature many exciting Eternal staples, including:
I read the announcement more carefully, so, if they CLAIM it's meant to enhance our cubes it must have cube staples like Armageddon, Opposition etc. Come on Wizards!
These are the cards named by the original leaker:
Show and Tell
Zendikar Fetchlands
Swords to Plowshares
Lotus Petal
Rishadan Port
Would love a Bribery reprint... is that reserved list?
Would love a Bribery reprint... is that reserved list?
Would love a Bribery reprint... is that reserved list?
Is that what it is?'s a stylized hourglass+ infinity symbol. It's alright
Unless that card's name is Spellskite.I mean, MM1 and 2 tanked the value of all non-mythics. Anything printed at Rare will, at least in the short term, get wrecked.
If you own wastelands, I'd sell right now
Would love a Bribery reprint... is that reserved list?
Yeah, I'm gonna keep my FoWs still.
I don't have that much knowledge of legacy but I only ever saw reanimator in legacy cube. There were some decks that could go reanimator post board though.
I always felt like Charblecher was the fastest, win or lose. It's either Turn 1 win, or Turn 1 loss with that deck. Unless you meant good decks.