I'm in the Snow head temple and I'm currently on 14/15 fairies. I can see a deku plant when using my lens of truth up on a high wall in the main chamber. How the hell do I get to that plant?
Does time feel faster even after slowing the flow of time?
I've used to beat dungeons in one day or less, but lately they've been a day and a half. Feels odd for some reason.
I usually use the bunny hood and jump from the next highest platform closest to it. I always make it.![]()
The Inverted Song of Time doesn't give you as much time on the 3DS version as it did on the N64. In the N64 version it tripled the amount of time you had, but it only doubles the amount of time you have now.
Yeah, I should clarify it's the "good" kind of "evil." I wouldn't change it. It's just the right level of challenge, and like you said, they properly equip you with everything you need. For example, with the Swamp Spider House, there are bugs to pocket in the lobby that you can use in the dirt patches later, and if you need magic beans and spring water, they're not far away at the Deku Palace.
Ahh yeah, the Skulltulas are pretty bad too.
But are there as many?I didn't find one in the mountains.
The Inverted Song of Time doesn't give you as much time on the 3DS version as it did on the N64. In the N64 version it tripled the amount of time you had, but it only doubles the amount of time you have now.
I don't have the bunny hood yet![]()
Will have to try use the other deku plant.
There's actually a sign in the lobby that explains that logic, I.E. using bugs to lure out Skulltulas, etc.There were bugs in the lobby? blast I was heading to the back room with the tree every time with my one single bottle, took me an age to realize my last skulltulla was in fact yet another bug requirement that I'd somehow overlooked many times.
Interestingly I find the Swamp House really relies on you knowing that specific N64 Zelda logic at times, I can see people not in the know getting stumped by a few spiders in there.
whatThe Inverted Song of Time doesn't give you as much time on the 3DS version as it did on the N64. In the N64 version it tripled the amount of time you had, but it only doubles the amount of time you have now.
I never knew people went for all the stray fairies immediately on the first run through a dungeon. Why would you do that? I always saw it as a reason to come back to the dungeon at a later time so I could look for them without worrying about completing the dungeon afterwards. I mean, I get it if you're replaying the game, but even first time players?
Take your time guys, there's enough of it!
No. You need to clear snowhead in order toGet rid of the snow, in order to access biggoron and get the license for kegs.
edit: apparently getting the fire arrows is enough, but you still need to go to snowhead for that.
I never knew people went for all the stray fairies immediately on the first run through a dungeon. Why would you do that? I always saw it as a reason to come back to the dungeon at a later time so I could look for them without worrying about completing the dungeon afterwards. I mean, I get it if you're replaying the game, but even first time players?
Take your time guys, there's enough of it!
I never knew people went for all the stray fairies immediately on the first run through a dungeon. Why would you do that? I always saw it as a reason to come back to the dungeon at a later time so I could look for them without worrying about completing the dungeon afterwards. I mean, I get it if you're replaying the game, but even first time players?
Take your time guys, there's enough of it!
Because "replaying a dungeon" isn't really anything I've been conditioned to do in past Zeldas. I never leave until I've gotten everything inside, be it chests, fairies, or what have you. I would take me some kind of weird effort NOT to look for things, really. What am I supposed to do, just say "eh" and go on to the next room?
It's what I did. I dunno, Majora's Mask is a game about redoing and replaying things, for me at least, so I'd make a mental note of where the fairy was (or just ignore it outright) and just continue on towards the boss. I guess it's because I tend to keep main and sidequests pretty seperate, and I feel like Majora's Mask let's you do that very easily by letting you keep your main quest progress but resetting the sidequest progress.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, for the first time players, you don't need to do everything in one go. The entire system is made for replaying and redoing things, take your time. If you want, of course. There's no right or wrong way to play this game, as you can tell by this entire thread.
This, this, this.It's not that hard to get all of the fairies and complete the dungeon in one run if you pay attention to the Great Fairy Mask. Just put it on every time you enter a room to see if there's a fairy in it. You won't really need to go out of your way for them very often.
I never knew people went for all the stray fairies immediately on the first run through a dungeon. Why would you do that? I always saw it as a reason to come back to the dungeon at a later time so I could look for them without worrying about completing the dungeon afterwards. I mean, I get it if you're replaying the game, but even first time players?
Take your time guys, there's enough of it!
Crazy! I mean yeah, you replay a lot of things in this game, but I'd never think to replay a dungeon. There's a reason they let you skip straight to the boss once you beat it. What a huge pain that sounds like.
Definitely bad for my OCD, too. I can't tell you how awful it was to have to put rupees back in chests in Twilight Princess, I needed to be able to clear those places OUT. I got the magic armor and blew myself up with a bomb just so I could empty the chests.
I can't tell you how awful it was to have to put rupees back in chests in Twilight Princess, I needed to be able to clear those places OUT. I got the magic armor and blew myself up with a bomb just so I could empty the chests.
I got the magic armor and blew myself up with a bomb just so I could empty the chests.
I think that's the only time the door isn't locked (until it's too late), so that's the only time when I've had any success.Unrelated, but something that's been bugging me for a while now. For the Kafei meeting, can I just walk into his place? For years, I would wait until the mailman distracted him, and hop across the pool behind him. Have I been doing it like a sucker all this time?
This, this, this.
Unrelated, but something that's been bugging me for a while now. For the Kafei meeting, can I just walk into his place? For years, I would wait until the mailman distracted him, and hop across the pool behind him. Have I been doing it like a sucker all this time?
Not even with Zora? That is a funny glitch.
I got one where the stick appeared on top of a treasure chest. Since Link cannot climb chests, I could not reach it.
I then opened the chest and then the stick was floating on top of it. I thought it was funny.
Unrelated, but something that's been bugging me for a while now. For the Kafei meeting, can I just walk into his place? For years, I would wait until the mailman distracted him, and hop across the pool behind him. Have I been doing it like a sucker all this time?
Also I keep seeing faries in hidden places with the magnifying glass but they are just floating there and out of reach.
The door is locked until he receives the letter from the mailman. Before this event, even if you ring the bell in the laundry pool and coax him out, he'll run back inside when you approach him.
Pop the bubbles with an arrow, then use the Great Fairy mask to lure them over to you.
How do you shoot the arrow and use the magnifying glass at the same time?
You just do.Turn on the Lens of Truth and then pull out your bow.
As long as you remembered where the bubble was, you'd still be able to hit it anyway.Oh, you know I think Im trying to use the fire bow. That would explain it.
For those that have both the old 3DS XL and the New 3DS XL, how much difference does using nub make for Majora's Mask? Is it a better experience is basically what I'm asking?
I'm receiving my copy this week (never played Majora's Mask before btw; only console Zelda I've never played), but I'm deciding if I should hold off on playing until I get my New 3DS XL within the next couple of weeks if it makes the experience better.
For those that have both the old 3DS XL and the New 3DS XL, how much difference does using nub make for Majora's Mask? Is it a better experience is basically what I'm asking?
I'm receiving my copy this week (never played Majora's Mask before btw; only console Zelda I've never played), but I'm deciding if I should hold off on playing until I get my New 3DS XL within the next couple of weeks if it makes the experience better.