"God's Beard!"
I can finally live the dream and play Painful Truths in my 2-color deck 
I am in need of a really nice deck box that can hold my deck and seideboard, and i believe dice? Ive also seen people use dicebags.
Ive heard of a professor guy on youtube. Do you guys have any suggestions? I want something nice that will help me stay organized and not fumble around with.
Yes, send it to me plzIs Seedborn Muse still legal. I have one of those guys in my commander deck I never play lol
You could try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laGUY3vtJmQ
Partial mulligans?
And what is the difference between French and non-French Commander?
$120 Canadian!? That's way off man.That might be what i want. I only play limited, but 100 would spots would be good for sealed as well.
Never buy magic product, i wonder where in canada i should shop online. Maybe ill look at amazon.
Looks like they want 120 canadian for it. Maybe i better take a look at whats cheaper before i spend that much,
I also see that holds oversized cards which i have no use for. Unless i put a notepad in there or something.
I play 36 lands + some mana rocks and don't have frequent mana problems.Looking forward to people with <40-land decks complaining about getting mana screwed all the time without the coddling of partial mulligans!
Hint: 40 lands in Commander is equivalent to 24 lands in other formats. Yeah, mana rocks exist, but even then you still need to make all your land drops if you're playing 6+ mana cards.
I play 36 lands + some mana rocks and don't have frequent mana problems.
$120 Canadian!? That's way off man.
The Ultra Pro Satin Tower is really good for what you need.
Look here for Canadian stuff. The Dex Protection boxes are also really nice and they have one or two fitting your needs: facetofacegames.com
I have an Iroas token deck that I mess around with and these would be the really good cards from that:Speaking of Commander, can you guys take a look at my Alesha Token Reanimator deck? Is there any obvious cards I'm missing? Anything I should add or remove? I focused it on creatures that put tokens into play as they enter the battlefield and some value ones. The Putrid Imp is going to become an Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim when I get one and I'm trying to squeeze Blade Splicer and Knight-Captain of Eos in there.
I have an Iroas token deck that I mess around with and these would be the really good cards from that:
Iroas, God of Victory
Yuan Shao, the Indecisive (combined with Iroas makes your creatures unblockable)
Akroan Hoplite
Darien, King of Kjeldor
Goblin Rabblemaster
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Jazal Goldmane
Marton Stromgald
Balefire Liege
Hero of Bladehold
Assemble the Legion
Rise of the Hobgoblins
Burn at the Stake
Hour of Reckoning
I forgot Brimaz, King of Oreskos.Hero of Bladehold and Goblin Rabblemaster are almost definitely going in, thanks. Iroas could also fit in. Mmhh I'll have to try them.
I forgot Brimaz, King of Oreskos.
Honestly, the Eldrazi deck isn't even that great right now. It's a long ways away from being T1. It's got a lot of holes, not the least of which is that it depends heavily on a legendary land and it's super, super soft against Ghost Quarter. It's not just me. Watch some of the pros at CFB take it for a spin.
It's also weak against Burn because Burn doesn't care that you Ulamog'd something on T5. Affinity and Tron seem like an even matchup, but I'd give the edge to Tron at this stage 9 times out of 10. I think it'll eat Zoo for breakfast, thanks to Herder and All is Dust.
It's fun as fuck to play, but it's going to need some serious tweaking to bring it from T2.5 status.
I don't disagree. But it sounds a lot like when Bloom was new and they were using things like Lotus Cobra, eventually evolving into using things like Azuza to get the job done faster/more consistently. Will this be as broken? Unlikely. But broken doesn't seem to be the issue these days, merely good and popular does. Point is people will keep working on and eventually find lists closer to optimal for the Eldrazi decks. While marching toward a Tier 2 or -- god forbid -- a Tier 1 list, the threat of a ban will be looming greater with every step.
Other than t2 thought knot, I haven't seen the reward for playing such a fragile deck. It's a Big Zoo deck with all the drawbacks of combo. It's a Tron deck that plays wurmcoil engines with no karn or ugin or o-stones.Honestly, the Eldrazi deck isn't even that great right now. It's a long ways away from being T1. It's got a lot of holes, not the least of which is that it depends heavily on a legendary land and it's super, super soft against Ghost Quarter. It's not just me. Watch some of the pros at CFB take it for a spin.
It's also weak against Burn because Burn doesn't care that you Ulamog'd something on T5. Affinity and Tron seem like an even matchup, but I'd give the edge to Tron at this stage 9 times out of 10. I think it'll eat Zoo for breakfast, thanks to Herder and All is Dust.
It's fun as fuck to play, but it's going to need some serious tweaking to bring it from T2.5 status.
You and I are on the same page with the bannings. I'm mostly just talking about how - despite me loving the interactions of the deck - I don't know if it'll ever even be on the level of say, Merfolk. Time will tell.
But yeah, we absolute have to deal with the reality that WotC can and will ban popular decks whenever they want and for little to no reason. Something for everybody looking at the format to keep in mind.
A lot, the mana gets weaker and being a turn slower makes the exarch/mite mana denial plan significantly less appealing.How much worse does Twin get if you take a stock list and swap out the Splinter Twins for Kiki-Jiki?
It's a pretty shitty realization. I was buying in heavy over the last month, month-and-a-half because for the first time in a long time, I felt confidence in the format. But the Twin ban has shaken my feeling that they know what they're doing with Modern as a whole. I'm still going to build a deck or two (Eldrazi I have the pieces for, possibly I'll complete Tron since it's mostly done), but now I might sell a bunch of my other shit off instead and just kind of play out with what I have. If they can't make up their mind on what they want this format to be, I can't make educated purchasing decisions. And when that happens, I'm basically just gambling.
Is Seedborn Muse still legal. I have one of those guys in my commander deck I never play lol
I have an Iroas token deck that I mess around with and these would be the really good cards from that:
Iroas, God of Victory
Yuan Shao, the Indecisive (combined with Iroas makes your creatures unblockable)
Akroan Hoplite
Darien, King of Kjeldor
Goblin Rabblemaster
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Jazal Goldmane
Marton Stromgald
Balefire Liege
Hero of Bladehold
Assemble the Legion
Rise of the Hobgoblins
Burn at the Stake
Hour of Reckoning
If Modern decks didn't cost so much to buy into, people would be less angry when a ban caused the value of their deck to plummet. Of course, to make decks not cost a fortune to buy into, Wizards would have to add a lot of supply of staples that would cause values to drop, which might make some people angry anyway. My thinking though is that people wouldn't be too upset if card values dropped gradually; I think it is just the sudden price drops that can get people upset. A yearly modern masters with large but not unlimited supply could probably achieve this outcome.
Basically: because Wizards wants to make money and you demanded Modern Pro Tours so here you go assholes.
Yes, but only like 10-15% less.I got a promo thought knot
Did someone here say promos are worth less than normal foils
The issue with this statement is that it ignores the context of the announcement. We were in the midst of one of the least popular Standard seasons in a while and we didn't know about the New Standard rotation (while WOTC of course did). A negative reaction to all Standard Pro-Tours makes sense. Why do so many articles on this subject leave that important part out? The MTG community can be a bunch of petulant whiny children from time to time but I don't think there concerns were without logic at the time.
Yes, but only like 10-15% less.
Why is that anyways?