I have no idea about the temple song not working, but for the frogs, they are part of a very long side quest latter in the game X(. In Snowhead, after helping out a Goron, he will give you the Frog Mask, which is used to conduct a song with frogs throughout the game....the issue is, that two of them reside in temples (and both of them evil/cursed).
The best bet is do the side quest after you beat Snowhead, then do the following:
-wear the mask and head to where the river is in Clocktown, wear the frog mask and talk to the frog
-head to the swamp and use Deku Link to hop across water (till you reach a spot where their is floting logs). Jump to the log with the frog, put on the frog mask, and talk to it.
-re-visit Woodfall temple and fight the frog mini boss. After beating it, you will free a frog; put on the frog mask and talk to it
-re-visit Snowhead temple, beat the frog mini boss. Then put on the frog mask and talk to the frog.
-Beat the snowhead boss then you will warp in front of the last frog. Don the frog mask and get you piece of heart

I'm not kidding, the frog side quest (at least in the N64 version) only has a piece of heart as a reward :l.
Either way, hope this helps
